
Woman Aquarius-Dog: distinctive personality traits and compatibility

Woman Aquarius-Dog: distinctive personality traits and compatibility

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  1. Features
  2. Talismans and patrons
  3. Career and Finance
  4. Family
  5. Compatibility
  6. Celebrities
  7. Tips

The sign of the zodiac, under which a man was born, gives him many different qualities. However, it is important to take into account the characteristics of the year of birth, that is, its "eastern" horoscope. Consider the basic character traits of women, combining the unbridled fantasy of Aquarius and the good temper of the Dog.


Dogs-Aquarius - responsible and kind people who are always ready to come to the rescue. They will not stop the late hour or a long distance - these lovers of change are easy to lift and can quickly break into the road. These sympathetic people often help others in solving their problems, but they do not expect a reciprocal reward. Their money is not particularly interested, and even more so they don’t strive to find benefits in everything. That is why such ladies often take on public work and choose professions related to helping other people.

Girls who have this zodiac and year of birth in their horoscope love to dream. Their ideas about the world are sometimes too idealistic, they sincerely believe in the best human qualities and try to conform to them: honesty, justice and the ability to reckon with the opinions of others are above all. Many people around them consider them strange for disinterestedness, striving for ideals and "soaring in the clouds." Sometimes even loved ones can not understand what is happening in the head of Aquarius Dogs.

Meanwhile, the ability to think freely of patterns and openness to everything new allows such a woman to act, ahead of her time, boldly embodying innovative ideas.

With all the modesty and seeming timidity, Aquarius-Dog can easily rush from their homes to find a better life, dramatically change the scope of activities and get new knowledge from the area with which it had not come into contact. However, this applies only to practical things. In relationships, a woman is faithful to her companion and is trying to build a strong union that will grow into a family. True, in order to decide on a marriage and leave its interesting and full of impressions life, a partner must really “hook” her. The intellectual level of men for Aquarius Dogs is very important, because it is in her partner that she sees her closest friend and valuable interlocutor.

These ladies avoid conflicts and rarely go into open confrontation. If the situation requires intervention, she will express her point of view reasonably and will not become personal. It’s just that this woman respects the views on life that are different from hers, and allows people to be as they are.

Talismans and patrons

The planet that patronizes such a fair sex is Uranus. It gives people intellectual superiority and the ability to think freely.

The element Air is the element of space and mental activity. Her wards zodiac signs usually have a heightened impressionability, a tendency to change, in life, an extraordinary burden of knowledge and an extraordinary intellectual potential bordering on genius.

For all Aquarius, astrologers recommend talismans in the form of a lock with a key. It is a symbol of all the mystical and unknown, which attracts Aquarius so much. Charm is designed to help them in solving the mysteries of the universe and their own purpose. Also, such a talisman symbolizes the inviolability of family ties and helps the owner to remain faithful to the partner.

Aquarius, born in the year of the Dog, astrologers recommend wearing opal.The stone will give him peace of mind and a sense of his own strength. Also he, like other Aquarius, can recommend jewelry with amethysts, sapphires, garnets.

Career and Finance

Because of the openness to everything new, various skills and abilities are usually present in her arsenal. It puts interest above material values, therefore it selects not always high-paying work. The main thing is that the matter should bring moral satisfaction, and that the soul should lie to it. Such an employee never puts her problems on others and tries not to ask her colleagues for help, but if one of them extends a helping hand, she will be sincerely grateful. The lack of this nature in excessive love of freedom, so if the boss makes her claims, then she can insist on her and continue to act in her own way.

They do not like work that requires a clear dress code, tight graphics and great responsibility. All these frameworks are rejected by Aquarius-Dog and do not allow to fully indulge in business with the whole fuse. Creative professions or even freelancing are more suited to this freedom-loving nature.

Since their increased public attention, they prefer professions that do not imply publicity. Solemn ceremonies, magnificent banquets, formal performances are usually not within the scope of her interests. Our heroine can visit our corporate party, but only if people who are really dear to her are gathered at it, and she is ready to meet in any situation.


In the family, Aquarius-Dogs also do not accept pressure from the husband, children, parents and other relatives. Married adhere to the idea of ​​equality of partners and sincerely indignant when the husband tries to forbid them anything. This applies to work, hobbies, pastime and choosing friends. This type of person does not tend to be kept women, they want companions to help with the children and sometimes share the concerns of the house. Sometimes Aquarius-Dog is so keen on public life or work, that it tries to send its spouse to the stove. Because of this, quarrels and misunderstandings can begin in the family.

Our heroines treat their children with great patience and care, they are able to maintain a calm tone, even when they are tired at work or quarreled with their spouse. It is unusual for them to panic in solving the problems of children, natural composure helps in this. If the child got naughty, she would rather try to find an approach to him, to reach his mind with the method of arguments and explanations, rather than screaming and scandals. No matter how much this woman loves her crumbs, she does not always find time to communicate with them, because in her field of interest there are so many things: career, social work, the search for herself and the meaning of life.


This woman is not a model of meekness and all-forgiving love, because she is too freedom-loving.

Consider the most successful horoscopic pairs that Aquarius-Dog can make:

  • Aries;
  • Twins;
  • A lion;
  • Aquarius.

The above signs will be able to get along with an extraordinary person, and accept its features. The Aquarius themselves will find in it a kindred soul, Lions, Aries and Twins who do not tolerate boredom will always discover new facets in it.

Unsuitable for alliances with Aquarius-Dog can be called men born under the constellations:

  • Crayfish;
  • Taurus;
  • Fish.

Romantic Crayfish and Taurus may not appreciate the progressive aspirations of this woman, because they want to see in their companion, above all, the keeper of the hearth. Fish, in turn, can attract her with their originality and the ability to generate ideas, but together they are too entangled in fantasies.


Among the well-known representatives of such an astrological combination is the Playboy model, Nicole Wood. In an interview, the girl said that she broke up with a man because he was against her desire to conquer Hollywood. She also shared her dream of flying a fighter, and that a loving husband was waiting for her at home.This is a typical position for Aquarius Dogs - swap roles with a man.

Valentina Grizodubova - a woman who not only soared in the clouds, but literally conquered the heavens. At first she was fond of music, graduated from the conservatory, but then entered the flight school and became a famous pilot, commanded the air regiment during the Second World War.

Other famous women born in the Year of the Dogs under the sign of Taurus: singer Liza Minnelli, Vera Brezhneva, actresses Natalya Vavilova and Svetlana Khodchenkova.


Because of their belief in justice, they sometimes make mistakes in people, since not all share their ideals. This offends the honest Aquarius Dog, which is why she can get very upset and withdraw into herself. The betrayal of loved ones hurts her like no other. Sometimes she should be cool and not respond to such moments, inevitable in life.

These ladies have a difficult character. This is due to the individualism that is peculiar to them. Not every man will accept the fact that his wife realizes herself all the time in various fields, and tries to leave her home routine to someone else. To preserve family relationships Aquarius - A dog should take a closer look at a spouse and children who may lack communication with the mother.

After all, the child is important not only quality education and development, but also emotional communication at home.

Aquarius, born in the year of the Dog - the most undemanding. Unlike other Aquarius, they do not ask from their chosen one for increased attention, do not expect reciprocal gratitude and rarely condemn someone. It is quite possible to carry everything on one's shoulders, but one should not forget about one’s feminine nature. If you feel tired from the active social burden and other people's problems, just step back and let yourself rest. This is very important for the restoration of vitality, and others themselves will cope with their problems.

A woman who combines the efficiency and kindness of a dog with the creativity of Aquarius is a bright personality. She wants to see in her companion a reliable person who can support and accept her as she is - with a pile of ideas and philosophical thoughts. Let the economic issues worry her not enough, but she has a strong spiritual connection with her family and is ready for much for her well-being.

More information about the woman Aquarius you will learn from the following video.

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