Gift wrapping

How to pack a square and rectangular gift?

How to pack a square and rectangular gift?

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  1. What is needed?
  2. Step-by-step instruction
  3. Factory package
  4. Features of the correct design
  5. Original handmade decoration

Square-shaped or rectangular-shaped gifts and surprises are the most common solutions. Due to the simplicity of execution, unlike, for example, round and multi-faceted gifts of non-standard type, they require a minimum of imagination for design, and their packaging can be completed in just a few minutes.

What is needed?

Square or rectangular shaped gifts, such as a box of gourmet chocolates or a small cake presented as a surprise to a girlfriend, require, in addition to gift wrapping, the following:

  • Kraft paper - any decorative, bright and colorful exterior coating that matches in style the surprise format that you present to a person close to you;
  • strapping tape - any satin, lace or plastic, can be added or replaced with similarly decorated twine;
  • double sided tape.

If desired, printing ink with glitter or special glossy finish can be purchased. It is needed when the store did not find the required sample of decorative paper, but there is an idea how to correct this misunderstanding.

From the tools you will need scissors.

Step-by-step instruction

Before you start wrapping a surprise gift paper, if you are not sure, it is recommended to practice on old wallpaper or newspaper. In other words, you want to cut a piece of the desired shape and wrap them decorated box. Next, cut out the same package of decorated paper.

If you are confident in your actions, then to pack a square gift, do the following:

  • select a suitable sheet of decorative paper in size and color and place a box with a surprise in the middle;
  • wrap the paper around the box at the beginning along the main edges of the last one;
  • fix the paper at the interface using double-sided tape;
  • bend the paper at the ends just as an envelope is assembled, ready for gluing;
  • fold the ends of the paper on the end, as the envelope has been glued together, and fasten it with the same tape;
  • repeat the previous two steps for the other end of the box;
  • Cover the box with a wrapper, decorate it with a beautiful ribbon with a bow on the top.

    Surprise square shape ready for delivery.

    The design of the rectangular presentation is similar to the decoration of a square gift. The difference is manifested only in the length of the desired piece of gift paper.

    If you act not on the peephole, but clearly and precisely, and you also have extra time, you can measure the box and draw gift paper from the wrong side. The method is good because you do not cut off the excess in this case. The same will work if the gift is not just a rectangular one, but also a long one.

    Factory package

    In the factory packaging of a rectangular shape often comes a non-standard, round-look item or several copies of a flat item.

    • Smartphone, tablet, mini laptop - These types of goods are often delivered in a rectangular package. Example - iPhone, packaging from which has the appearance of a brick. Under the same outlines any gadget is suitable.
    • Chocolate bars wholesale, chocolate block. Give one small bar of chocolate, not everyone will take. Therefore, a set of sweets with different fillings from different companies is bought or several “of the same type” chocolates are purchased, then a suitable package for the dimensions is selected for them.The same can be said about the boxes of chocolates or cakes - these surprises are often not flat.
    • Basket with a set of cosmetics / perfumeswhich there is no time or desire to be wrapped and decorated for a long time, but suddenly a rectangular or “cube” package suitable for the size was found. The latter is then drawn up according to the above scheme.

    Features of the correct design

    It is strictly not recommended to use boxes from the same iPhone as packaging, for example, if it is not possible to stick wrapping paper to them tightly. Especially wrong such a reference to the expensive brand can be perceived by your beloved, hinting in response to the fact that you didn’t give her exactly the same or equivalent in functionality and high price surprise.

    Wrapping your surprise without gift ribbon in wrapping paper is a sign of carelessness.

    A plain, though pretty decorated package, but without a bow or a flower of a tied knot, immediately catches the eye - the recipient may not quite correctly perceive such a gift.

    The completeness of a surprise is one of the basic rules that when donating it cannot be broken.

    Original handmade decoration

    If there is no ready-to-be-decorated paper on hand, then you can use simple kraft paper without any factory decorations, and make the original design yourself before you pack up the present in preparation.

    In addition to paper, scissors and tape, you may also need multicolored acrylic paints and a brush.

    So, the surprise is packed in kraft paper according to one of the above instructions. Now do the following:

    • open one or more cans of paints of the required colors;
    • take a little white paint with a brush and with the help of wide sweeping motions apply a spray on kraft paper, the drawing should turn out the way you want;
    • do the same with a different paint, for example, pink or brown - a drawing created with the help of splashes is completely ready;
    • When you have finished painting kraft paper, wrap your surprise with it and decorate it with a decorative ribbon.

      If you are good at drawing - apply thin brushes and create a real picture. A gift in such a package would be nice for everyone. Interesting also get a design, made with cans of paint.

      You can draw a picture or depict a suitable image on Kraft before you can wrap a surprise package with it. The main thing is to give the paper a good drying after applying the desired pattern, so as not to smear the resulting image and not to stain the gift itself.

      Instead of acrylic paints, colored pencils, felt-tip pens and glitters are also used. There are even special markers and slate of various colors in which these glitters are already contained, - it is not necessary to apply them separately.

      If you, as an artist and designer, are inventive and tireless, you can also arrange the packaging beautifully by applying confetti extracted from crackers to glue.

      There are many options for decorating a square or rectangular gift - use the optimal one for the person you want to please with your gift.

      Various packaging techniques are presented in the video.

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      Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


