Is it possible to wash a sheepskin coat in an automatic washing machine?

The choice of winter clothes is always a difficult process and quite often, in pursuit of the aesthetic component, lovers of beautiful things forget to think about how to wash the product. If everything is more or less clear with a fur coat and a down jacket, then washing a sheepskin coat raises a lot of questions.
In almost all respects, a sheepskin coat surpasses the competition in terms of winter clothing and only washing is its only drawback, but it is completely solvable. Shiny stains, stains, random drops and other contaminants upset the owner of the clothes, but you should not despair, you just need to carefully study the ways of washing the sheepskin coat.
It should be understood that sheepskin coats are divided into several types depending on the quality of materials, texture, the presence of fur and color, so the only true method does not exist and you should look for the right approach to each variety. It should be immediately noted that washing the sheepskin coat in the washing machine is prohibitedespecially if it is made from natural materials. The skin requires careful treatment, and only responsible approach to business and numerous expert advice will help to get rid of its blemishes.
Suede is the most popular material for making shoes, accessories, hats, gloves, and sheepskin coats. It looks expensive, has a long life and has a special softness and velvet, but very problematic to wear. Suede quickly overwrites and begins to shine from dirt and stains.
Dry clean
This product can be cleaned in two ways. The first involves dry cleaning using special tools:
- if the stains are fresh, then semolina will help to remove them, which is applied in a dry form directly to the contaminated areas. Most often these are sleeves, cuffs, pockets and a collar. After application, you must wear a regular textile glove and rub a little bit of the necessary places in a circular motion. While working, you should monitor the color of the cereal, because, pulling the dirt, it becomes dark and then it must be replaced with a new one. The process must be repeated until the problem disappears.
- in the absence of semolina, you can use medium-sized salt, but in this case the intensity of the movements should not be so strong, because salt can damage the delicate material. However, it must be understood that salt with improper cleaning leaves stains and unpleasant traces;
- cope with greasy stains in the state of bread crumb, which is rolled into a ball, and then thoroughly rubbed into the skin. The procedure takes a lot of time and repeats several times until the suede is cleaned;
- The simplest method is to use a simple eraser or a rubber or bamboo brush. Problem areas are simply erased, after which the dirt needs to be shaken off.
Wet cleaning
Wet cleaning involves the use of water or liquid cleaners. It is used only as a last resort, when pollution cannot be removed by the methods listed above and requires heavy artillery in the form of serious chemical components. Before you start a wet cleaning, you have to slightly steam the skin and carefully comb it with a brush. This can be done over boiling water, but close the thing is not worth it, you need only a little steam.
Spots that had time to well enter and soak the skin, clean off extremely difficult, because you will need gasoline or kerosene. It is necessary to work with such substances carefully, and it is necessary to put them on a small piece of burlap, after which, in a circular motion, wipe the spots. This method is suitable only for dark skin tones, and light ones will be spoiled already at the cleansing stage.
For light skin, you need ammonia (ammonia) and plain water. The two products must be mixed in a ratio of 1 to 4 and applied to the stains with quick but careful movements, after which a solution of water and vinegar is applied, where one tablespoon of the second component accounts for half a liter of water.
An effective cleaning agent is a mixture of milk and soda. A glass of milk will need a spoon of soda. The solution is applied to a cotton swab, which wipes stains. At this manipulation of clothing does not end. The necessary places are wiped with a soft cloth soaked in vinegar and a dry, clean sponge.
Perfectly removes dirt, and quite old, powerful steam generator. After using it, you will have to go over with a brush to remove excess dirt and give the product a pleasant appearance. At home, it will be quite difficult to erase the pen from the sheepskin coat. At home for this purpose you can apply a solution with alcohol.
Light material
Leather products of light shades get dirty much more often, and it is even more difficult to wipe such pollution, but in such cases there is a way out. Yellow contaminants are cleaned with water and peroxide, mixed in a ratio of 1 tablespoon to 1 teaspoon.
Fatty traces are removed with starch or talcum powder.Which is located in unclean places and left for a certain period. Components should absorb fat, but in the process they have to be changed several times.
Artificial materials
It is much easier to work with artificial suede, and here the soap base enters the cleaning process. Regular shampoo, shower gel, cosmetic or laundry soap is diluted in slightly warmed water and applied with an absorbent cloth to suede. The main thing in the process of washing control the amount of solution on the napkin, and remove excess in time. Wash off the soap base preferably with a clean towel that absorbs the liquid well. Do not be superfluous to blot the skin with an absolutely clean and dry good quality cloth When drying it is necessary to exclude hit of direct sunshine.
After such a wash, difficult to remove stains often remain and several unusual means come to the rescue at once. Glycerin, borax, ammonia and slightly warm water are diluted in a cup, where a cloth tampon is moistened. Light and unobtrusive movements rubbed suede, which is further wiped with a towel and sent to dry. Avoid stains will help paper napkins, which you need to regularly walk on the washed material in the drying process.
Cleaning in the washing machine
In the production of sheepskin, the material at the factory is treated with tanning agents in order to increase wear resistance and softness, and washing can completely destroy this structure, and therefore destroy winter clothing without the possibility of restoring quality. However, this rule applies only to natural ingredients..
It is possible to wash artificial materials in a washing machine. Faux sheepskin can be washed if you follow some of the recommendations of experts.
The care rules are located on the inner label of the product and It is important to pay close attention to this issue:
- for hand washing, you first have to clean the suede from foreign debris in the form of dust, thread and lint with a vacuum cleaner or a special brush. Next, in a medium tank, dilute the soap solution on the basis of a cleaning agent, lay the thing on a flat hard surface and begin to wipe it with a sponge with smooth and sequential movements from top to bottom.It is important to control movements, so as not to leave scuffs, because it is impossible to get rid of them and remove the solution from the surface well to avoid stains and soap residues;
- Drying takes place naturally at room temperature without special heating devices (fan, air conditioner, battery, heater) or bright sunshine. The product must be placed on a wide plastic hanger, where the hangers and sleeves will be in the correct position;
- everything is much simpler with a washing machine, you just need to follow the recommendations indicated on the product label.
Do not wash the fur with soapy water, because to restore it after such a process will not work. It can be wiped with water heated to 30 degrees, dried thoroughly and gradually combed with a brush for fur. As an additional means allowed to use diluted vinegar, which adds shine.
Prevent blemishes will help special water repellent, but it is necessary to apply it for good effect often enough.
Before the start of washing, it is advisable to try any method on an imperceptible area of the product, since it is extremely difficult to predict the skin's reaction to one or another component of the solution, and it is possible to spoil such an expensive thing within a couple of minutes.
And now we recommend to watch a video in which you can learn how to clean a baby sheepskin coat at home without dry cleaning.