Face massage

Honey facial massage: features and techniques

Honey facial massage: features and techniques

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  1. Introduction
  2. General information
  3. Effect
  4. Choosing a bee product
  5. The note
  6. Action depending on age
  7. Contraindications
  8. What problems will the procedure cope with?
  9. Carrying out the procedure
  10. Course
  11. Reviews

To preserve and maintain the beauty of the skin of the fair sex use a variety of popular techniques. Massage techniques using natural raw materials are in great demand. A special effect has a honey massage. This procedure can be carried out at home, without spending on services of beauty salons.


Girls and women of different ages for centuries have used honey to care for themselves. The natural product contains many trace elements that have a positive effect on the beauty and condition of the skin. It contains calcium, magnesium, fructose and many vitamins.

Combining the facial massage technique with the miraculous properties of the product, you can achieve impressive results at home. The effect of the procedure will be noticeable as soon as possible. This procedure is not only useful, but also pleasant: a massage will help relieve fatigue and relax facial muscles.

This procedure is offered by almost all modern beauty salons, however, knowing the technique of execution, you can carry out the care yourself. Before proceeding with the procedure, it is imperative to familiarize yourself with the features, effect and contraindications.

General information

In order to properly make a face massage, you need to familiarize yourself with the basic massage movements. From this will depend on the effectiveness of the procedure and sensations in the process of care. One full session can replace several procedures due to the special properties of honey.

Experts say that in order to achieve maximum lifting effect with the help of massage, it is necessary to choose the right ingredient. In this case, it is necessary to use honey. This product boasts effective biologically active properties that can improve the skin condition several times.

The peculiarity of the natural product is that it has practically no shelf life, but the healing properties of honey have value. They can persist from year to year until the product is reliably sealed with beeswax in comb.


Massage using honey has many positive qualities. The procedure improves skin tone and has a positive effect on the body. Due to the rhythmic movements, the blood circulation process is restored, which is necessary for normal color and full-fledged skin work.

The process of tissue regeneration is also accelerated, with the result that you will have a fresh and updated look. Slags and toxins are carefully and safely removed from the body, and the lymph flow is noticeably improving. At the end of the massage, you can see particles of a pale gray color on the fingers. These are the remains of honey with the pollution extended from skin pores.

Honey massage is effective when cleaning and peeling. This component will relieve old and rough skin, leaving no redness and other irritation. With regular carrying out of this procedure, you can refuse from peeling and using scrubs at all.

Choosing a bee product

The first thing to remember is to use only natural and fresh product without any chemical impurities and additives for cosmetic procedures.Experts advise to opt for honey with medium or liquid consistency for more convenient use and maximum effect after the massage.

Hard particles of candied honey can harm delicate and soft skin. Ideal - honey from honeycombs. This product retains a maximum of beneficial trace elements due to hermetic storage. It is rarely found in the store - it is better to recover on the market.

As for the honey variety, it is recommended to use buckwheat (buckwheat) bee product. From the point of view of cosmetology, it is considered the most effective and valuable.

Also for the healing massage, you can use the product with the addition of essential oils and vitamins. These elements will have an additional positive effect on the skin. Avocado or grape seed oil is ideal for facial massage.

The note

One procedure will require quite a bit of product - 1-2 tablespoons is enough. In this regard, you do not need to buy a lot of honey - it is better to use a fresh product every time.

Before using it, it is necessary to warm it up a little in a water bath, after which the composition will get a pleasant temperature for the skin. Under thermal action, the product will only enhance the beneficial properties, but if you overheat the honey too much, the effect will be the opposite.

Action depending on age

For women of mature age (from 45 to 50 years), experts recommend conducting honey massage in alternation with a vacuum procedure. Together, these actions will have a tremendous effect. You can significantly improve not only the skin, but also the oval of the face, pulling up the muscles. Massage has become widespread due to the effective anti-aging effect.

This procedure is recommended for young girls who have pronounced mimic wrinkles. They can appear on a person’s face regardless of age category. Healing elements that make up the product, will help get rid of the early signs of wilting and aging skin. To achieve the highest effect, it is recommended to combine massage with facial gymnastics.

It is worth noting that this technique is a universal way to maintain the skin in excellent condition regardless of age and other factors, however, in order for the procedure to have the opposite effect, it is necessary to become familiar with contraindications.


Despite the many positive effects, this procedure has certain drawbacks that you should definitely read. Otherwise, the massage will only aggravate the skin condition.

The following factors act as contraindications:

  • allergic reaction to the product;
  • herpes or fever on the face;
  • disorders of the thyroid gland;
  • increased body temperature;
  • brittle vessels;
  • inflamed facial nerve;
  • rosacea and rosacea;
  • open wounds;
  • ulcers;
  • unhealed scars.

If you doubt the presence of certain contraindications, be sure to consult your doctor to avoid unpleasant consequences.

What problems will the procedure cope with?

  • Problem skin. Not only adolescents, but also people of older ages are confronted with this ailment. This type of skin needs constant and intensive care. Honey massage will help to normalize the sweat and sebaceous glands, disorders in which are one of the main causes of inflammation. Also, the procedure will clean the pores. This is an ideal way to tidy up oily skin prone to rashes.
  • Dryness. With the opposite problem of care when using honey can also cope. Trace elements effectively fight dryness, intensively nourishing.
  • Pigmentation. This procedure will help eliminate pigment spots. Regular use of massage is capable of lightening spots on the skin of the face for several tones. Also, the procedure, when properly performed, prevents the further development of pigmentation.
  • Tightening. Massage will help bring the person to tone, tightening the contour and getting rid of wrinkles. Due to the visible lifting effect, the result is the result of smoothing age and facial muscles. Regular implementation speeds up the process of skin regeneration, as well as normalizes the synthesis of elastin and collagen.
  • Cleaning up Owners of enlarged pores are faced with the problem of the formation of Wen and black dots. In this case, a homemade procedure with natural honey will also be effective. Clogged mouths of the follicles purify the active substances that make up the bee product.
  • Color and relief. By cleaning and getting rid of toxins and slags, you will notice improvements in the complexion. Also contributes to this blood circulation. Healthy complexion is the key to an attractive appearance at any age. Useful elements, nourished skin, saturate it and heal. Due to the massage, the relief of the face will be improved.
  • Edema. Dark marks on the lower eyelids and edema are a common problem for those who suffer from lack of sleep and overwork. Honey massage has a lymphatic drainage effect, due to which there is an outflow of fluids that are stuck in the skin cells. A few sessions will relieve this defect.

Carrying out the procedure

Before the procedure it is necessary to cleanse the skin using makeup remover and cotton pads.

The skin should also be steamed, leaning against it a hot compress. It will not only open the pores, but also increase blood flow to the surface of the skin.

Next, you need to prepare a lot. Use fresh honey. As mentioned above, it is possible to add a little essential oil to it in order to increase its anti-aging and healing properties. A few drops of oil will be enough. If you use the product in comb, print them with a hot knife.

The mixture is gently applied to the neck and face evenly and thickly. Next, you need to leave it for about 10 minutes in order for the special properties of the product to penetrate the pores and upper layers of the skin.

With careful and careful patting movements, you should walk along the skin from the bottom up, from neck to face. Massage must be easy and only with your fingertips. Lightly press on the skin, but do not linger in one place for more than a second so that your fingers do not stick. Repeat these actions about 6 times.

The area around the eyes is treated separately. The procedure is carried out with a brief touch, gently pressing on the skin. First you need to go through the lower eyelid, then the upper. Thin skin is massaged in circular motions in the periorbital region. All you need is 7 times.

Along the massage lines with soft patting movements it is necessary to walk through each of them at least 5 times. After a few minutes (7–10) after the start of the wellness procedure, the mixture used for the massage will turn a pale gray color due to dirt particles. Honey will take toxins from the skin, particles of pollution, slags and so on.

After completion of care, you should thoroughly wash your face with warm water and cover the skin with a nourishing cream. You can also go tonic lotion.


Experts say that the healing process takes about 15 procedures. The time interval between them is 2 days. At this time, it is strongly recommended to do special exercises for toning the muscles of the face. The best time to perform the above procedure is 2–3 hours before bedtime.


This massage technique is in great demand. This is evidenced by numerous reviews on the Internet. Responses are publicly available, and anyone can see them. After analyzing the situation today, it is safe to say: honey massage is appreciated.

They note the excellent result in a short time and favorable cost compared with similar procedures in beauty salons. There are almost no negative reviews, but still they are.So, some do not like sticky sensations in the process. Also as minuses can be noted contraindications.

How to make a honey facial massage, see the following video.

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Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


