
Plugs: what it is, history and description

Plugs: what it is, history and description

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  1. Appearance history
  2. Types of table forks
  3. Cleaning forks at home

One of the most popular cutlery is a fork. It is a handle with several teeth extending from it. The fork is the most universal, as due to its shape it is used for almost all types of dishes. However, it should be noted that table forks are of several types, with which we will read more below. First you need to figure out what constitutes this cutlery, and who invented it.

Appearance history

First, we trace the etymology of the word "fork". This word is rooted in Latin, where consonant with it - “fulka” is translated as “garden pitchfork”. Today, everyday eating is almost impossible to imagine without a fork, but several centuries ago people had no idea about this device, using only knives and spoons in everyday life. The first mentions of cutlery, similar to forks, are rooted in the times of ancient Greece, where they used to cut up meat and lay it out on fairly large fixtures with two pointed teeth.

Looking at old paintings depicting the highest society of the Renaissance, we see high-ranking ladies and gentlemen with their ostentatious restraint and grandeur. And it’s hard for us to imagine how they eat meat and fish dishes at feasts. Then, according to the rules of etiquette, the meat was taken using three fingers, which were then rinsed in a small bowl of water.

For a while it was popular to use gloves during meat consumption, which were thrown away after a meal. It is interesting that at that time the plugs had already appeared.

Around the 7th century AD, the fork, as a symbol of wealth and power of the royal family, was used by its members at ceremonial gatherings in Asia Minor. This cutlery came to Byzantium around the 10th century and was also used exclusively by people of noble birth. According to one version, a Byzantine princess, who married the head of the Republic of Venice, brought a fork to Europe in the 11th century.

Although at first the unusual device for eating was alien to the Italians, however, by the 16th century, it had spread throughout Italy, and by the beginning of the 18th century, the fork had its spread in many European countries.

According to another existing version, the princess of Byzantine origin, Maria Iverskaya, invented the fork in 1072. She considered her meat and fish to be lower than her own dignity with her hands, therefore, according to her plan, a unique golden fork was created, consisting of a handle with two teeth. Such a device was not particularly practical, as it did not give the opportunity to scoop food normally. Initially, he acted only as a kind of symbol of power and authority of the ruler.

Maria Iverskaya

For the modern man, the fork is an indispensable cutlery, but the question remains why for a long time human society did not accept it. For centuries people used their hands to eat fish and meat dishes. In Ancient Greece and Rome they used a fork or a device similar to it only for laying pieces of meat on plates, while they ate with their hands. This way of consuming meat has firmly taken root in human society.

In the process of spreading the Christian religion, the problem of using a fork as a cutlery was even more aggravated. This was due to the rejection and prohibition of the church of the pagan religion and any symbols associated with it.One of these was considered a fork, because it resembled the trident of Poseidon, or as it was called the "Devil's Pitchfork". Therefore, people for a long time did not take the plug, despite the convenience in its use.

In Russia, the plug appeared at the beginning of the 17th century. False Dmitry I brought her from Poland with the things of Marina Mniszek. At the solemn feast dedicated to their marriage, this device was deliberately used, which caused a flurry of disturbances among the boyars. That fork was one of the main arguments about the true origin of the False Dmitry.

Many Russian historical documents describing the table setting rules for royal persons mention the use of a fork as a cutlery.

Types of table forks

Today, forks are included in the standard tableware sets and are an integral part of them. The materials from which this cutlery is made are a huge amount - silver, stainless steel, wood, nickel silver, and so on. Among the variety of forks there are several standard types depending on the purpose.

  • Canteen. Appointment - the second course is hot, the length of the device is 20-22 cm. It consists of a handle and 4 teeth.
  • Fork for fish. Appointment - hot fish dishes, the length of the device - 16-18 cm. Consists of a handle 4 short teeth. Appearance may vary slightly (depending on the type of fish). Its subspecies is a 3-toothed fork (chill), designed for fish appetizers.
  • Snack Bar. Appointment - cold dishes and individual snacks in hot form, the length of the device - 18-19 cm. Handles consist of 4 elongated teeth, very similar to the dining room, only smaller.
  • Dessert Appointment - various desserts (pies, casseroles, cottage cheese). The length of the device - 14-16 cm. Consists of a handle and 3 teeth.
  • For pastry. Appointment - cakes, biscuits, cakes. The length of the device is 12-15 cm. The handle consists of 3 teeth, the outermost of which is slightly beveled. There are separate devices for left-handed and right-handed.
  • For fruit. Appointment - various sliced ​​fruit and fruit salads. Length - 12-14 cm. May consist of both 2 and 3 teeth.

All types of forks have approximately the same structure, only slightly differing from each other in size, number and shape of the teeth. Another criterion is the material from which they are made. Elite set of forks consists of silver and gold devices. Their handles can be trimmed with decorative carvings and precious stones.

More economical, but no less quality material - stainless steel. Such table forks will serve their owners for several decades. There are, for example, children's sets, which differ only in small sizes of devices. In them, the arms of forks can be decorated in the form of animals, birds, fruits, vegetables.

Cleaning forks at home

Clean cutlery - an indicator of what kind of hostess is operating in the house. It is pleasant for anyone to eat food using polished forks and spoons. Maintaining cleanliness in the kitchen is a guarantee of good health, as well as the quality of the material from which kitchen utensils, including cutlery, are made. Therefore, when choosing devices only high quality alloys should be preferred, as with food in our body can get various chemicals contained in the composition of the dishes.

One of the best cutlery are those made of stainless steel and silver.

To clean at home table forks made of stainless steel can be a lot of different ways. Among the popular methods the most popular are the following options.

  • The use of soda, chalk, and custard coffee sediment will be effective from plaque.
  • In a pot of water, add two tablespoons of soda and salt, after their complete dissolution, immerse the cutlery in water. Keep the forks in the water for 20 minutes. After that, pour out the water and wash the devices well.
  • Lemon juice will help get rid of stains on the surface of the forks.
  • To return the table forks to their former brilliance, you can rub them well with raw potatoes.

    Silverware also requires regular grooming. Many have noticed that after some time the silver forks begin to darken. To avoid this, it is necessary to minimize the contact of silver devices with air. They should be stored in a special bag or box, in which devices are most often sold. If such a box is missing, the forks must be tightly wrapped with cling film.

    Among the various descriptions of tips for the care of table silver the most effective is cleaning with tooth powder. If it was not found in the house, then toothpaste can serve as a replacement. Any of the means applied to a sponge or rag and rub devices. You can also use chalk.

    For those who do not want to spend time and effort on rubbing devices, you can prepare a simple solution. To do this, take soapy water and ammonia (1 liter of water = 1 spoon of alcohol). Then we lower the silver forks and spoons there, and after 20-30 minutes we take them out, then we wash them thoroughly in cold water and dry them with a soft towel.

    To clean silver forks, you can use a solution of salt, soda and water (1 tablespoon soda and 1 tablespoon salt for 0.25 liters of water). Bring the solution to a boil and put the forks in there, then boil them for 10-15 minutes and rinse well under running water.

    To the note: Coca-Cola not only actively fights with rust and scum, but also with a dark touch on silver.

    Any of these methods will help you keep cutlery clean. Which one to choose is up to you.

    On how to clean the stainless steel forks, see the next video.

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    Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


