
How to win a man of Aquarius?

How to win a man of Aquarius?

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  1. Characteristic
  2. What girls like?
  3. How to conquer?
  4. Signs of love
  5. How to marry yourself?
  6. Family life
  7. How to return?
  8. Compatibility

A man born under the constellation Aquarius is a good-natured and charming person who can draw attention to himself with just a glance. Representatives of this air sign are easy to communicate. Due to sociability, they quickly make new acquaintances, conquering the hearts of the weaker sex. No wonder many women's questions about how to interest Aquarius and fall in love with him. Astrology provides comprehensive answers to these questions. To conquer Aquarius, it is enough to study the needs and “vulnerabilities” of this sign.


Aquarius is an unusual zodiac sign. As a rule, men born under this constellation are extraordinary. By their nature, they are freedom-loving romantics, accustomed to idealize everything around. Open to new acquaintances, adventures and adventures, they rarely rush to tie themselves to marriage.

However, having become family men, these men turn out to be good husbands and fathers for their children.

Externally, Aquarius seem frivolous, undisciplined and superficial. They may have many friends of different sexes and ages, but at the same time not a single true friend or woman he loves. Disappointment for Aquarius is not uncommon, since men of this sign prefer to look for ideals in everything, and not finding them, temporarily become disheartened.

Men Aquarius - "talkative" dreamers who constantly come up with new ideas and are looking for ways to implement their plans. It is not surprising that representatives of this zodiac sign often become geniuses. Their head is a “generator” of crazy ideas that they constantly share with all their friends. Because of this feature, Aquarius arouses heightened interest, especially from the opposite sex.

Representatives of the air constellations are distinguished by honesty and decency. They will not tolerate lies in any of its manifestations and will not hesitate to tell the truth, no matter how bitter it may be. From the surrounding Aquarius are waiting for the same attitude. Suspecting a person in a lie or hypocrisy, they will avoid meeting with him and talking.

Mostly Aquarius are friendly and peace-loving. Around themselves, they create a relaxed atmosphere in which it is fun and easy. In most cases, due to such skills, the air sign attracts the opposite sex. However, women who want to win the hand and heart of Aquarius, will have to make a lot of effort to seduce him.

What girls like?

Representatives of various signs of the zodiac like different women: for some, the ideal will be the domineering nature, others will be modestly inspired. Aquarius, as his chosen one, will look for a mystery girl. He will be attracted by an intriguing person in whom a man will discover something new every day.

Also in the opposite field Aquarius will rate:

  • Unavailability. Vulgar and licentious women who, when they first met, let them close, are not for him. This air sign is interesting to achieve a girl, showing the hunter instinct.
  • Sociability. Sociable Aquarius will appreciate the erudition of a woman, her ability to support any topic of conversation, whether it be cars, computers or football.
  • Optimism and good sense of humor. Guys, belonging to the air constellation, need a cheerful and cheerful companion, not hysterical at the slightest difficulty.
  • Openness and honesty. To attract Aquarius, do not be hypocritical or exaggerate reality.These signs from nature have a good intuition, which helps them to quickly distinguish falsehood from truth, natural behavior from hypocrisy. If a man is disappointed, he is unlikely to give a second chance.
  • Enterprise. A man of Aquarius needs an initiative woman, with whom the relationship will not seem to be a chore.
  • Passion and sex appeal. Aquarians seek to "unite" souls with their soulmate, not their bodies. Because of this, they may seem cold in bed. Therefore, they are looking for a passionate companion who can bring emotions and bright colors to their intimate life.

To please Aquarius, you need to be interested in his life and support hobbies. He will give preference to the woman who can become his support and support, who will run with him in the morning, play board games or root for his favorite football team.

How to conquer?

Enchant Aquarius can only the girl who becomes his closest friend. He will let into his life a woman who has managed to accept his shortcomings, share joys and misfortunes, support in difficult times. He will be interested in the one that, with all the friendliness and openness, will keep a distance in the relationship so that she would like to “win” and achieve.

To attract Aquarius, you should not tell him about your desire to build a serious relationship or quickly get married. These men are afraid of family ties, so do not rush things.

In order to interest Aquarius, you need:

  • Watch your appearance. It does not matter if the girl is blonde or brunette, thin or full. The main thing is to dress with taste, not necessarily in fashion, always be well-groomed and tidy. Once and for all, a girl with dirty hair, unkempt nails or teeth can push a guy away.
  • Be affectionate, kind and feminine. When dealing with Aquarius, it is undesirable to use harsh or abusive words. "Iron" ladies, by any means seeking their own, not for him.
  • Have a hobby. Chances will rise in those girls who have a hobby. Unconscious and little interested in the life of women are unlikely to attract the attention of men.

To please Aquarius, do not limit its freedom. Being a sociable person, he will always strive to meet with friends and new acquaintances. A man will not tolerate if a woman does not share his craving for communication.

Also, the girl should not flirt with friends of the guy you like and communicate on candid topics. For representatives of some signs of the zodiac, such actions will become a good stimulation in order to pay more attention to their second half. However, to cause jealousy in Aquarius in this way is a bad idea. Flirting with his acquaintances is an unforgivable mistake of a woman, which can lead to sad consequences.

Signs of love

Aquarius is rarely in a hurry to talk about their feelings, so it can be difficult for a woman to understand how he really treats her. The representative of the air constellation can constantly think about the person she likes, but at the same time not devoting her to her mental torments. To understand what this attitude really is, you should carefully look at the guy's behavior.

There are several signs that indicate that he is in love, to recognize them is not difficult.

  • Good mood. If a man is Aquarius in love, he will smile and joke at the sight of an object of lust. Cheerfulness and energy will allow you to charge your girlfriend positive. At the same time, he will talk a lot about himself, with every minute more and more revealing his chosen one.
  • Sight. Eyes - this is what can give Aquarius. If, when communicating, a man constantly looks away and looks sneaky, you can be confident in his sympathy. He will try to look at the woman as if by chance, remembering her gestures and outlines.
  • Touches Involving the men during the conversation will talk about love.If Aquarius tends to tactile contact, you can be confident in deep feelings. At first, touches can be reduced to touching the clothes or hands of a girl, later - to embraces at meetings.
  • Interest. A man who does not show sympathy will talk without a halt about his plans, about solving problems of "world scale" or various brilliant ideas.

The lover will behave a little differently. In relation to the person you like, he will show interest: he will listen attentively to his interlocutor, cover her with questions about interests and hobbies in order to learn more closely.

  • Guardianship Aquarius in love is distinguished by care. It can manifest itself in the details. For example, he will give a hand at an exit from public transport, will put on the girl the jacket when it becomes cold, will present flowers for no reason. Also, the man will often call and write messages to find out how things are.
  • Jealousy. Aquarius in love is often jealous of a girl for trifles: to an accidentally cast glance at a passerby or an innocent smile. At the initial stage of relations, he will strive to conquer as much space as possible in the life of the chosen one.
  • The victims. Aquarius is ready for much:
  • Meet relatives or friends. If Aquarius is deeply in love or in love, he will try as quickly as possible to introduce a woman to his circle of communication. Meeting parents is an important step for a man. Such actions will talk about determination and the desire to build a serious relationship.

If Aquarius truly falls in love, he will soon offer to live together. At first, a man will gradually let a woman into his life: he will often invite guests and offer to stay overnight. If the chosen one does not make mistakes, he will give her the keys to the apartment and offer to live together. However, until this happens, do not terrorize the guy with the desire to live together. Such pressure can scare a man because of the reverent attitude to his personal space and freedom.

How to marry yourself?

To seduce Aquarius is much easier than to retain or especially to marry. As a rule, these people marry at a mature age, when they are well over 30.

Men do not want to marry for two main reasons:

  • they care how air is freedom;
  • they do not want to take on additional obligations and take responsibility for their family.

Even if Aquarius loves a girl, he is unlikely to be the first to make an offer to his beloved. A woman needs to be prepared for the fact that she herself will have to gradually push him to such actions.

If a girl lives with a man, but he is not in a hurry to tie himself with her through marriage, you need to be patient. It is necessary to try to support Aquarius in all endeavors, to give a helping hand in difficult times.

It is also important to build joint plans for the future, albeit not global ones. When a man is in a good mood, you can talk about the benefits of marriage, but not show your desire to soon become a wife.

Despite the external independence of the air sign, he, like all people, needs a reliable partner for communication, spending time, sex and other needs. Therefore, do not think that Aquarius seeks to live all his life as a bachelor. If he meets the girl of his dreams, in every sense perfect for him, he will not be afraid to offer her not only a hand, but also a heart.

Family life

A woman should not relax if she has already managed to marry Aquarius. A man belonging to this sign is able to once and for all erase his wife from his life, if she continually makes mistakes in her family life.He will be driven out of himself by the attempts of the chosen one to control every step or to limit communication with friends. A woman who decides to link her fate with Aquarius should be ready for her partner’s free lifestyle.

To prevent a divorce, you must follow a number of recommendations that astrologers give:

  1. Down with the monotony. Aquarius will not like boring and routine family life. In marriage, a man in all seeks diversity. Therefore, it is important for a woman to comprehend culinary art, pampering a man with various dishes, to be different in communication and bed. The girl will need to constantly try to change something, for example, periodically make a permutation in the room, change her image, makeup.
  2. Off tantrums and tears. If the spouse has offended, do not beat the dishes, scream and cry. No man will like this behavior, Aquarius - all the more. It is important to talk with your husband without negative emotions, to tell about your offenses and experiences.
  3. No bans. A man will not appreciate if a girl after the wedding will forbid him to arrange friendly gatherings or deprive the hobbies that were in a bachelor life. If Aquarius loves fishing, hunting, visiting football matches, you should not deny him that pleasure.

A woman who does not want to lose interest will not turn into a housewife. Regardless of how much a man earns Aquarius, he will always appreciate the financially independent girl. If all affairs are reduced to housekeeping, interest may soon disappear, and then a divorce will follow.

Compliance with these rules and recommendations does not guarantee a long and happy family life. It happens that a woman does not seem to allow mistakes, but Aquarius still leaves. In such situations it is important to know how to make up with the chosen one. It will be difficult to return the partner, because the man Aquarius is not one of those who twice enters the same river.

How to return?

Aquarius can find many reasons for parting. First of all, they include insufficient attention to their person, the unwillingness of a woman to surprise, to be interesting and sincere. Often, men part because of women's whims, turning into hysteria and tears. Perhaps Aquarius idealized his chosen one, but at some time he was disappointed in her.

Whatever the reason may lead to a rupture of relations, there are several ways to make peace. First of all, it is necessary to analyze your behavior, identify oversights and make "work on the mistakes." Only the desire to change will help bring back Aquarius. Also, astrologers recommend resorting to some rules.

First you need to give Aquarius "cool." You should not throw him messages and annoying phone calls. It is necessary to wait a few days, after which ask for a meeting. When talking you need to be polite, gentle and feminine. So a man can understand that you are really bad without him.

We must try to change both externally and internally. Change your hairstyle or style of clothes. Aquarius will appreciate this change. It is also important not to forget about the intellectual component. The beautiful "shell" of a woman for this air sign will not matter if inside it turns out to be a dummy. Therefore, it is important to think about the upcoming meeting, to pick up interesting topics for conversation.

If Aquarius agrees to meet, you should not blame him for parting or accuse him of his wrongs. Try to make the conversation more positive and humor. Give him new bright emotions. Do not feel sorry for smiles. Try to start a life together with a clean slate, not remembering the differences and past mistakes of your partner. You must always remember that you can find an approach to representatives of any signs of the zodiac.


The compatibility of the Aquarian man with representatives of various zodiac signs is not easy.Not every woman will be able to understand his difficult behavior and accept it with all its shortcomings.

According to the love horoscope, Aquarius is well compatible with the signs belonging to the fire element. These include Aries, Leo and Sagittarius. Air with Fire is the best combination. According to the horoscope, fire signs are distinguished by love of freedom, an active lifestyle, developed intellect and independence. The union of Aquarius with Aries, Leo or Sagittarius is doomed to success, if the spouses learn to listen to each other and not find out which of them is more intelligent.

With signs belonging to the earth element, Aquarius has poor compatibility. At first glance, an alliance with Taurus, Virgo or Capricorn seems ideal. "Earthly" women are able to cope with household chores. They are economical and thrifty, because of what Aquarius next to them will feel comfortable.

However, neither Taurus, nor Virgo, nor Capricorn can make the life of Aquarius truly bright and rich. As a rule, these are calm signs, not thirsting for adventures. With them, the Aquarius will feel like a bird in a cage. Sometimes among such unions there are happy couples. Usually, in such families, partners can listen and hear each other and make compromises. But the divorce rate among the air Aquarius and representatives of the earth element is very high.

Partnership with signs of air and fire elements is ambiguous. It would seem that the union of the two "air" signs should be perfect. They have a similar attitude towards life, family, parenting.

Aquarius, Gemini or Libra will understand a man of Aquarius like no one else.

All these signs are independent, freedom-loving and proud. However, it is precisely because of the latter that their gap often occurs. Signs belonging to the air element, quickly "light up" with new relationships and quickly destroy them. As a rule, parting for both partners is painless.

With partners belonging to the water element, the man of Aquarius is incompatible at all. Women Cancers, Scorpios or Pisces can never understand the windy Aquarius, thirsting for fellowship, freedom and new acquaintances. Aquatic women are used to building strong and reliable relationships. They are realists who are not accustomed to head in the clouds and think of the unrealizable, as Aquarius is used to doing.

Do not be too serious about the compatibility of signs in love, because in all unions there are exceptions. There are absolutely incompatible partners in the zodiac signs, who managed to live a long and happy marriage.

About the life position of people born under the sign of Aquarius, can be found in the video below.

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Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


