Gift wrapping

How to collect a box with gifts for the New Year?

How to collect a box with gifts for the New Year?

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  1. What can be put by adults?
  2. How to assemble a children's box?
  3. Sweet Gift Ideas
  4. Christmas box decoration

The new year is a magical and wonderful time. Everywhere festive atmosphere and bustle reigns. And the main problem of the beloved winter season is the choice of gifts. If you do not know what to give to friends or relatives, then a box with gifts can be an excellent option. Such a kit is sure to please everyone. How to collect and arrange a New Year's gift box? What to give a child? Answers to these and some other questions can be found in our article.

What can be put by adults?

Prefab gift is a great gift that can be presented to every person, regardless of gender and age. A significant advantage of such a complex gift is that it can be as individualized and personalized as possible depending on the specific needs and tastes of the person to whom you want to present a surprise. Traditionally, there are several categories of gift boxes.

A woman

All representatives of the beautiful half of humanity fall into this category: mothers, sisters, aunts, nieces, friends, etc. For pretty girls, you can fill the wooden box for the New Year with small but pleasant and useful hygienic products: lotions and shower gels, shampoos , bombs or bath salts. A similar option - a set of cosmetics and care products.

This could include lip gloss and lipstick, hair oil, face masks, body creams and more. Also, girls will be delighted with the items of home life and relaxation, in particular, scented candles or chopsticks.

In this way, ladies will be able to create the atmosphere of the SPA-salon in their bathroom.

For men

Men will love the New Year's box, filled with practical and necessary things. In accordance with the time of year, a dad, brother, boyfriend or friend can be given a piece of clothing: a hat, gloves, a scarf, or even banal socks. Also in the box you can put perfume or shaving kit. It will be appropriate to donate a thermomug or a thermos - these things will be used quite often, so the donee will remember you all the time.

No less popular items that can be part of the gift set, these are accessories for gadgets.

The conversation, in particular, concerns charging and headphones for smartphones, tablets, laptops or personal computers, external batteries, external hard drives, smart watches.

Married couples

If on New Year's holidays you are planning to please your family couple or family of friends with a gift, then it is worthwhile for them to assemble a double holiday box that is useful and will be pleasant to both. For example, a plaid and several books can be an excellent option. Thus, newlyweds or already experienced spouses will be able to spend a cold winter evening together reading in the comfort and warmth of the rug.

Also for an adult couple suitable set of elite alcohol, a pack of quality tea or coffee. This gift can be supplemented with glasses or cups. Gift sets including home textiles or other household items will also be appropriate. For example, bed linen or towels.

To friends

If you are a member of a large friendly company, then it is not necessary for everyone to give a separate gift. You can put together such a box that will allow you to spend the next fun evening together. For example, a set that is meant for an evening of movies can be an excellent set. Put a few Christmas comedies in a box, a big pack of popcorn, or any other snacks of your choice.

Thus, you will focus not on material things and gifts, but on your friendly relations and the creation of a unique festive atmosphere.

In addition to movie nights, you can also organize an evening of board games. Or even merge everything together.

How to assemble a children's box?

Of course, a set of gifts can be given not only adults but also children. Such a surprise will especially please the kids, because it will include several presents at once. There is a huge variety of options for completing a children's box. Consider some of them.

Obviously, the composition of the children's boxing must necessarily include any toy. Since you collect several presents at once, and the toy is only a part of the general box, you should not buy too bulky and expensive items. A small doll or her favorite fairy tale or cartoon character will be an excellent option for the girl, and the boy can be given a typewriter or a cheerful little animal.

The main character of your box can also be a plush toy. The most popular options are bear cub or hare. In addition, now on the market you can find toys, which are the so-called "2 in 1" items. For example, a soft toy can simultaneously be a backpack or a small pillow. We advise you to look at such options.

If the child, to whom you are giving the New Year box, shows bright creative abilities and talents, then you can give him an album for drawing and paint, smaller children - coloring books.

A great addition that every kid will appreciate will be sets of stickers and stickers. If there are several children in the family, then you can give them a common gift in the form of a group game. This option could be a puzzle, a toy basketball ring with a ball or a set for children's bowling. Complete the gift and a small sweet gift. For example, put a kinder surprise in a box.

Sweet Gift Ideas

Christmas gift box does not have to be a basic or expensive gift. Such a set can be turned into a purely symbolic gift, if you put some interesting sweets inside. Actual sweet gifts for the New Year will be sets of honey and tea. Put in the box several types of honey (for example, lime, flower, buckwheat, etc.) and add jars with a packet of herbal tea. Thus, you will turn your box into a nice and useful gift.

Another popular option is dried fruit sets. New Year is a period of cold and harsh weather, so it is especially pleasant to please your loved ones with sweet treats that can be consumed along with hot tea. A sweet set of dried fruits can include dates, dried apricots, dried apples, raisins and prunes, as well as any other products of your choice. However, remember that they must match the tastes of the one to whom you are giving a gift.

More traditional winter sets of sweet gifts include cocoa, marshmallow and chocolate. Such set will surely warm in winter cold together with tea.

If you have culinary skills and know how to cook well, then you should give a dessert made with your own hands. These can be cupcakes, cookies, or even cake. Pay special attention to decorating such homemade sweets. On the surface with the help of a cream colored with food dyes, apply images of snowflakes, Santa Claus, Christmas trees and other attributes of winter and New Year. Ideal and classic version - gingerbread in the shape of little men.

Christmas box decoration

Today there are a large number of services, as well as online stores that will help you collect and purchase a box of gifts for the New Year. Usually, qualified professionals are engaged in collecting and bundling kits, so the result will please both you and the person to whom the gift is intended. It will be functionally useful, compact, and also aesthetically attractively decorated.

However, in order to give a gift of greater sincerity, you can create a package with your own hands. For this you will need a box: you can buy it in finished form or create it yourself. If you buy a ready-made box, it will be decorated with patterns and drawings in advance, and if you construct the packaging yourself, you will have to work hard. So, to create a New Year's box, you will need:

  • box-based - it can be a box of shoes, household appliances, etc. (preferably, it had a lid);
  • New Year's wrapping paper or foil;
  • scissors;
  • Ruler and pencil;
  • glue or adhesive tape;
  • decorative elements of choice (ribbons, beads and beads, Christmas tinsel, fir branches, cones, etc.).

First you need to measure and cut off the right amount of paper, which subsequently should be pasted over the box itself. And it is desirable to do it both from the inside and outside. If you used liquid glue or adhesive tape for pasting, then you definitely need to leave the finished structure for a while to give it a good dry.

After that, proceed to the immediate procedure of decorating the box. So, on the outer part of the cover you can stick a decorative bow or attach several fir branches and cones - this can be done with glue, tape or decorative strings.

Watch out for so that all the decorations are properly combined and not be beaten out of the overall color palette. The perfect New Year's combination: green, red, gold, silver, white. With the help of Christmas tinsel on the outer part of the cover you can also put images of a Christmas tree or snowflakes. You can also use decorative stickers or stickers.

Attention requires the inside of the box. Before putting a gift in it, put some tinsel, throw confetti or decorate the bottom of the box with foil. Place a gift on top. remember, that the decoration and gift wrapping play no less a role than the choice of the present itself.

This is especially true for children. After all, unpacking gifts for them is a special festive and fabulous process, so they should not be neglected in any way.

How to collect a box with gifts for the New Year, you will learn from the video below.

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