
Male Aquarius, born in the Year of the Pig

Male Aquarius, born in the Year of the Pig

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  1. Features and characteristics
  2. Relations
  3. Compatibility

Aquarius, born in the Year of the Pig (Cabana), is able to clearly solve the tasks assigned to him, is able to extract sense from everything. It is completely open to others and sensitive to all the events that take place around it. Such men are very gallant in communication, tactful and friendly to all people around him.

Features and characteristics

Aquarius-Kaban has many talents, is intellectually developed, but very inconstant and very freedom-loving. Aquarius always has a lot of new ideas that can be implemented without any problems, but only if the idea is interesting for him.

He appreciates simplicity and predictability. Aquarius can not be interested in gambling and extreme activities. If Aquarius Pig is inspired by a specific case, then it is very active and capable of bringing such a thing to its logical end. He may well develop a career, because Aquarius-Kaban responsibly approaches his duties.

Consider the basic character traits of such a sign.

  • Aquarius Pig is very serious and quite reasonable, therefore he soberly assesses the situation, he has no desire to shock people around him with senseless and rash actions. Aquarius can be impulsive only under the influence of strong emotions, which manifest themselves in extreme situations.
  • Sometimes it is ambitious in business, but at the same time unable to concentrate on one business.
  • He often gets lucky and gets a lot of things very easily, so Aquarius-Pig becomes irresponsible and this sometimes leads him to difficult life situations.
  • He is inclined to be more optimistic than pessimistic, therefore he cannot indifferently look at the world around him. She calmly perceives difficulties and overcomes them without problems, but it is difficult for him to endure a series of failures, she can take him out of balance.
  • His carelessness makes it difficult to succeed in serious matters, so Aquarius-Pig is not able to come to a serious career in a short way.
  • One of the main problems of Aquarius is laziness, so a man should constantly control himself so that this tendency could not adversely affect the promotion of Aquarius in the service.


Family and marriage

For Aquarius Pigs, love is a feeling that you must pass and experience. A man is able to sacrifice love for his ideas and life plans. He tends to fall in love at first sight, can burn from love, but at the same time Aquarius is very practical.

A man is freedom-loving and does not accept coercion, but if this happens, he will no longer take his partner seriously. Aquarius Pig is able to distinguish true love from other relationships, for this reason it is never unhappy in relationships with women.

Aquarius-Kaban is very devoted in life, therefore he is practically incapable of treason, in order to change, he needs very weighty reasons. With his freedom-loving disposition, he is looking for a spouse with such qualities as ingenuity and wisdom, tact and loyalty.

The main condition for Aquarius in friendship and love is equal relations and personal freedom. With such an approach in the life of Aquarius-Pig could be a happy person, but not every woman will be able to understand and go into such a relationship, so it’s quite difficult for him to find his life partner.If a woman with her strong-willed character will suppress the freedom and rights of her spouse, Aquarius will not be able to endure this and quickly break such relations. If the Boar will meet on its life path such a woman who correctly evaluates the vital principles of the spouse, then the man will be realized in marriage, will be happy and will be a wonderful spouse and father.

Aquarius Pig is very attached to children, so they will be able to teach them a lot, with such a father they will be able to become strong personalities.

Relations with people around you

Sometimes the surrounding people perceive the calm character of Aquarius as weakness, but at the same time they begin to reach out to him, to complain and ask for help in solving problems. If Aquarius-Pig acquires friends as a child, then such relationships remain until the end of life. A man does not respect evil people and does not accept rudeness. A person born in combination of these signs is a dreamer and a dreamer, he loves communication very much and is ready to constantly bring joy to other people. Aquarius-Pig is a great companion and from birth is not deprived of a sense of tact.


A man-Aquarius-Boar can quickly build a career, as he can do everything very easily. External dizzying ease leads to euphoria, which can affect the success of a career, in such a situation he needs to analyze and admit his mistakes. Financial well-being for Aquarius is very important, therefore, his career and well-being are assessed as a single whole. Given its character, Aquarius Kaban should build global goals and abandon unnecessary small ideas. He is able to focus his energy to achieve serious results.

The disadvantages of the Aquarius-Kaban are that he does not look for simple solutions to his problems, but chooses difficult ways out of the situation.

Entangled, he finds no way to get out of this situation and tries to make impulsive efforts and thoughtless actions that lead not to a solution of the problem, but to its aggravation and to a fiasco.


With fire element

The fire and air elements cannot exist without each other, because the fire can burn only with the support of air. According to the horoscope, both elements are very similar in character traits and perceptions of the world, they are active and independent from the environment. Family relationships water and fire elements develop very favorably. A man in such a family union maintains and directs the active life position of his wife in the right direction with his intellectuality. The woman, for her part, actively supports and helps in all her husband’s undertakings, which ensures her career growth.

With the earth element

In a family union with the earthly sign Aquarius may not care about material goods. The spouse properly organizes the life and fully ensures the welfare of the family. It would seem that the family should be happy, but with all the benefits received, Aquarius feels like in a closed cell. A woman with her perception of the world around her will not be able to understand the creative potential of her spouse, therefore she is unable to support his initiatives and aspirations. Such couples are very rarely happy.

With the air element

With a representative of his element, men have common views on life, so it is very easy for them to understand each other. The air sign is very independent in character, and it is difficult for him to keep strong family ties, for this reason his representatives easily enter into close relationships and easily part. The gap between them, they carry a very non-traumatic, but their separation is hard perceived by children and close relatives.

With the water element

Air partners for an air sign are not suitable in nature. If the earth element limits the development and advancement of the water element, but at the same time assumes many responsibilities, then the representatives of the water element immerse him in the quagmire of longing.Aquarius cannot understand the emotional outbursts, the intuition and the subconscious type of thinking of the water sign, all Aquarius attempts to understand the inner world of the spouse do not lead to anything and the man quickly begins to get tired of such relationships. The woman, for her part, also suffers greatly, as she needs strong and sensual connections. Among such marriages there are very few happy ones, but there are exceptions, since a great deal depends on the desire of both spouses to keep and strengthen mutual relations.

You will learn more about the compatibility of the Aquarian man from the following video.

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