
Dragon Aquarius woman: character and fate

Dragon Aquarius woman: character and fate

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  1. Characteristic combination
  2. Love
  3. Family
  4. Job
  5. Recommendations

The combination of Aquarius and Dragon in one person is perhaps the strangest and most unusual. After all, “dragon realism and sanity with Aquarius mystical nature and idealism are forced to coexist“ under one roof ”peacefully, the will gets along with intuition, and selfishness with altruism and the tendency to self-sacrifice.

Characteristic combination

The goals of the Dragon Aquarius are very real and material, but the ways in which he achieves them can hardly be called rational. Often others are completely incomprehensible train of thought of these characters, it is so unusual. People possessing such a combination in the horoscope are as contradictory as the person can be. They are thrown from one extreme to another, sometimes several times a day.

The dragon forces Aquarius to lose his temper and growl when arguing on topics of principle to him. In turn, the air sign brings self-criticism, mental clarity, artistry and ingenuity to the nature of the Dragon.

This combination rewards its owner with a penchant for mood swings - from melancholy and even depression to violent joy. Of course, for girls it looks a bit more organic than for men, but it does not bring much benefit.

The woman of Aquarius, born in the year of the Dragon, was endowed by fate so generously, that it would be enough for both, and for three. Mysterious intellectual with inexplicable charm and a huge stock of vital energy. This is, of course, a creative nature, in this area it can achieve the most impressive successes. The fantasy of the Aquarian-Dragon woman is inexhaustible, she gushes forth with ideas.

This air person has the strength of mind, ambition, success, it is impossible not to noticeso vivid impression it makes on others. She knows all about the strengths of her personality, and she uses it to the full.

Implementing the area that attracts her is much more important for a woman of Aquarius born in the year of the Dragon than for any other aquarius, and she works for this, often at the expense of time spent with loved ones.

This restless nature just needs a constant change of impressions, positive emotions and recharge of vitality. If there is no such continuous movement in life, Dragon Aquarius falls into depression, apathy and begins to get depressed.


The beloved women of Aquarius, born in the year of the Dragon, are lucky people, because having established relationships with these individuals, they will always be surrounded by attention and care. Women who have such a combination of signs in their horoscope are extremely faithful to their loved ones, they have no connections on the side. Respect for a partner is one of the cornerstones on which relationships are built for them. Aquarius Dragons are beautiful and often enjoy success with the opposite sex, but never go over the edge of a harmless flirtation.

For Aquarius-Dragons, relationships are not an empty sound, their beloveds will always receive their share of support and help, no matter in words, money or time. As a rule, such women know everything about the affairs of their partners, and if necessary, help them with advice or simply listen to them.

Often, Aquarius-Dragons have long and meticulously chosen their companion, risking being alone. On the one hand, Aquarius is prone to stable, strong relationships, and on the other hand, the Dragon is always in a hurry for feats. Therefore, being fascinated by the achievement of goals and the setting of new ones, as well as by self-realization, a beautiful young lady can be left alone.

This can cause a variety of questions and suspicions of others. Everything is explained simply: in her youth, a woman born in the year of the Dragon under the sign of Aquarius does not even think about starting a family, much less children, she has enough plans without it. Very often, she achieves great heights in self-realization and a career in her young years, when peers flirt with might and main, meet, and later give birth to families.

At the moment when our careerist stopped and looked around, it often turns out that while she worked and achieved a considerable number of years passed.

To avoid this, not to turn into a "blue stocking", you need to find a balance in life, allocating time to work and time for a loved one. Communicating, you should not constantly advise, push and impose your values ​​on your partner, you just have to devote your time and show how important a person is: watch a movie together, go for a walk in the autumn park, go to sunbathe on the lake or just have dinner at your favorite restaurant.


Since a woman born in the year of the Dragon under the sign of the zodiac Aquarius, with two hands for independence, even being deeply in love with her, far from every man is satisfied with it. For example, neither the Bull, nor the Tiger, nor the Dragon (who, it would seem, should understand her as himself) will not tolerate such a willful lady. But men born in the years of Kota / Rabbit, Monkey, Rooster are calmer and more reasonable, respectively, with representatives of these signs, Dragon Aquarius has a chance to create a harmonious union.

In general, the Ladies Dragon-Aquarius is much more interesting and easy to chat with, but with romance it is not easy. Marriage scares them, frightened and long-term stable relationship. The idea that for the sake of the family she would have to sacrifice her freedom of creativity and with self-realization plunges this wayward nature into horror.

Although, in fairness it should be noted that it is in marriage that women born in the year of the Dragon under the sign of Aquarius flourish and become popular with other men, causing their other half to worry about their union. However, jealousy does not make sense, since these women do not cheat on their husbands.

As soon as the Dragon-Aquarius finds a man who will fully support her creative endeavors and give her some freedom to implement her creative ideas, she stops fearing marriage, becomes calm and compliant. It takes a little from a man: to understand that he has met a creator who cannot be pounded into frames. It is necessary to smooth corners in a timely manner and not allow the Dragon to breathe fire, burning everything around. The spouse will have to give unobtrusive attention to her with such a seemingly independent and self-confident woman.


The Aquarius woman, born in the year of the Dragon, is so sociable and charming that other people easily succumb to the temptation of her ideas and follow her. She is a true leader by nature. Moreover, such a person is not inclined to soar in the clouds and the pursuit of ghostly goals. She is able not only to set goals, but also to work hard to achieve them. This woman is an excellent manager at any level, distributing the range of responsibilities among subordinates according to their strengths and capabilities.

But she cannot be a simple office worker, Dragon Aquarius, by her nature, does not have enough patience to bear constant control over her work.


Having entered into a relationship with Dragon Aquarius, you need to stock up on two things: patience and care. This woman needs to be constantly inspired and supported by her loved one. Even if she does not voice it, but, on the contrary, keeps herself independent and self-confident, all she wants is her worries. A companion should always remember this and give her as much attention as he can. And the wayward beauty will cope with financial and other domestic issues herself.

It is important to remember that it is difficult for Aquarius Dragon to ask for help. At the same time, she herself will never refuse support. Therefore, having seen that a proud beauty cannot cope with something, one should gently and unobtrusively offer her a feasible contribution and help.

The woman of Aquarius, born in the year of the Dragon, is often a slave to her emotions, they fly like a swing, then plunging her into the abyss of despair, then raising her to the crest of riot of joy. That is why her companion is so important to maintain the “golden mean” in relations, to ensure stable calm, harmony and peace.

Aquarius-Dragon has a completely stunning intuition, and in no case can not make fun of it for it. Since these ladies are a little inclined to postpone cases, the partner should be gently and unobtrusively pushing them towards the implementation of plans.

About what a husband should be for an Aquarian woman, see the following video.

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Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


