Gift wrapping

A basket of fruits as a gift: features and interesting ideas

A basket of fruits as a gift: features and interesting ideas

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  1. Features
  2. What fruit can I use?
  3. Ways to create a composition
  4. Tips

A gift does not have to be a memorable one - it is often more useful that the present that has been gathering dust on the shelf for years, but the one from which there will soon be no trace, except for the one that was imprinted in the memory. Take at least a basket of fruit - and it seems not too expensive, and is not a unique thing, and will not be remembered; and yet such a gesture is atypical and very beautiful, it expresses love and care, and most importantly, the desire to please the bestowed.

In the winter, it is also a huge bonus for the immunity of the lucky one who got something similar - thanks to natural vitamins, he can strengthen his health. It turns out that the feasibility of such a gift as a whole does not cause questions, and it remains only to decide how to properly arrange and hand it.


It so happened that the basket of fruit is not a very common gift in our country, although it looks particularly impressive in our climate. Considering this option from different angles, one can single out a lot of advantages of such a presentation for any situation.

  • This gift is suitable for almost anyone. Very few people will refuse fruit - they are both tasty and healthy at the same time. In addition, there are people who are especially anxious about their food, trying to eat only healthy food - that they will be literally smitten with such a hit to the point.
  • Properly decorated basket of fruit itself is perceived as an attribute of a certain holiday. In many ways, this is achieved at least due to the fact that ripe fruits are distinguished by bright warm colors, a well-chosen set looks like a toy or a decoration. Such a gift will surely cause admiration of all those present.
  • Regardless of whether you think that the best gift - the one that is made with your own hands, this option suits you. If you want to make a beautiful gesture, but are not sure of your abilities in terms of creating aesthetically attractive compositions, the entire basket along with the filling can be ordered by the masters - they will only ask what kinds of fruits should be included in the set, and all the decoration work will be taken over

Those who want to try to do something similar on their own should search the Internet for beautiful examples of ready-made compositions and try to recreate them. Finally, if you have everything in order with imagination and creative flair, you can completely rely on your feelings, creating a unique masterpiece.

  • The fruit basket is suitable both for a person with well-known tastes and preferences, as well as a universal gift. - let's say, for a boss, whose culinary tastes you know quite a bit.
  • The gift is not necessarily limited to the basket and fruit itself. - there you can add something more valuable, which is the main gift. It is in this form that elite alcohol is often presented - although fruit only slightly increases the cost of an aristocratic bottle, delivery is perceived in a completely different way. Other gift options that can also be put in a fruit basket are gift certificates and jewelry.
  • This is not to say that the fruit basket is a gift from which nothing will be left as a keepsake, because the basket itself donated definitely will not eat.If you do not choose the first woven structure, and look for a more refined and beautiful model, then in the future it can become a decoration of the interior or used to store certain things.
  • According to the established tradition, it is customary to present fruits in the form of a full basket., but in certain cases it is possible to depart from the established foundations. Sometimes such a gift can be presented in a box or box, if the main gift involves such packaging and is impressive in size - then the gifts of nature simply fill the voids.

What fruit can I use?

Unless you know something about intolerance to those who are presented with a certain type of fruit, then you can include in the bouquet absolutely any kinds of gifts of nature.

You can focus on the preferences of the hero of the occasion, if you know his tastes, but the meaning of any set or assorted is usually in the diversity.

At the same time note that fruits for the basket should be selected for their freshness and attractive appearance - the gift should excite the appetite. Remember that it is better to hand the whole fruit rather than sliced ​​- in the second case, the filling will lose its appeal much faster.

You can decide how to make a basket - the selection of fruits can be made both on the principle of the same color and vice versa, according to the variety of tones. Since a gift of this kind is still rarely given, it is possible not to reinvent the wheel and simply use the classic approach, collecting a set of all popular fruits available.

In our latitudes, local apples, pears and grapes (all three - ideally, different varieties, so that they differ in color even within the same species) are usually mixed with imported oranges, pomegranates, bananas and pineapples.

A real gourmet can be presented with a set of purely exotic fruits, essentially refusing to use in the composition of the composition even tropical, but already familiar tangerines and avocados. Of course, you still have to look for guava and passion fruit, but in large supermarkets of large cities they are already sold today.

If you were together with a gift you were on holiday abroad and you liked the local cuisine, you can emphasize on this, picking up the fruits of the country that left such pleasant memories.

By the way, no one says that a gift must consist of fruit - vegetables will also fit, especially if the addressee likes healthy food and is interested in culinary experiments, and is also creative enough to appreciate the riot of colors in the present.

Here, of course, with bright colors will be a little more difficult, because find a place for red, green and yellow pepper, blue eggplants, yellow corn cobs, white-green cauliflower and broccoli.

All these products still need to be cooked, so the kit often includes a set of various sauces, spices or any other delicacies.

The basket, by the way, does not have to be large - it can also be a small basket filled, say, with a mix of berries. A set of raspberries, strawberries, currants and blackberries looks very creative and can remind a person of hiking in the woods in childhood or youth. An alternative filling option for a compact basket is nuts and dried fruits - a combination of hazelnuts, peanuts, dried figs and dates may appeal to a person if he loves such delicacies.

Ways to create a composition

You can make a fruit basket with your own hands - you do not need to attend master classes or be an expert. All you need to start is a thoughtful idea of ​​a ready-made gift.

Ideally, the gift should be not only useful, but also beautiful, from an aesthetic point of view, especially if you find a way to beat the occasion for its presentation in the design.

Basket is bought only after the formation of ideas about how to arrange a finished gift. Proceed from the fruits you chose and their quantity - there should be no problem to put them all. Packaging should not appear half empty, but at the same time, do not chase too small basket, because of which the gift will be too modest and cheap.

In fact, delicious gifts can be originally packaged in an ordinary cardboard box. This option is good because it allows you to more accurately convey the atmosphere of a particular holiday - no one bothers the donor to decorate the container with appropriate decor, however, this requires at least minimal application skills and all the same fantasy.

Please note that the fruit in the basket or box should get already washed, because it does not exclude immediate access to the gift straight to the festive table. Specially disassemble a similar masterpiece for washing, and then no one will re-fold, just the guests, wishing to be treated with details of the composition, will not get up from the table every time and go to wash the fruit, therefore all components must be prepared for eating .


On the one hand, a fruit set can be a universal gift that can be served for any reason, on the other hand, it would be especially beautiful to present it in an individualized design, when its design beats at least the occasion of the presentation, and ideally also some features bestowed Here are some popular situations when fruit baskets are handed out especially often, and consider how to “fit” the present to the holiday.

  • March 8. The main women's holiday is unlikely to do without flowers, but you can not hand a banal bouquet, and build the overall composition of flowers and fruits. Mimoses and tulips are small and light plants, they will definitely find a place among other gifts of nature, they will not interfere with each other. However, sometimes the emphasis in such a basket is not at all on fruits, but on flowers - edible goodies only complement the basket, filled mainly with orchids, lilies, chrysanthemums or roses.

Additionally, you can please the fair sex with other bonuses - these can be both candy and chocolate, as well as good tea or wine. If all of the above seems too modest for your situation, add expensive perfume or something from the jewelry to the basket.

  • New Year. In the middle of winter, I especially want to taste fresh fruit, so this gift will be appreciated in any case. However, this does not prevent further pressure on associations - for example, the abundant presence of mandarins in the New Year's set is almost mandatory. The cinnamon stick, which is not necessarily visible, will help to expand the verge of the New Year's aroma and remind you of the warming mulled wine that you need to make visible. The rest of the capacity is decorated with the typical attributes of the main winter holiday: coniferous twigs, specially collected cones, as well as festive tinsel.

An integral attribute of the New Year for millions of our fellow citizens is also champagne, so you can add it to the composition; An alternative option could be expensive brandy, which warms well in cold winter evenings.

  • Children. Kids are unlikely to give up fruit, but at their age they are usually even more susceptible to confectionery, so a lot of emphasis should be placed on candy and chocolate. A gift does not always look appropriate in combination with a basket, but if, for example, it is a teddy bear of approximately equal size, then even professional designers will not refuse to make such a decision.

At the same time, a basket with berries is a popular girl's accessory from fairy tales, so today this is often given to girls, decorated with typical bows and beautiful braid.

  • Newlyweds. This is where you can not skimp on the composition at all, it’s if the gift is given to the newlyweds. First, there are two addressees here at once, and therefore they need twice as many fruits. Secondly, such a gift has a symbolic meaning in many respects: it is, as it were, a vivid wish of wealth and wealth for a young family. There are many different attributes of a wedding, at least some of them must be present in the design of the basket. Lace is used as a typical wedding decoration, as well as images or figurines of hearts, pigeons, two connected rings. A popular addition is also the figures of spouses, who in creative performance can be "disguised" bottles of alcohol.

When handing such a gift, you should not forget that the newlyweds start life from scratch, they do not have many useful things, so they would sincerely be delighted to find a small envelope with a certain amount of money in the basket.

  • A man Representatives of the stronger sex are not distinguished by special enthusiasm for tinsel and other decorations that are considered superfluous, therefore, it is usually the easiest for them to decorate the basket - the finished composition consists of a minimum of details. A man will be happy to eat, so the main emphasis in the set is placed on her. The male version of the basket would look rather strange, being composed solely of fruit, so sometimes they give a fruit and vegetable mix, but more often they get off with the addition of other products, such as expensive alcohol or rare imported coffee.

If we discard the just-mentioned elite goods, men are not usually put precious gifts into the fruit basket, that is, the fruit itself is usually the main greeting. When handing over to the boss, they can add only a symbolic “business” gift in the form of a diary or a branded pen.

Master class on creating a fruit basket, see below.

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Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


