Endoscopic forehead lift: characteristics and performance of the procedure

Classical surgical methods of lifting the forehead (frontlifting) using coronary access can provoke hair loss in the area of the incision and shift of the marginal boundary of hair growth, moreover, noticeable scars are likely to appear in the area of skin incision. Postoperative hematomas increase the rehabilitation period and can lead to the appearance of pigment spots on the skin and compaction areas. On the grounds that cosmetic plastic surgery is focused on improving the appearance and quality of life of almost healthy people, there is a need to introduce minimally injuring high-tech methods, such as endoscopic lifting.
Today, endoscopic forehead lift and eyebrow lifting are the most popular, necessary procedures. The desire to look better is inherent in all women, but by the age of forty, some people are not only outlined, but already clearly marked folds (deep wrinkles). Own reflection in the mirror ceases to be like, giving rise to the appearance of various complexes.
Plastic surgery has long become the norm, and operations - available to the general population. However, to a greater extent than cosmetic manifestations of aging, people are afraid of possible scars and a long period of rehabilitation. With the advent of the new technology - face lifting with the help of an endoscope, which allows tightening the skin and muscles through small incisions and minimizing the rehabilitation time - this problem is largely solved. If necessary, during the procedure, you can correct the shape of the eyes and eyebrows, as well as get rid of wrinkles.
Currently, many clinics carry out a tightening endoscope. A modern, very gentle way of rejuvenation makes it possible to achieve good results without radical surgical intervention.
In most cases, the procedure is in demand for women, however, men often do it. In addition, the procedure has few contraindications and serious side effects. This method of rejuvenation is timely for those who do not want to do a serious operation or who simply do not have solid evidence for it. The positive effect of the procedure is on average 7–10 years. Of course, it all depends on a healthy lifestyle and facial care.
An important point is the age at which you should lift the forehead. A potential client of a plastic surgeon is an adult from 40 to 60 years old. But this does not mean at all that at 70 or 80 it is too late to correct the imprint of time and you cannot use the services of a plastic surgeon. Today, there is also a growing number of young patients under the age of 30 who use the plastic of the forehead as an image, trying to lift the outer corners of the eyes or tails of eyebrows through endosurgery.
Therefore, in such a situation, such an operation has a largely image or character character.rather than solely aimed at removing age-related changes. Undoubtedly, many people want to instantly become young, but surgery is a difficult and rather unsafe event, and in order to minimize the risks, it is necessary to comply with individual prescriptions for the claimant to the operation.
General well-being is extremely important - the patient must be physically healthy and mentally stable. The smoker will have to forget about cigarettes at least for the pre- and postoperative period.
The key landmarks and indications for the frontlifting operation are almost limitless, but the main indication is ptosis (omission) of the eyebrows in the lateral (lateral) and median (medial) zone. The degree of omission is qualified by the distance from the horizontal line at the level of the pupils of the eye line to the lower end of the eyebrows. The operation is shown while reducing the distance to less than 2.5 cm.
Relative indications:
- unattractive eyebrow shape - a pronounced effect of rage, sadness or constant fatigue;
- overhang of the upper eyelids - a significant omission of the outer end of the upper eyelid, generated by lowering the eyebrows;
- large-scale ptosis of the skin of the upper third of the face with the further formation of excess skin in the upper lobe of the nasal area, as well as ptosis of the tip of the nose;
- great flabbiness in the temples, from the outer edges of the forehead and in the corners of the eyes.
Relative indications associated with unnatural activity of the frontal muscles:
- deep horizontal creases on the forehead;
- a large number of oblique and vertical eyebrows;
- presence of folds in the root of the nose.
Given that the purpose of the operation is to help as many people as possible, there is an extensive range of contraindications.
However, the main part of them accompanies absolutely all surgical operations:
- high blood pressure;
- severe cardiovascular diseases - in this state, any surgical intervention is dangerous;
- diabetes mellitus, unfortunately, excludes surgical intervention as such, since a metabolic disorder gives rise to a condition of the skin and vessels that makes aesthetic plastic surgery meaningless;
- thyroid disease - how the body reacts to external intervention is unknown;
- violation of blood coagulation;
- severe diseases of internal organs;
- infectious diseases;
- oncological diseases;
- extremely low elasticity of the skin - is established in special ways, and with a small level of elasticity the muscle stratification does not minimize the omission;
- significant damage to the skin near the eyebrows and forehead.
You should not perform the procedure for tightening the skin of the forehead, if it has lost its elasticity.
The presence of severe skin injuries in the forehead area is also a contraindication for such procedures. At the same time, any doctor in advance takes into account whether the patient is suitable for the operation from the position of the individual features of the structure of bone tissue and the anatomical features of the body, which may interfere with the operation.
Execution technology
Standard preparatory procedures include: ECG and laboratory tests, HIV testing, inflammatory liver diseases and syphilis, determination of the Rh factor and blood type.
Any reasons that have a negative impact on rehabilitation after surgery should be eliminated (intoxication, alcohol, tobacco). 2-3 weeks before the procedure, you must stop taking blood thinning medications. The same applies to hormonal drugs. Acceptance of other drugs is consistent with your doctor.
Antiviral and antibacterial therapy is prescribed to the patient on the day of surgery. 6 hours before the operation, it is necessary to stop drinking and eating.
The frontlifting procedure is performed under both local and general anesthesia with the use of high-tech endoscopic equipment.
When endolifting the frontal part, the cuts are performed on the scalp, retreating from the border of hair growth of 1-2 cm. The number and size of the cuts are determined individually - it depends on the goals.In most cases, surgeons make 2 horizontal incisions in the temporal part, running along the hairline, 2-3 cm long, and 3 vertical incisions 1-1.5 cm in size in the frontal region of the head (one in the center and 2 along the edges).
Special devices used during endoscopic operations are introduced through small incisions, which make it possible to exfoliate the muscles over the bridge of nose between the eyebrows and displacement of the lowered tissues, which allows smoothing the wrinkles of the nose bridge and forehead. In one of the incisions, a specialized video camera is introduced, which sends a picture to the monitor and allows saving the smallest blood vessels, branches of sensitive cranial nerves, arteries and veins during the operation.
Giving the eyebrows the desired shape and desired position, the skin incision sections are connected with specialized clips. Separated tissues in the temples are fastened with threads, and in the area of the periosteum (periosteum) - by means of screws. Immediately after the procedure, the operated patient may have difficulty closing the upper eyelids. This symptom appears as a result of stretching of the skin and, as a rule, passes after a few days. The small scars left after the operation will heal quickly.
The recovery period after endoscopic surgery of the forehead is relatively short, in fact, that is why this method is so in demand.
There are recommendations that must be followed to hedge against adverse effects.
- In the first 3 weeks of the postoperative period, you must stop physical activity or minimize it.
- You must follow a diet and a healthy diet. To do this, consult with a dietitian.
- Strongly contraindicated tobacco and alcohol. In the process of recovery from unhealthy addictions must be completely abandoned. They not only have a detrimental effect on the general condition of the body, but are also able to become a driving force in the development of complications and inhibited tissue repair.
- To prevent the occurrence of puffiness, it is necessary to limit yourself to the use of liquids. In addition to water, you can drink only tea and mineral water.
- It is necessary to introduce a limit on taking medications. The list of permitted drugs should be discussed with the doctor.
- It is necessary to sleep exclusively on a high pillow so that the head is in a raised position relative to the level of the body.
- If swelling and bruising occurs, cold lotions can be made. Sometimes even prescribed pain medication. As a rule, ordinary analgesics are sufficient.
- Shampooing is allowed only after removal of sutures. The first time after the lifting is not necessary to use a hairdryer.
- Strictly prohibited trips to the baths and pools. You can resume visiting such establishments no earlier than in a month.
- It is necessary to avoid excessive mimicry of the forehead, as well as not to rub the areas that have undergone surgery.
- It is necessary to wear a tight bandage in order to fix the new position of the tissues.
Of course, any surgical intervention can give negative consequences. However, endoscopic lifting is more benign, and because of this it is extremely popular. Leaving the reviews, patients note that due to such an operation, the face, by and large, looks refreshed and rejuvenated, acquires the correct shape, the skin of the forehead straightens, and wrinkles are made invisible.
In the video below you will hear the answers to many questions about the endoscopic forehead lift.