
Woman Aquarius-Bull: Features of Character and Compatibility

Woman Aquarius-Bull: Features of Character and Compatibility

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  1. Features
  2. In career
  3. In love and marriage
  4. Compatibility
  5. Recommendations

Women born in the year of the Bull, differ enviable obstinacy and great willpower. Girls born in the constellation of Aquarius are characterized by gentleness, some vulnerability. And because the representative of the year Ox, born under the sign of Aquarius, combines these two opposites. This is a real mystery woman, who seek to unravel the crowd of fans.


Often it is impossible to communicate with the Bulls, they are irreconcilable, do not make concessions and do not want to seek a compromise, but the air element of Aquarius softens the character of a woman born this year. She is more sociable and compliant, always keeps up a conversation with strangers, although it is worth noting that she is not particularly looking for communication.

The combination of Aquarius-Bull makes the representatives of these signs slightly detached, "not from this world." It looks positive and cheerful, but as soon as you get a little closer, this woman stiffens.

The Aquarius-Bull girl is prudent and impulsive at the same time - in other words, she can enter into an adventure, but at the same time provide for all the risks. For example, she may, for no reason at all, be going on a long journey, but before that she carefully counts whether she has enough money.

Woman Aquarius-Bull places high demands on people, but it’s not worth waiting for anger from her. She is intelligent, cheerful, has a fine sense of humor, and these qualities allow her to cope with difficult situations.

This lady prefers active rest, is optimistic, the most interesting ideas always swarm in her head, and the persistence inherited from the Bull allows to bring all the most unusual projects to life.

She is curious, but not curious. It has a large list of interests and a wide circle of communication, it is very energetic and friendly. May surprise a friend with an unexpected gift, always ready to help. It is worth noting some insight of this woman, she subtly feels the mood of the interlocutor, knows which words to pick up if a friend is upset about something. In general, not superstitious, but pays enough attention to signs and omens.

Despite the cheerful disposition, the woman Aquarius-Bull looks always rather restrained, but inside she is stubborn and independent. This is an unusual girl, very original, but surrounding her originality is often perceived as arrogance and a desire to stand out. However, knowing a woman as much as she allows, people fall under her boundless charm.

Spontaneity for this lady is almost not peculiar, it is distinguished by rationality, logical thinking, careful planning of her life.

The main advantages of women born in combination Aquarius-Bull:

  • unlike other Bulls, the Aquarius woman is ready to compromise;
  • can keep up the conversation, can speak on any topics;
  • appreciates stability;
  • has a delicate taste, highly developed in creative and intellectual terms;
  • Observant, but does not climb to others with his advice;
  • This woman’s dreams are always exalted, but at the same time she remembers the reality.

    Characteristics of women Aquarius-Bull would not be complete without a number of drawbacks:

    • usually guided by reason, sometimes this quality can spoil relations with people;
    • scrupulous business planning does not always lead to a successful result, and then Lady Aquarius-Bull is very confused and disappointed in herself;
    • slightly avoids change - for example, painfully perceives a change of scenery.

    In career

      From her youth, a woman Aquarius-Bull thinks about the future financial well-being.Constant planning forces her to think over the entire strategy here in her youth. And thanks to this, the woman Bulls-Aquarius to mature age is usually quite financially secure.

      Often she holds a high position. Things are going well in business. Difficulties do not frighten her. Reaching in his career heights, this lady is satisfied not only with good earnings, but also satisfied with herself. Able to focus on the main thing, responsible.

      She is hardy, fit with knowledge. Before embarking on an activity, he will carefully study all the risks, think over how to reduce them, draw a diagram, and only after that begin work. That is why usually the result has to wait a long time, but you can be sure that it will meet all expectations. Aquarius-Bull always bring the matter to the end, and let it take a lot of time.

      Sometimes this woman gives herself so much to work that at some point her energy simply burns out. This is a difficult period for a girl, she herself is unhappy with the respite, and therefore usually returns quickly enough to the form. The scope of the woman Aquarius-Bull chooses, guided by their interests. The material component at the same time is relegated to the background.

      The Aquarius bull works well alone, but if a reliable partner joins the work, this tandem will achieve even greater success in a short time.

      In love and marriage

      Women of the Aquarius are not very emotional, sensuality is alien to them, and therefore it is difficult for them to create relationships with a partner. Having felt a love feeling for the chosen one, this woman does not know how to apply it, she is accustomed to be guided by logic in everything. However, intelligence and insight allow this unusual lady to properly dispose of her feelings, and, according to her natural habit, she begins to plan relationships.

      In the adolescent period, it is not recommended to get married, it is better to fasten yourself with family ties in a more mature age. At this time, she already understands what a family is, and also probably has already achieved financial well-being, which will allow her to devote more time to her family.

      In relationships, she is caring and reliable. He wants to feel loved and desired. Sometimes it seeks to realize their own ambitions through children.

      This woman is difficult to find a suitable companion, as she is very demanding of others. In addition, with respect to the male gender, dualistic thinking is peculiar to her: on the one hand, she is attracted by a business-like young man, on the other - an extraordinary and free from public opinion. In the end, more often this lady chooses a hardworking and reliable partner.

      She rarely expresses feelings, and therefore tries to prove her love by her actions. This applies not only to her husband, but also to children. And because some mothers born in the year of the Bull under the sign of Aquarius, seem cold to their children.

      This woman appreciates family coziness and comfort, loves to spend time with her family. She devotes a little time to the housekeeping, but nevertheless the house always keeps clean.


      The hardest part for Lady Aquarius-Bull is finding the perfect life partner. Sometimes her searches turn into real adventures and from the first time rarely lead to a good result.

      To find a partner to succeed, a woman should look at the following representatives of the eastern horoscope:

      • Bull;
      • Rat;
      • Cat;
      • The Dragon.

      Also, this lady has good compatibility with such zodiac signs according to the western horoscope, such as:

      • Twins;
      • Sagittarius;
      • Aquarius;
      • A lion.

      A good union can happen with the male Aries-Rooster, but the options Tiger-Scorpio, Sheep-Leo, Sheep-Taurus should not be considered.


        So that the girl born in conjunction with the Bic Aquarius, it is easier to come into contact with others, she should heed the advice of astrologers:

        • in some situations, act according to feelings, intelligence and careful planning do not always lead to success;
        • control and criticize your actions less, you should not make too high demands on yourself;
        • love yourself and your qualities, stop being dissatisfied with your character;
        • do not demand the impossible from others, be simpler, and then people will communicate with you with great pleasure and without fear to face arrogance.

        Thus, the representative of the signs Aquarius Bull is a very interesting woman, she is intelligent, cheerful, purposeful, but it will not be so easy for a man to achieve her heart. In order not to face loneliness, this girl should reconsider some of her requests regarding others.

        About what Aquarius woman is in love, see the next video.

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        Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


