
Male Aquarius-Bull: what is he and what are his features?

Male Aquarius-Bull: what is he and what are his features?

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  1. general characteristics
  2. Suitable professions
  3. In love
  4. In family
  5. In sex
  6. In career
  7. Compatibility with other characters

People from time immemorial have attached great importance to astrology and listened to what the stars say. Today, little has changed, and the astrological characteristics of a person, as well as compatibility with other zodiac signs, are of particular interest. This article describes the most interesting things about men who were born in the year of the Bull and under the sign of Aquarius.

general characteristics

So, if a person was born from January 20 to February 19 in 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, then he refers to the combination Aquarius-Bull.

These people are very contradictory personalities. That's because Aquarius is a creative and sublime person, looking for inspiration in everything. With Bulls, everything is different: they stand firmly on their feet, always achieve goals and are distinguished by remarkable persistence. The contradiction is manifested in the fact that, on the one hand, the creative and spiritual potential of Aquarius-Bykov knows no boundaries: they have innumerable ideas in store, they have great artistry in their bosoms, and in communication they are so pleasant that they fascinate from the first words. However, not all so simple. These men are accustomed to count every step, weigh every word. Perseverance and hard work are their main features.

Aquarius Bulls always feel young and energetic and look appropriate. Often they are lucky, and they achieve everything they want. It is interesting that among friends and acquaintances such people show openness and simplicity of communication, but at home they can demonstrate the qualities of a manipulator and a tyrant. Do not be upset, because of any situation there is a way out, and if a man begins to show negative qualities, it will be enough just to talk with him.

Suitable professions

The traction of the Aquarius to communication determines his vocation - helping people. Very well realize themselves in medicine and management. Creative abilities can help them become directors, writers, actors.

The persistence of the Bulls allows them to seek leadership positions, and indeed such men are able: they competently use their powers. A sharp mind and ability to think helps them in this.

Whichever position is occupied by the representative of the combination of signs Aquarius-Bull, it will everywhere be appreciated and considered indispensable.

In love

Representatives of this combination of characters are incredibly charming and attractive, so women often pay attention to them. But excessive romance and sublimity prevents such men from finding a soul mate that corresponds to their imaginary expectations. How? First, it is the reliability, loyalty and focus of the girl on a long-term serious relationship. Secondly, it should be as bright, extraordinary and sociable as the man himself. So, girls, if you fell in love with just such a person, then you should meet all the requirements in order to attract his attention.

In family

The man Aquarius-Bull is prone to consistency in everyday life and affection for the family. He can certainly be called an exemplary family man, but nevertheless it is necessary to give such a man the opportunity to be alone. Aquarius-Bull needs it in order to bring thoughts in order and tune in to the creative way. Any changes such people perceive positively and, moreover, even need them.

Aquarius-Bulls can be described as companions of life attentive to a partner, but willing to make serious decisions on their own.

In sex

This is one of the few men who have little interest in sex.Much more important to them are the feelings and inspiration that they can generate. It is surprising that such men are distinguished by low emotionality, at least they do not seek to show it. Therefore, in order to achieve an idyll in an intimate sense, it is worthwhile to feel the inner world of a man, to live in harmony with him. And then the happy partner of the Aquarius-Bull is waiting for a lot of surprises, experiments and a diverse sex life.

In career

Like many other men, Aquarius-Bulls are interested in material well-being. But not everything is so smooth: excessive impatience prevents them from achieving the desired in certain terms, and impulsivity - in general, bring the matter to the end. Advice for all representatives of this combination of characters: have patience, and then financial solvency will find you.

Compatibility with other characters

  • Rat He likes to take a leading position in the union, what will cause discontent of a man.
  • Bull: conservatism and the desire for material well-being will be the starting point of a fairly strong union. There is no need to talk about emotionality, but the practical side of the relationship is able to rally two people.
  • Tiger: absolutely incompatible couple, they have nothing in common, except mutual irritation.
  • Rabbit: good business union They are similar mutual understanding and the desire to achieve results, but in love does not fit each other.
  • The Dragon - the personality is creative, even theatrical, therefore it causes irritation to the practical Bull. The pair is incompatible either personally or in business.
  • Snake may charm such a man, but not for long. Their roads are likely to diverge in the near future.
  • Horse It is similar to the Bull with its diligence, but they look in different directions. A man will not tolerate the leadership of a woman in professional terms.
  • Goat capricious, and her lover will not tolerate such a trait of character.
  • A monkey It is very changeable to build a strong relationship with the Bull, but such a pair of waves can comfortably exist in old age.
  • Rooster need to work on a character trait like laziness. Relationships can develop if a woman makes great efforts to work on her personal and professional development.
  • Dog: their common and, perhaps, the only trait is hard work. If the relationship between the Bull and the Dog arise, it will be built on it.
  • Pig - one of the few who is able to create a strong alliance with such a man. Misunderstandings in this pair also can not be avoided, but everything can be overcome if there is love and passion.

As for the western horoscope, the happiest union can be formed with Pisces, Sagittarius, Aquarius, Capricorn, Gemini, Scorpios and Lions.

The situation with Aries, Taurus and Libra is a bit worse. Well, with the Cancers and Virgins, Aquarius Bull is not the way at all.

Summing up, it is worth noting that men of such a combination of characters are complex, but interesting. There are many facets in them, and they need an appropriate life partner. But the woman who will be able to conquer Aquarius-Bull, will be the happiest behind a reliable male back. Joint life of partners will be filled with love, diverse sex and absolute stability.

More about men Aquarius you will learn from the following video.

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Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


