
Tips for raising a child of Aquarius

Tips for raising a child of Aquarius

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  1. general characteristics
  2. Boy aquarius
  3. Aquarius girl
  4. We consider the eastern horoscope
  5. How to bring up?
  6. Choose a name

If the child has a child Aquarius, then there may be many questions about his education. How to find an approach to the difficult character of the child? We will talk in detail in this article about what distinguishes those born from January 20 to February 19, at the junction of the coldest winter month and such an ambiguous harbinger of spring.

general characteristics

Aquarius is a difficult to understand sign in our standard views. With a child will not be easy, but interesting. But all your efforts invested in its development will pay off. With such a child will not work the classical system, imparting obedience to adults. You should not seek absolute obedience, because such a person needs a fairly large degree of freedom to realize and express their individuality.

He is constantly striving for the future, is constantly ready to change, there are a lot of ideas inside him that are difficult for others to follow. They are characterized by a tireless desire for everything new and unknown, the need to develop in their own way, high mental and physical activity, independence of judgment and the presence of their own point of view.

At school, the child Aquarius will learn well, largely due to its natural data. In order to please his parents, he can become a good man, but he will show deep knowledge only in those areas that will be of interest to him.

Problems may arise with discipline, because the little thinker does not recognize any rules and authorities.

It is good if you get a wise and democratic teacher who will not drive the child into a rigid framework, but will allow him some autonomy in development within his individual abilities.

Among classmates, Aquarius can become both a popular activist and a calm contemplator. In any case, his leadership will be more informal. He does not strive for the external attributes of success and power. For him, peace and harmony are more important. Being sensitive to the emotions and moods of those around him, he can act only in a fairly calm and psychologically comfortable environment. Therefore, prepare in advance for the fact that your schoolboy will need a secluded corner or even a separate room for homework.

The child Aquarius is an arrow looking forward. You should not be afraid of this and ask questions about whether you can give the appropriate education to such a small unusual person with complex inclinations. Where the vector of his personality will be directed depends on you.

Boy aquarius

Perhaps these are the brightest individualists among the signs of the zodiac, guides of new ideas, very lively and always sociable. They will not be led, but they will invariably offer their vision, solution and path. To incline a child to your side, you will have to explain everything logically, staying on the side of reasonable discipline and rules of life. Then Aquarius himself will understand the validity of such requirements dictated by life itself.

Your son will definitely not have communication problems. In the circle of friends, he will not get lost, firmly taking the position of a champion of equality and justice for all. Next to such a child, in his own worldview, should be good and comfortable for everyone.

The defining element of air in the sign gives the child Aquarius a craving for the creation and embodiment of creative ideas. He is also attracted to all aspects of a person’s inner spiritual life.Various areas of science, modern technologies and technology, programming are attractive for the inquisitive mind.

Do not expect compliments from your son Aquarius, he will rather show his love through small pleasant attentions: a bunch of flowers or a poem of his own composition.

Most of the time he spends with his friends, but he receives no less pleasure from the time spent with his family.

Despite all your attempts at successful cooperation, at one point your son will suddenly cease to be cute, intelligent, sociable: a teenager begins to react negatively to advice and criticism and perceives all your educational efforts with ill-concealed sarcasm. This is how his freedom-loving personality, the need for individualization, self-expression manifests itself. This is the next stage in the development of little Aquarius. Trying to limit the child in this, you are likely only to harm your trust relationship.

Be condescending, let the young Aquarius make their mistakes. The main thing is to create a child’s feeling that you are there and ready to help, but only when he asks for it. And of course, do not forget to describe to the son the framework of social norms. Explain in an unobtrusive form what is acceptable and unacceptable behavior.

Aquarius girl

The girl Aquarius also strives for freedom in all its manifestations, as well as for obtaining vivid life experiences. She as if collects various hobbies: hobbies change one after another. Do not be afraid of superficiality: she is looking for herself. In one month, your daughter can read books about a student at the Hogwarts magic school, and the next she says that she would like to do drawing - almost nothing is impossible for her.

The girl Aquarius has no problems in communication. She will always find a company that she likes or will gather like-minded people around her. Do not be surprised that these will be children with completely different views from your child and from different social strata. The Aquarius girls do not recognize most of the social norms we are used to, including such as the division of people into races or classes.

Your daughter can easily communicate on various topics. She quickly makes new acquaintances and happily keeps the conversation going. Often the girl Aquarius becomes an ideological inspirer, talentedly tells invented stories, that's why people are drawn to her. She herself loves and appreciates her friends.

Your daughter’s equally important quality is compassion. She treats her parents with tenderness, is ready to take care of brothers and sisters. The response in her kind soul is found by our smaller brothers. With great enthusiasm, your daughter will defend an unjustly oppressed girlfriend, or can even dream of creating a reserve, an animal shelter. Keep these spiritual impulses in her, even if they do not quite coincide with your own views on life. Such immediate kindness these days is a great rarity.

Your child has another great feature: from an early age the girl Aquarius already knows what he will do. She reads books and watches films about the chosen activity, which, by the way, can be quite unusual: from the desire to become an actress or a writer to the profession of an architect or a mathematician. Her good sense of style should also be noted. Your daughter will not be indifferent to beautiful clothes, while not always following the latest fashion trends.

Do not forget: the Aquarius own view on everything.

We consider the eastern horoscope

  • Aquarius-Rat - a child with high intellectual abilities, who has a talent for writing books.
  • Aquarius-Bull is a sensitive person, distinguished by tolerance and calmness in solving important issues.
  • Aquarius-Tiger - prudent and intelligent representative.
  • Aquarius-Dragon is a moderately self-critical child who sees not only virtues, but also disadvantages.
  • Aquarius Snake is a kid who has mystical abilities.
  • Horse Aquarius - a child with obvious leadership qualities.
  • Aquarius Rabbit is a devoted comrade and friend, has a penchant for journalism.
  • Aquarius-Goat is a mysterious and capricious child.
  • Aquarius-Rooster is a selfish child who thinks only of himself.
  • Aquarius Dog is an intellectual who studies well.
  • Aquarius Monkey is a rather reserved child.
  • Aquarius Pig - a small representative, distinguished by intelligence and balance, which will always achieve success.

How to bring up?

Do not forget about the combination of signs of the zodiac of parents and child. So, for a vain dad Leo or a thorough mom Capricorn, it will often be difficult to understand your teenager Aquarius. And if the father of the child is Aries, then periodically repeated clashes cannot be avoided. A successful coincidence of circumstances will be if at least one parent in the family is born under the sign of Cancer: representatives of this zodiacal constellation perfectly find contact with Aquarius.

The child Aquarius already possesses innate wisdom. He is able to understand and accept all alternative conditions of action. But he also counts on a similar attitude towards himself. You will need tolerance, the absence of restrictions on the inner, especially spiritual, freedom and choice of life. Sometimes it will be unclear who is raising whom whom: are you your child or is he of you. And this is quite natural: the child of Aquarius, with its particular depth of comprehension of things, even at an early age has a lot to learn.

Actively exploring the world, children born under the sign of Aquarius often perplex adults with complex issues. You must be prepared for the fact that it is impossible to find unambiguous answers for them. To dismiss the child with standard formulations will not work - it is important for him to comprehend the very essence of things and concepts. But, having spent a little time on serious and thorough explanations, you will gain in the face of the child of a delighted listener and a friend who trusts you.

Stages of education of Aquarius will not always go consistently and smoothly. At some moments it will seem to you that the teenager has completely strayed from his hands. So the new stages of growing up of a small person make themselves felt. Your son may begin to violate the rules established in the family, the daughter will retreat into himself for a short time or begin to follow informal directions in hair and clothes. In this case, it is worthwhile to demonstrate sincere calm and wise condescension. Even if a volcano of emotions is boiling in your soul, do not show your indignation and indignation. The child must feel your confidence. You are for him that quiet and calm haven, where he can always be nailed after another eccentric search for truth.

Many parents are forced to worry such personality traits of a small Aquarius as: stubbornness, spontaneous thinking, unpredictability, self-confidence. We will not call them negative traits. Think of it simply as an identity of your child. It is in your power to turn them into the strengths of the future extraordinary personality.

Choose a name

For many of us, it’s no secret how important the choice of a name is for an unborn child. Someone chooses a name by lot, someone relies on the advice of relatives, others take into account the eastern horoscope. It is completely obvious that the character of those born in the Year of the Dog is different from those born under the influence of the Year of the Rooster or the Boar. The knowledge of the energy of the year of birth of your child and its combination with the zodiac sign will help you to approach this decision thoughtfully and responsibly.

So, 2019 will be marked by a happy event in your life - the birth of a new family member. Here is something common that unites people born in the Year of the Pig: gentleness, kindness, responsibility, hard work and purposefulness. A child born in this year will be a good family man, regardless of gender.He will not be afraid of difficulties and hardships on the path of life. Good interlocutors and loyal comrades, they attract people's attention and easily become the center of any company.

For girls born this year, the names will do: Anna, Valeria, Victoria, Vasilisa, Daria, Evgenia, Inna, Irina, Christina, Xenia and Svetlana.

Boys Aquarius will bring success names: Anton, Vladimir, David, Denis, Daniel, Yegor, Ivan, Ilya, Kirill, Maxim, Miroslav, Nikolai, Roman, and also Taras and Yuri.

You will learn more about the children of Aquarius in the following video.

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Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


