
Aquarius Woman: Characteristic and Horoscope Compatibility

Aquarius Woman: Characteristic and Horoscope Compatibility

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  1. Characteristic
  2. Health
  3. What man is needed?
  4. Compatibility
  5. We consider the eastern horoscope
  6. Famous Representatives

Free, soaring, extraordinary ... All these epithets can and should be attributed to a woman born under the sign of Aquarius. She can not shine external beauty. Inward alluring magic is its distinctive sign. You can love her or hate her - you can’t remain indifferent!


These winter personalities were born in the midst of the cold from January 20 to February 18.

Planet of Aquarius - Uranus. In astrology, it is believed that women born under the sign of this planet have sensitive intuition. They may even develop extrasensory abilities.

Stones that are particularly suitable for these girls:

  • Amethyst - personifies harmony, helps to resolve conflicts in the family and at work;
  • aquamarine - changes its color when the weather changes, a real talisman for those who like to travel;
  • pomegranate - a symbol of passion and love, has a positive effect on the hormonal system;
  • turquoise - in ancient times was considered an amulet for unhappiness and the evil eye, strengthens love relationships;
  • Zircon - eliminates nightmares and helps to find peace of mind;
  • sapphire - protects against deception, the stone of loyalty and pure motives;
  • Chrysocolla - opens the mind and calms the raging emotions.

Metal suitable for the mark is tin. In antiquity they made amulets for good luck. But also tin talismans can help the cardiovascular system.

    Aquarius Flowers:

    • mysterious violet - makes people calm and cheerful;
    • languid daffodil - helps women find happiness in love;
    • beautiful myrtle - heals from diseases and cleans the home energy;
    • healing immortelle - discourage any evil and allow you to gain self-confidence;
    • luxurious mistletoe - protects from the evil eye and damage.

    Sign Trees:

    • proud cypress - the tree of power and justice;
    • majestic poplar - absorbs negative energy;
    • fragrant cedar - restores mental strength.

    Animals - patrons of the sign: dove, crane, camel.

    • The dove symbolizes the special peace-lovingness inherent in Aquarius.
    • The crane speaks about the special talents that are in each representative of the mark. And also this bird shows belonging to the subtle world of spirits.
    • The ship of the desert is a camel - a symbol of independence and having your own opinion. He does not care at all in the literal and figurative sense of the word.

    Pets: iguana, short-haired cats. Iguana is the best suited for girls Aquarius due to its originality. Cats will help calm the raging nervous system.

    Colors suitable for women Aquarius: blue-green, purple, ultramarine.

    Mascot of the mark: the key. Worn usually on the neck in the form of a suspension. As an exception, you can use the bracelet. Such a talisman is very ancient, will reveal what is hidden from others. The power of the Pope is called the power of keys. Once a year, the symbol must be cleaned by placing it in a glass with a saline solution for three days.

    Another talisman can be for you a glass or porcelain figure of an angel. You need to talk to her every day and ask for help. Then it will be filled with your energy and will help with adversity.

    Lucky numbers: 2, 4, 8, 13.

    The most successful and unsuccessful days of the week: the activities of Aquarius on Wednesday and Saturday will be the most successful. On Sunday it is better not to plan anything serious, but to indulge in rest.

    Suitable names: Isolde, Xenia, Jan, Violetta, Ilona, ​​Irina, Zhanna, Juliana, Frida, Svetlana, Gloria.

    The girls of the elements of the air are impressive with their delicate pleasant kind. Creative nature does not allow them to look like everyone else. Individuality, not fashion - the principle in the selection of clothes. Their character is many-sided and strikingly different from others, which helps in all spheres of activity to remain the most outstanding person.

    In friendship

    Sociability of this eleventh sign of the zodiac has no boundaries. He can not exist without a team. The more buddies, the more fun. Loneliness does not threaten them. And the status of a person or his origin is not important. Female Aquarians always choose mind mates. Emotional connection is not so important for them.

    True friends they choose for life. It is hard for them to find someone close in spirit because of their extravagance. But if he is found, then the friendship will be almost related. The loyalty of such women should never be doubted.

    Both day and night she will always find time to come to the rescue completely free of charge. These girls do not like to hand out advice. It is easier for them to act directly. Such friends should not be lost. They feel responsible for the fate of their loved ones.

    The disadvantage of this comradely sacrifice is that friendship is sometimes put first instead of family. Husbands have a better understanding of female friendship, otherwise the weather in the house may be spoiled.

    In love

    It is impossible not to pay attention. She always attractive and unusual looks that appreciate men of all ages and different classes. But to approach her is not so easy. Behind the external attributes of this zodiac sign is uncommon intelligence and inexplicable intuition. Aquarius is not a dummy, and they need to fit.


      A close acquaintance with the "air" women can be seen that many of them are deft manipulators. Perhaps they themselves do not notice this and are very offended if they point out their intriguing methods. To create a successful union, it is worth trying to be somewhat softer and more flexible in relations with the opposite sex.

      Nevertheless, the Aquarius girl needs a strong male shoulder in order to at least sometimes be weak. She loves romance: talking about love under the moon, flowers and cute gifts. Let it be a bouquet of wild flowers or a golden decoration - it is not so important to her, the main thing is tokens of attention.

      With the beautiful sex of the air sign of the zodiac is always interesting, warm and cozy. She is ready to forgive a lot. Only betrayal by a man will never forgive. She herself will always be faithful, there is no doubt about it.

      A girl in love will delight even more with her kind. However, they will not tolerate restrictions of freedom and will never submit to the end. She does not seek to stamp in the passport, presenting it as a cell. Before marriage, learns all the information about his chosen one. Only after much thought will she be able to take such a serious step. It can easily break a relationship, but never completely burns bridges.

      Relations with such a person is always uncommon and explosive. This is the biggest problem. Not all men will tolerate such a complex nature. One can only advise to try not to violate the personal space of the girls of Aquarius and give them free rein.


      Despite the storm of feelings in the soul, these girls may look cold and detached. Sex is not in the first place for them. Only, indeed, a suitable elect will be able to awaken in them the true passion and emancipation. Then he will get in bed a storm of emotions and caresses.


        At birth, the mother of Aquarius will not show publicly their tender feelings. Love for her children will be in her heart and not show off. Relationship with children will be more friendly. They will exclude harsh punishments and excessive custody.

        In career

        Women of this zodiac sign have advantages in the form of an extraordinary mind and erudition. Do not borrow from them and creativity. Flight of fantasy is always present in any field of activity. Therefore, routine office work does not suit them.

        The following professions with a creative beginning are best suited for the girls of Aquarius:

        • an architect — unreal buildings, grand bridges — the imagination of this sign will draw anything;
        • writer - literary etudes will bring to life all the richness of the inner world of these women;
        • dancer - in the dance you can throw out all the passion that accumulates in the soul;
        • designer - the love of eccentricity and fresh solutions will help to stand out in this field;
        • director - on the set embodies the most incredible ideas;
        • the actress - style and charisma, inherent in the discussed zodiac sign, distinguishes her from competitors.

        The horoscope also offers more relaxed professions: a teacher or kindergarten teacher. In pedagogical methods of education there will always be a place for extraordinary ways of presenting information. Children always like something unusual.


          Aquarius does not apply to healthy people. In addition, these women love helping and supporting everyone. This causes overwork, insomnia, chronic fatigue.

          Impressive ladies keep everything in themselves, which affects the state of the body. Diseases of the nervous system also occur very often. It is dangerous that in case of heightened nervousness psychosomatics can manifest itself. Aquarians, who are less prone to stress, suffer much less frequently.

          In order not to aggravate weak immunity, it is necessary to ensure a full sleep. Once or twice a year, be sure to take a vacation and go to the warm sea regions. To combat nervous exhaustion is useful to engage in various sports. Walking in the fresh air will also have a positive effect.

          For mental relaxation, it is desirable to have a hobby associated with needlework. This can help yourself to relax and combine business with pleasure.

          Health problems can also occur against the background of malnutrition and harmful snacking. It should be noted that women of this air sign should follow a balanced diet. It will contribute to cleansing the body and eliminate excess toxins. Fish and vegetable dishes containing phosphorus and folic acid are especially helpful. And it is also recommended to use citrus and nuts.

          Not excluded problems with vision. It is important to contact an ophthalmologist in time.

          Girls Aquarius wary of medical care. Often they underestimate the state of their body and can use very wild methods of treatment for the sake of experiment. Their fantastic nature affects even this area.

          It must be remembered that the diagnosis itself is better not to make, but to entrust this matter to professionals.

          In addition to the main clinical treatment, homeopathy can be used. Herbal teas and aromatic baths will be a pleasant help in the fight for health and beauty.

          For older representatives of the air element, it is important to monitor the vessels and the circulatory system in general. With age, diseases such as varicose veins and increased thrombosis can occur. If the work is predominantly sedentary, it is necessary to take breaks and arrange mini-exercises for the legs.

          What man is needed?

          Aquarius women are approached by a gentleman who is able to please them and surprise. With a partner should not be boring.

          There are several main qualities that these girls will appreciate.

          • Caring. The tender soul of these girls should be bathed in attention. Then the return will be appropriate.
          • Love for an active lifestyle. Travel and sightseeing tours, trips and theaters - Aquarius can not live without it. The lazy and couch potato cannot win their heart.
          • Intelligence. Without this quality, she simply has nothing to talk with you about, which will kill all the sympathy in the bud.Often, representatives of this sign choose aged gentlemen. After all, they can always learn something.
          • Nurture If the alleged half manifests itself roughly, it will be almost impossible to return the girl’s location.
          • The pursuit of excellence. Aquarius themselves are constantly developing in all areas and will demand it from their beau.
          • Sexuality. The coldness of the girls of this sign can push away. But an experienced man will be able to seduce and liberate this lady.
          • Humor. Alarming ladies just need to discharge. Guys with a heavy and moody character will find it difficult to get along with a depressive girl.
          • Ease when communicating. Aquarius is very important emotional conversations. To please them, you do not need to play in silence.


          Create a harmonious couple girl Aquarius is not so easy.

          When choosing a partner, you can focus on the characteristics of a zodiac sign.

          • Aries. The incompatibility of the characters here is perfectly compensated by sexual pleasures. This union will have a very strong physical attraction. This will create a romantic aura and feedback in a pair. Aries too love to control everything, so in such a pair it is better for them to remain lovers or friends. Marriage is unlikely to be long-term.
          • Taurus. Common in this pair a bit. The interests of each other are reduced to carnal pleasures. Homely calf difficult to accept the freedom-loving girl Aquarius. She can only diversify his life with bright colors of joint travel. For a happy marriage, the prospects are rather small.
          • Twins. This type of men has such traits as the desire to learn new things, the love of travel, an extraordinary mind. This brings the Aquarius Gemini tandem together, making them the perfect match. These are two completely independent people whose union can become very strong. Support his mutual respect of interests and romantic passion. They have similar views on family, peace and love. Together they never get bored. One can only dream of such strong family ties.
          • Crayfish. This man lives by his own rules. It is difficult for him to understand such an unusual girl. Raku is important to know that in a relationship he is waiting for a family idyll. This woman Aquarius can not give. Against the background of mutual differences, their roads will most likely diverge.
          • A lion. Such a union will not be simple. Leo is practical and powerful. Aquarius girl does not know how to obey. They are very different, but if such extraordinary relations arise, then storms of emotions cannot be avoided. Their family idyll risks breaking on the incompatibility of their characters.
          • Virgo. The man of this zodiac sign is very conservative in contrast to the woman Aquarius. It will be very difficult to get along. In everyday life, they will blame each other for everything, as both have completely uneasy characters. In order for such a marriage not to disintegrate, they first need to accept the shortcomings of their partner. They will be together only holding their characters in check.
          • Libra. Lasting relationships in this scenario, the stars is almost impossible to achieve. Although there are always exceptions to the rules. If a Libra man shares her crazy hobbies with his woman, and the spouse, in turn, does not scold her husband for a small salary, then they will definitely get along well together.
          • Scorpio. It is possible that Cupid will try to bring them together with his well-aimed shot. But the Scorpio man will wait from his object of passion for stability and seriousness, which she will not be able to provide for him. Even the most beautiful flowers presented to the girl will not be able to keep her at the stove. Family hearth in this relationship can turn into a real military battle. If both parties learn to soften their character and make compromises, then such a marriage is quite possible.
          • Sagittarius. Their extravagant union has a lot of positive. Both Aquarius and Sagittarius are very fond of freedom and travel. They are important new experiences. Both of them lack only the desire to enter into legal marriage.But if the stamp in the passport still appeared, then this union can become very happy.
          • Capricorn. Capricorn is stable and serious, and the woman Aquarius does not accept any boundaries for itself. A man in such a union wants to curb the rebellious nature of the girl, which he rarely succeeds. Although it is conservative and always stands firmly on its feet, which slightly balances the whimsical half. Thanks to this, their family can be strong.
          • Aquarius. The likelihood of such a pair is very low. To create a family bond this zodiac sign needs a completely opposite person. They will be able to exist together only as long as it is convenient for them. To think about the future is not in the rules.
          • Fish. Both of these signs are emotional and childishly admiring the world. They can jointly engage in any creativity. Despite this, the Pisces man is rather passive, which annoys the hard-working girl of Aquarius. A strong half needs to take more initiative to maintain relationships.

          Best friends for Aquarius

          Finding out which zodiac sign is from a colleague, partner or friend, you can better understand his interests and character.

          • Aries. This is a leader by nature. Cheerful and versatile person. Refers to everything with a fair amount of responsibility. The disadvantage is that they always want to be taller than their heads.
          • Twins. They differ in their rare attachment to people and a certain amount of selfishness. But their reading and love of travel will not be bored.
          • Libra. They certainly will not be surprised extravagance girls Aquarius. They accept the essence of man as it is. Not afraid to tell the truth in the face.
          • Sagittarius. With this man, you can go to the front. Very reliable and at the same time cheerful and interesting person.
          • Lions, Fish and Aquarius themselves contraindicated to create friendships our air girl.

          We consider the eastern horoscope

          In addition to the zodiacal influence, the representative of the air element has an impact on the year in which she was born.

          There are 12 mythological beasts, personifying the influence of space on the character and fate of the girl Aquarius.

          • Rat. This woman is very bright and creative. Around her is always a huge number of fans. She also stands out for her diligence, always works until the seventh sweat. It is only important - not to find a monotonous routine profession. Children for her - not the main thing in life. But if they appear, the Rat will give them everything for a happy life.
          • Bull. A girl with this combination is cheerful and loves to be the center of attention. Working in pleasure, always in good standing with management. Often colleagues envy her and perceive her activity as a sycophancy in relation to the authorities. Prefers extreme quiet rest. In personal life, this person wants to feel in the first place - the most beloved and desired. Marriage will show itself from the best side. Welcomes a large number of children.
          • Tiger. This woman is very attractive and full of new ideas. Especially well they are embodied in the acting field, as well as in art. In principle, all creative professions are not alien to her. For men, the tigress is at a glance - it is so open. The spouse will be pleasantly surprised by her care and affection. However, the girl may be a little childish, in marriage plays the role of a little girl. It treats children with great attention, which can develop into hyper-care.
                • Rabbit (Cat). The main quality of this girl is the love of life and stunning optimism. It can also realize her creative potential in professions that require creativity, such as an artist, designer, or actress. With men, she is easy-going, fascinates them at first sight. But it does not make an encroachment on his freedom. She does not need to prohibit or restrict anything. The cat walks by itself.
                • The Dragon. Pretty dreamy nature that always remains a child in the soul. She is frightened by a serious relationship.To create a strong union, she needs someone to whom she can lay down all the problems and solutions. If this woman really falls in love, she will be capable of doing absolutely crazy things for the sake of her beloved man.
                • Snake. Such a person - the queen of all parties. May be the organizer of weddings and parties, DJ and animator. Possesses stubbornness and creative streak. In relationships with men, he does not show his best. It is very greedy for the financial position of the partner. Loves flowers and expensive gifts. A man together with her should be ready to fulfill all her whims.
                  • Horse. This woman is very cheerful and gets along well with people. The team is loved by everyone and always remains the center of attention. Very dreamy and floating in the clouds. In a relationship loves intrigue. Do not mind to spin holiday romance. In no hurry to enter into marriage, fearing to lose their independence.
                  • Goat. Possesses high intelligence, is pleasant in communication and independent. She likes to be involved in the process in her work, which is much more important for her than the material side. For men, it is extremely attractive - the very embodiment of femininity. Keeps a distance with them, not letting anyone to the end in his heart. She needs a flexible partner.
                  • A monkey. The nature of this representative is charming and noble. Easily trained and intuitively developed girl will easily find a place for herself in almost any profession, but she likes, like everyone else, creativity and art in general. It is easy to communicate with her, she is caring and loves children. The spouse of such a woman incredibly lucky.
                  • Cock. Bright and catchy lady. Works where it is recognized and appreciated. Has a developed imagination. Sometimes unnecessarily fussy. She strives to improve not only herself, but everything that surrounds her. In relationships with men, she often takes the initiative. She is the real keeper of the family hearth. Very good mother and daughter.
                  • Dog. She is a very good friend and listener. Able to keep his mouth shut. Easy to contact. Where exactly to work - it does not matter, the main thing is to make it interesting. Men are more like a girlfriend, not a passionate lover. On marriage, this girl is absolutely not obsessed, sometimes completely against the creation of a family. She wants to live for herself and her rich life.
                  • Pig. This combination at birth determines a person who is pleasant in all respects. She is ready to help everyone who needs it. Often sacrifices himself for the sake of others. In her work, she really needs to love her work and get moral satisfaction from it. In relationships, she values ​​equality, she does not know how to obey. If this quality is present, then the family idyll will be provided.

                  Famous Representatives

                  Among the famous women of this sign are many creative and extravagant personalities.

                  They possess the creative power of that internal energy, which they inherited by birth, leads to truly great achievements.

                  • Wang. Born on January 31, 1911. This bright representative of the sign of Aquarius possessed a magical gift of prediction. Her prophecies still come true. Bulgarian clairvoyant also knew how to heal people from diseases.
                  • Yoko Ono. The famous widow of John Lennon was born February 18, 1933. She is a writer, impressionist and singer. He actively fights for world peace and participates in charity.
                  • Irina Muravyova. Date of birth - February 8, 1949. Soviet actress, beloved by many viewers. In her career she tried on a huge number of images.
                              Yoko Ono
                              Irina Muravyova
                              • Mischa Barton. English actress was born on January 24, 1986. She played both in the theater and in the cinema. It also works in the modeling business.
                              • Alishia Keys A brilliant American actress and singer was born on January 25, 1981. Millions admire her talent. Now she is on top of popularity.
                              • Oprah Winfrey. This first black woman billionaire was born on January 29, 1954. Her diligence and iron grip can only envy. Millions of Americans take their cue from her. It motivates people not to give up in difficult situations and only go forward. After all, she herself came from a dysfunctional family.
                                        Mischa barton
                                        Alishia Kees
                                        Oprah Winfrey
                                        • Shakira. Appeared in the large family of the writer William Mebarak Hadid February 2, 1977. This girl from early childhood, wrote songs and composed music. Has achieved a staggering success in the early 2000s.
                                        • Chloe Grace Moretz. This young talented actress was born on February 10, 1997 in Atlanta. She also presents many famous cosmetic brands as a model. Already in five years, Chloe announced her desire to be an actress and began to engage in theatrical circle.
                                        • Jennifer Aniston. The actress, known for her role in the popular sitcom “Friends,” was born on February 11, 1969. Her acting career has several dozen projects.
                                                  Chloe Grace Moretz
                                                  Jennifer Aniston
                                                  • Paris Hilton. The famous celebrity was born in the family of famous hoteliers on February 17, 1981. She expresses herself in many areas of creative activity. But, like all Aquarius, it is not tied to something definite, since it craves freedom of action.
                                                  • Svetlana Hodchenkova. The star of many TV shows and full-length tapes is a native of Moscow. She was born on January 21, 1983. Her career began to grow rapidly after participating in the film "Bless the woman."
                                                  • Angelica Kashirina. Russian actress of the comedy genre was born on January 24, 1986. She became most famous after her brilliant images in the series “You Give Youth”. In six years, Lika could already parody the performances of Michael Jackson, which predicted her future as an actor.
                                                            Paris Hilton
                                                            Svetlana Hodchenkova
                                                            Angelica Kashirina
                                                            • Vera Brezhneva. The owner of an outstanding appearance and beautiful voice was born in the city of Dzerzhinsk on February 3, 1982. Her talents are numerous, and watching and listening to her is a pleasure.
                                                            • Yulia Savicheva. A young singer was born in the city of Kurgan on February 14, 1987. Her father was a guitarist in a rock band Maxim Fadeev. From the age of five she performed in a children's music ensemble. In more adult age became the participant of the sensational show "Star Factory-2".
                                                            • Olga Shelest. Her voice is known to almost everyone who listens to the radio, watches TV and goes to the cinema. The popular presenter was born on January 23, 1977 in Naberezhnye Chelny. For a long time, parents did not support the desire of the girl to work in the field of radio and television. But Olga did not give up and is now one of the most sought-after characters in her profession.
                                                                      Vera Brezhneva
                                                                      Yulia Savicheva
                                                                      Olga Shelest
                                                                      • Masha Malinovskaya. This now popular TV presenter has become known thanks to the channel MUZ-TV. Maria was born on January 21, 1981 in Smolensk. She tries herself in various fields of show business, for which she receives a fair share of criticism. Her uncommon appearance with hypertrophied lips and huge breasts is a reason for admiration and ridicule.
                                                                      • Svetlana Permyakova. A native of the city of Perm is a popular comedian. Born February 17, 1972 in the family of employees of the Perm flour factory. She played in the KVN team. Popular thanks to the TV series "Interns". Recently, she managed to completely transform her appearance by losing weight. This caused a storm of delight from her fans.
                                                                          Masha Malinovskaya
                                                                          Svetlana Permyakova

                                                                          Women born under the sign of Aquarius are unique and beautiful, no doubt. To get such a princess is possible only for a real knight. But having conquered her heart, you can be sure that all this struggle was not in vain. This game is worth the candle.

                                                                          For information on which wife is Aquarius woman, see the following video.

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                                                                          Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


