
Aquarius-Dragon Man: Character and Compatibility in Love

Aquarius-Dragon Man: Character and Compatibility in Love

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  1. Features
  2. Positive sides
  3. Negative sides
  4. Love relationship
  5. Compatibility
  6. Famous Representatives

Sometimes, even knowing a person for many years, he still remains mysterious and unpredictable for us. These words can be safely attributed to the man Aquarius, the Dragon. To better understand his mysterious personality, look at the horoscope. Perhaps the knowledge gained from astrologers will help to find the key to this truly extraordinary nature.

Studying the identity of such a man immediately from the point of view of the eastern and western horoscope, you can get the most complete picture of him. These are features of character, attitudes, behavior in love relationships. So, let's try to find out what the stars say about a person with such horoscopic data.


Male Aquarius-Dragon - quite an interesting combination. Such people can be called not just big originals, but also they carry in themselves mystical abilities, which allows them to anticipate many things in their lives and the lives of others. Of course, this is possible only under the condition that the guy will develop his acquired abilities. As a rule, men are less prone to everything mysterious and magical, and therefore simply do not attach importance to their “sixth sense”.

This is a difficult type of men, which a woman is able to unravel all her life, if, of course, she can keep him close to her. After all, the "explosive mixture" of Aquarius and the Dragon is, first of all, freedom-loving rebels, not alien to self-knowledge and creative search, and they are not particularly keen to limit themselves to any ties and conventions. Now consider the pros and cons of these men.

Positive sides

As mentioned above, the creative and spiritual potential of the Aquarius-Dragon is very great. In search of himself, such a person is able to choose unusual professions and unexpected activities. With this guy you just do not have to be bored - such is his restless nature. Most often he is a hospitable host and will always find time to communicate with people interesting to him, especially if they are such extraordinary personalities who are ready to experiment and amaze.

Aquarius-Dragon can not productively do business, not causing him sincere interest. This guy is keen to find something to do. Creative professions, science, teaching become a good choice, as they like to speak and convince anyone very much. With this very interest, a person is able to achieve the greatest heights in his business, be ahead of his time and amaze with an innovative approach. That's just contemporaries can not always understand and appreciate the "art of the future."

The leadership qualities of the representative of this sign and the year allow him to lead people. Create a pleasant impression and ignite someone idea is not difficult for Aquarius, the Dragon hard work.

With all the brightness and activity Dragons born under the sign of Aquarius, endowed with the ability to self-analysis and self-criticism. This is the quality they borrowed from the patron saint of the zodiac. This means that they are not as self-confident in communication as other Dragons, and feel the edge of their capabilities. Even if this person is “turned around at the turn,” he is able to look at himself with a sober look and temper ardor in time.

Negative sides

Dreamy Aquarius-Dragon sometimes hovers in the clouds and can not pragmatically plan their lives. In pursuit of new emotions and adrenaline, he easily gets involved in adventures.Because of this, interesting ideas often remain unfulfilled, which is why the man really suffers. It is better that next to him was a patient woman who is able to gently and unobtrusively direct the energy of her partner in the right direction. Of course, it is not easy to tame a freedom-loving friend, but it is possible, however, that you will have to have extraordinary patience.

The unstable character of the Aquarius-Dragon sometimes pushes him from one extreme to the other. Then he feels "on horseback" and is ready to conquer new horizons, then he falls into depression and is engaged in Samoyed. In extreme cases, the guy closes and does not make contact, becomes aggressive to others and tends to be lonely.

In general, postponing things for tomorrow is a fairly typical habit for Dragon-Aquarius. This becomes an obstacle to the realization of his ambitious plans, often ideas remain only “on paper”.

Often such a man can not listen to someone else's opinion, embraced by his idea and confident in its viability. Learning to listen is very useful for them, but not everybody can persuade to do this.

Love relationship

Speaking of romantic relationships, it is worth noting the traction of this type of diversity. Alas, it manifests itself even in marriage and can turn into a banal infidelity. Despite the fact that Dragon Aquarius is able to persuade his companion to a variety of experiments on the marital bed, this voluptuary who always reaches out to other women, shows interest in them and makes signs of attention. As already mentioned, he is not in a hurry to start a family, delaying this moment as far as possible. Deciding on the children of such a man is also not easy, because it is additional complexity.

Yielding to the spell of love, Aquarius-Dragon can quickly make an offer. Alas, often a person perceives marriage as an opportunity to have a house cleaned, a hearty lunch and a regular intimate life. In love joys, this man is active and passionate.


Women born in the year of the Monkey, Rat, Rooster, Tiger, Snake, have good prospects to become the "half" of the man described by us. Astrologers predict an average degree of livability in conjunction with a woman's Dragon, Bull, Rabbit and Horse. Careful they should be with the ladies - representatives of the Year of the Dog, Goat and Pig.

If we talk about marriage alliances from the point of view of the western horoscope, then a woman who was born under the zodiac of Pisces, Aquarius, Sagittarius or Gemini will be a good match for Aquarius-Dragon. Not bad can be his union with Leo, Virgo, Scorpio, Taurus and Capricorn. Do not advise stars to marry a woman with Cancer, Libra, Aries.

Famous Representatives

A typical representative of the person we are describing is Edouard Manet. This is a famous artist who laid the foundations of impressionism. It is not surprising that with such astrological characteristics he managed to present Venus in the image of a gorilla in his paintings, and the peasant women were depicted naked. The rebel from art was not afraid to take on explicit plots and was looking for new forms.

Emmanuel Swedenborg is a psychologist, mystic, theosophist and visionary. In his youth, a young man was caring for a girl who did not accept his marks of attention. Disappointed with women, he no longer sought to tie the knot of Hymen and became an erotoman. Making experiments as a scientist and being a famous person in scientific circles, he conducted spiritualistic sessions, predicted the future.

picture of edward mane
Emmanuel Swedenborg

With all the complexity and inconsistency, the man Aquarius-Dragon will undoubtedly bring passion and adrenaline into the life of any woman. Simple, these relationships are unlikely to be obtained, but bright and memorable - for sure.

About the man-Aquarius, as a husband and lover, see the following video.

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