
The Snake Aquarius Man: Characteristic and Compatible in Love

The Snake Aquarius Man: Characteristic and Compatible in Love

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  1. Features and specifications
  2. Career
  3. Friendship, family and marriage
  4. Compatibility in love

A man born in the period from January 21 to February 19 in 2013, 2001, 1989, 1977, 1965, 1953, 1941, 1929 harbors many mysteries. What needs to be done to attract the attention of a person born in the year of the Snake and under the constellation of Aquarius?

Features and specifications

Subordinates to these signs are carriers of truly explosive energy. Such a person combines two completely different natures: under the influence of a cold-blooded and calm Snake, rationality develops, the need for a calm life, while air Aquarius introduces its chaos and a constant striving for new achievements, forcing it to be in constant tension. It sometimes just detrimental effect on the psychological and nervous health.

Torn apart by the passions, Aquarius-Snake extremely rarely lets someone into his inner world, preferring to keep everything secret. You need to be really close, dear to this man, so he decided to share his experiences and problems.

This person rarely makes a serious relationship, preferring light superficial connections in which no one encroaches on his personal space and time, be it love or friendship.


Managed by these signs, he is a realist, who prefers to believe his eyes, however, this does not prevent him from relying on his well-developed intuition in the depths of his soul. For those around him, he is a very sociable, positive, trustworthy person, a good conversationalist, loyal friend, and reliable colleague. Open to everything new, having a good memory, Aquarius-Snake often succeeds in several areas of activity. He is ambitious and dynamic, has organizational skills, easily unites people around him, and the creative spirit allows him to become an excellent organizer of holidays, social events, competitions and other events.

This is a very intelligent man with an unusual look at things. Thanks to a sober, but at the same time somewhat philosophical approach, many outstanding figures of both art and the political arena can be found among the Snakes born in the year. Unfortunately, because of the windy nature of Aquarius, all these positive qualities are often lost against the background of insufficient concentration and rapidly lost interest, which prevents them from moving up the career ladder, often a person of this combination remains in middle positions, which, however, does not bother him.

Friendship, family and marriage

This man is original and inimitable in all actions. Rich imagination, some eccentricity and even theatricality allow him to quickly become an integral part of any, even a large company. Due to this, born under such signs easily finds new acquaintances, while becoming a good friend, if not a friend. Being easy to lift, can come to the rescue at any time.

Aquarius-Snake is able to cause and stir up the interest of the opposite sex. Without undue modesty, this person is just a professional in everything related to beautiful gestures and actions. A very important part of his relationship becomes the external gloss of the novel, revealing chic gifts, loud words. He loves to demonstrate his companion, so joint trips to restaurants, cinema, and parties will become an important part of life. She is pleased to receive counter signs of attention, no matter how unexpected they are, even if we are talking about verses written in his honor.Very jealous, insisting on total dedication and devotion from the partner, although he himself is often very inconsistent.

Demanding, but sometimes sets too high a bar. He considers himself an ideal companion of life for himself, as well as himself, but, unfortunately, such unions are rarely long-lasting. Aquarius does not know how to stay on the sidelines, so such a relationship resembles a rope pulling. A weak personality is also awaited by failure - he will quickly press her under himself, after which he will become bored. In the lady of the heart, this man wants to see a muse that will solve all domestic, uninteresting questions and give him new strength for accomplishments. The main features for this man’s true life partner must be flexibility and ability to bypass sharp corners.

In an intimate life, he likes to experiment, so it will be hard for him to have a conservative woman who has difficulty deciding on something new. At the same time, he prefers to feel himself a sultan, whom he is pleased in every way. Despite the fact that the physical side of the relationship is not a priority for him, he will never refuse to receive pleasure.

People of this combination easily change partners, but very often they subsequently return to the family.

This man knows how to make happy and show his love and devotion to close people.

In marriage, the Aquarius-Snake will be a reliable support for his half, an excellent father and other children who have no secrets from him. For him, an important part of life is the home, the provision of which completely assumes, leaving to his couple the creation of comfort that so appreciates.

Unfortunately, in marriage, he is not seeking feelings, but his own comfort, which his wife should provide.

Compatibility in love

The best option for creating strong, harmonious relationships for people of this type will be women, complementing its bright character traits, but not over-exaggerating attention to themselves. With a lady born in the Year of the Rooster, Aquarius-Snake will create a calculating tandem. He prefers not a wealthy feeling, but secured life in the palace to the notorious paradise in a hut. The Bull Girl will be able to provide a man living for wear with the necessary homely atmosphere in order to gain mental and physical strength. And with Snake he has a complete understanding, especially if they are involved in one activity - in these relations both partners are independent and respect each other’s right to personal space.

This man’s most unfortunate relationship is with Pig, Goat and Rabbit.

The first case is an example of the fact that not all opposites attract. Snake condescendingly treats Pig's naivety, he quickly becomes bored with her, because she does not want and can not look for keys to his many-sided nature. A goat will seem to a man weak and unable to appreciate the treasure that came to her, and Rabbit, being a self-sufficient sign, will not be able to provide the desired life together.

As for the compatibility of the horoscope, Aquarius quite easily finds a common language with all the signs, but the best combination of characters comes together with Libra and Sagittarius.

More about men Aquarius you will learn from the following video.

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Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


