
Male Aquarius Horse: distinctive features and character

Male Aquarius Horse: distinctive features and character

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  1. general characteristics
  2. Compatibility in love
  3. Intimate life
  4. Family relationships
  5. Finance and career

Male Horse-Aquarius is distinguished by foresight and great intelligence. Such a person is able to defend his point of view to the victorious, but, despite external severity, he can sacrifice himself for the sake of other people. Let us consider in more detail the nature of the character of this zodiac sign.

general characteristics

A man born in the year of the Horse under the sign of Aquarius easily finds a common language with those around him. He is ready to give the last shirt to a loved one, completely forgetting about his own needs. Such altruism often prevents a man from building good relationships within the family, as their desire to help friends often leads to the destruction of family relationships.

The happiness of the Horse-Aquarius can only be achieved if there is a great goal. Otherwise, their lives will be filled with depression and apathy. Only a large project is able to attract the attention of such men.

The combination of these signs allows you to get a person who loves and knows how to spend time in noisy companies. Such people do not know how to lead a measured life, they constantly need to move and participate in social activities. That is why Aquarius Horse selects a profession related to communication and travel.

A horse in tandem with Aquarius makes a person excited and inclined to lead. This person has great potential and ability to lead the crowd. This combination allows a man to have in stock a lot of different ideas, ranging from the banal and simple, and ending with the absurd, with an admixture of madness.

The Horse-Aquarius guy searches for himself in many areas and is able to learn quickly. He can be both a performer and an organizer. For such a person it will not be difficult to be both a theorist and a practitioner in one person.

He always seeks to comprehend something new. Trying to get a previously unknown experience is for a guy the meaning of existence. And the more difficult the task, the more fervently the Horse-Aquarius is filled.

This person tends to be ahead. He wants to be in time and everywhere. His head is always full of original ideas, which allows a man to do incredible things.

Aquarius Horse is a freedom-loving person who does not put marriage above personal interests.

To create a family, he needs to find a partner capable of a condescending attitude towards her husband's love of freedom.

Compatibility in love

Representatives of this horoscope differ excessive romance and amorousness. They can quickly catch fire and go out just as quickly with respect to a woman. Such lewdness often leads to loneliness, which is a great test for the Aquarius Horse.

The guy born in the year of the Horse under the sign of Aquarius, easily meets girls and knows how to keep the conversation going. His charm can win many hearts, as in a romantic relationship, he feels at ease.

Such a person is different temperament, but is in need of sincere feelings. The constant need to be loved pushes him to the eternal attempts to build relationships. Each man begins a new novel in a new way, bringing bright colors to the courtship. For the sake of the beloved, he can commit rash acts and tolerate any whims.

Horse-Aquarius can achieve special harmony with the Horse-Cancer, Horse-Fish, Horse-Aquarius, Virgo, Rat, Fish-Rat and Rat-Cancer.

Intimate life

The man Aquarius-Horse is an excellent lover, but can agree on intimacy and without high feelings. He clearly distinguishes between physiological need and love, which often hurts his partners.

In bed, such a man is not afraid to experiment and constantly brings something new into the intimate life. Nevertheless, sex for such a person is not in the first place, and he may well do some time without intimacy.

The freedom of the Aquarius Horse is not close to all women, so many partners may be afraid of such openness. But if such a man meets a lady with a similar character, then their relationship will develop for a long period.

Family relationships

The Horse-Aquarius appreciates the family very much and tries to spend as much time as possible with loved ones. His optimism allows to defuse the situation, and a sense of humor brings a positive to family relationships.

It is important for such people to feel loved and sought after in marriage. They love the household with all their hearts and demand reciprocity from them. Otherwise, Aquarius-Horses go in search of support and understanding on the side.

For them, the family hearth should be a quiet haven where you can relax after a hard day. In this case, none of the household should not interfere with proper rest, otherwise the head of the family will not be able to cope with stress or emotional overload.

Constant stay in a tense state can bring the Horse-Aquarius to a nervous breakdown.

Finance and career

Horse-Aquarius does not seek to achieve high goals and is unlikely to be able to take a leadership position. Such people most often manifest themselves as executive rank-and-file employees, for which they receive a good monetary reward.

Financial stability is not a priority for a man of this horoscope. For him, money is of secondary importance, while entertainment comes first. To enjoy life, the Horse-Aquarius does not necessarily swim in luxury. Enough to be able to allow yourself to travel and enjoy freedom.

More information about the man Aquarius, you will learn from the following video.

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Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


