
The character and fate of a man of Aquarius Tigra

The character and fate of a man of Aquarius Tigra

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  1. Characteristic
  2. Air sign features
  3. What qualities gives the representative oriental horoscope?
  4. Job
  5. Love
  6. Sex

Often women who want to build a relationship with a man want to know much more about him. However, not all representatives of the beautiful half of humanity manage to obtain the necessary information from friends, relatives, colleagues. Then they come to the aid of the horoscope. In this article we will talk in detail about the men of Aquarius-Tiger.


A person born under the symbols of Aquarius and Tigris combines the strengths of these signs. These people have charisma and easily gain authority. These are creative and outstanding personalities who are in a creative search, capable of uniting people around themselves and leading them. They are optimists with a strong character and will who can charge the people around them with their energy. They are capable of empathy, responsive and not indifferent to the sorrows and troubles of their colleagues and friends. These are excellent psychologists who can take any person out of depression and reconfigure to a positive, creating an aura of happiness around them. Able to cheer up others.

Those born under these signs are distinguished by their individuality, independent and decisive in their actions., they are far from being as simple as they seem at first glance, and very few people manage to understand them after the first acquaintance. As the characteristic and the horoscope of this man, he can fall in love with almost any woman. It has good compatibility with many signs.

Air sign features

Sign of Aquarius: January 20 - February 18

Men born under this sign are vulnerable and sensitive people. They are able to have many acquaintances, but they have very few friends, as a rule, whom they choose for themselves for the rest of their lives. Very friendly and sociable people. They do not like to change their mind, but they can be convinced. Aquarius can not be deceived, because they are very sensitive. Restoration of justice for them may become an obsessive goal, the implementation of which will not stop them before any obstacles and risks.

Aquarius are creative individuals interested in all aspects of life.These are people with excellent developed fantasy, possessing good abilities to study various sciences. In their daily activities, they can simultaneously perform a lot of small insignificant works, but this does not prevent them from remembering the main thing.

Aquarius men, as a rule, are romantics, but this does not prevent them from realistically assessing the world around them. They are capable of reckless acts, but do not like to put at risk themselves and those around them.

These are very sentimental people, possessing a huge burden and unlimited desire to learn the world.

What qualities gives the representative oriental horoscope?

Years of the Tiger: 1902, 1914, 1926, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010, 2022.

The man Tiger - a clot of energy and will. His striving for perfection, creative passion, innate aristocracy fascinate others. Possessing excellent oratory, can quickly make contact with strangers. In most cases, he is a generous and kind person. At first glance, balanced and calm. But this impression can be deceptive. We must always remember that this attractive person can become a very dangerous opponent. Men born this year are hot-tempered by nature and can be aggressive.

This is a very hot fighter, capable of self-sacrifice in order to achieve the goal.This is a strong-willed and purposeful person who is capable of taking on the burden of responsibility in the most difficult moment and realize his plans. I am pleased to take part in all events in which there is a certain proportion of risk and adventure. Paradoxically, but having such a temper temper, the man Tiger is able to weigh his upcoming actions very carefully. The decisions made by him are always well calculated, and they contain all the options for the development of events. With his enthusiasm and pressure, a man inspires people around him.

This is an honest and decent person. Always sincere in assessments and judgments, incapable of flattery and sycophancy. His nobility conquers even his enemies. He knows how to forgive insults, but does not forgive meanness. The ability to rally around like-minded people, the ability to develop a strategic line of success, consistency of views and assessments puts these people in positions of leaders and leaders. The desire to achieve this goal does not stop them from any power obstacles and hierarchs. Being egoists in trifles, they are capable of altruism and high commitment in large matters.

      Tiger is not interested in money issues, but it can create a fortune. His appearance is always gorgeous. She knows how to dress immaculately and selects her wardrobe correctly. His ability to communicate conquers exquisite aristocracy and gloss. This is a very sensitive and emotional person. Capable of strong love and passion, but rarely happy in a love relationship.

      Varieties of Tigers:

      • metal (1950, 2010, 2070);
      • water (1902, 1962, 2022);
      • wooden (1914, 1974, 2034);
      • fire (1926, 1986, 2046);
      • earth (1938, 1998, 2058).


      The man born at this time is endowed with many talents and thinks well. It has an extraordinary memory and well-developed intuition. Able to engage in basic sciences and in this field to achieve success. Being active in actions and decisive in actions can make him a pioneer and leader in many endeavors. However, it is able to neglect the opinions of others when it reaches its goals. This can only be determined by the significance of the tasks being implemented.

      In business relations, he is independent and goal-oriented, does not trust anyone to implement his ideas, and executes all his plans independently. For the performance of goals, he uses his innate charm. As a rule, these people achieve success by the bloom of male age, when they acquire the ability to control their emotions. They treat money calmly, not considering it to be an end in itself, which does not interfere with their accumulation and multiplication.

      In appearance, he is a calm and balanced man, capable of captivating a woman with his charm and charm.

      During these years, well-known historical figures were born who made an enormous contribution to the world cultural and scientific heritage, government and military figures, converters of states and the world community as a whole.


      These men have their own ideas about love relationships, which often do not coincide with generally accepted concepts and norms. In this regard, not all women are able to understand them. They always try to be independent and free, but they do not consider it necessary to provide freedom and independence to their partners. A man of this type is trying to realize the desires of his girlfriend and create a harmonious couple. He is pleased to be desired, and for the fulfillment of his desires he uses all possible means of seduction. The extravagant man is charming and sensitive in love joys, which attracts many chosen ones to him who are ready for extraordinary actions. The man is very emotional, why quickly falls in love. With partners soft, adheres to romantic relationships and actions. He likes to change them and is delighted with secret dates.However, it is easy to part with women if something does not satisfy him.

      In most cases, the fact of restriction of his freedom is irreconcilable - the rest of the wishes of the chosen one can be reconciled.


      This person is a sophisticated person, so in bedding he likes comfort and unusual atmosphere. This man is attracted to smart women. This is a very erotic person who adores the stages of courtship and seduction. Sex for him is a world of sensual fantasies and creativity. Cares about the complete satisfaction of your chosen one. In his quest for a new and untested in this area, his partner’s erotic fantasies are acceptable. These relationships will be so unforgettable and fabulous that they will remain in the memory of every woman who has been in connection with it.

      In sex, this man is insatiable and curious, his wild imagination has no limits. Constantly looking for something new to liven up your sex life, thus trying to find the perfect partner. Allows all types of sexual acts, including threesomes. Over time, this representative of the sign calms down, and then comes a time of spiritual understanding of women, corresponding to his views on the world around.

      More about men Aquarius you will learn from the following video.

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      Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


