
Characteristics of women Tiger-Aquarius

Characteristics of women Tiger-Aquarius

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  1. Character traits
  2. Love and relationship
  3. Finance and career
  4. Family and marriage
  5. Stones Mascots
  6. Zodiac sign and year of birth separately
  7. Horoscope compatibility
  8. Generalization
  9. Representatives

We all know that each person is unique in his nature: different characters, views on life, principles, not to mention appearance. And at the first impression it is impossible to say something definite about a person. But many people are just sure that knowing the year and the sign of the zodiac, you can find out what we really are. In this article, we look at the characteristics of women born in the period from January 21 to February 19 in the year of the Tiger.

Character traits

The Aquarius-Tiger girl is a freedom-loving, self-confident and self-reliant, independent and purposeful person. She is able to rivet all the attention of others. And it is not surprising that it is always at the center of any company. The openness of such a lady, her responsiveness, ability to console and cheer attracts people like a magnet. Woman Aquarius-Tiger never gives sad and mope. Always support and help than can. But despite all this, in fact, such a nature is very closed and will never allow anyone to penetrate into her thoughts. This lady is simply impossible to force to do something. Because of this, few can understand it, which leads to lonelyness invisible to others. These personalities are very mysterious, as they have the ability to hide their real emotions, goals and desires.

This sign since birth relies only on itself and its strength. Never asks for help and does not allow to help. Aquarius-Tiger - a masterful combination that can not be broken, subdued or demand something. In turn, it does not require anything from society. She is not interested in politics, or power, or recognition. The only desire is to be free. A tiger is soul-loving in its soul, but the sign of Aquarius does not allow this feature to fully manifest, therefore such a person does not particularly strive to become a leader. In turn, Aquarius shares with Tigre its excellent memory, flexible mind and determination. And all this, coupled with the will of the Tiger, creates a person who is able to achieve any of his goals.

Due to the fact that the character traits of Aquarius and Tigers are almost completely opposite, a woman who contains such a combination in herself is often torn apart by completely different emotions. At the same time, she may strive to be a positive “character” and wish to find out what a dark entity is fraught with. The biggest disadvantage of this sign, born in the year of the Tiger, is emotionality. Often, it is she who is responsible for the breakdown of all plans, the failure to achieve goals and the breakdown of relations. Brave, courageous and determined women with great and strong energy, with such a wide variety of skills and knowledge, without difficulties overcome all problems and strive to the top.

And never will these people ask for help from others, which sometimes hurts them.

Love and relationship

Love, as a rule, is never a priority in the life of such women. And such women acquire a partner only if there is a marriage point in their ideal life plan. Aquarius-Tigers know their value, therefore they are unlikely to allow them to be around a weak man, both physically and spiritually. In dealing with the opposite sex, such women are extremely natural and unconstrained. With their brightness, sociability and smile, these ladies attract everyone's attention. But even with a huge number of fans, she never rushes to get married.Because she loves freedom and changes in life. And the constancy and everyday life of her oppresses and does not allow her to develop as a person. She prefers men like her: romantic and loving adventures, travels and freedom. If the relationship is serious, then the woman becomes very jealous and sentimental, and her emotionality increases threefold, which sometimes hinders, in fact, the same relationship. Yes, and the choice of a partner is very difficult.

Finance and career

Since these women clearly understand what they want from life, their goals are clearly defined. And plans have such a structure that it is simply impossible to get a losing result. Thanks to the rich imagination and creative abilities, Aquarius-Tiger can easily connect your life with something creative: music, acting, writing and other things. In financial terms, they do not depend on anyone and provide for themselves easily, because they know everything about receiving money and know how to earn it. Since such women are excellent leaders and leaders, they can easily combine their lives with business. And with a probability of 99%, he will be successful.

Family and marriage

Family and any relationship with such signs, as the horoscope says, is always carefully planned. If desired, these ladies are well able to create and develop relationships. Therefore, the difficulties here do not cause either her or her partner. Such a spouse is always calm, avoids quarrels and disputes, with a great desire takes most of the responsibility for himself and is not afraid of difficulties. If Aquarius-Tigers decided to start a family, then they are in the first place with them. And with the birth of a child, the work will go to the background. Because women are accustomed to giving women their whole selves without a trace.

Stones Mascots

Stones-talismans have enormous power, which will protect its owner from all sorts of problems, adversities, damage and various curses. And the Tigers Aquarius so much power is needed, as they are often pursued by mystical events. Even if the ladies themselves do not notice. Many believe that turquoise helps a lot to combine this zodiac sign with the year of the Tiger. It will save from the evil eye, damage, curses, maintain excellent health and beauty, cleanse the mind and help you make the right decision. Emotional women who are Aquarius-Tigers will help a lot.

Astrologers say that the amethyst talisman will help women calm down. Aquamarine also helps to cleanse both physically and spiritually, which is equally important. This allows you to keep all organs of the body in excellent healthy condition for a very long time. Quartz is also suitable for such people.

It helps to remove negative thoughts from the head and maintain positivity, a clean mind and creative abilities.

Zodiac sign and year of birth separately


Aquarians usually become either presidents or public figures who are always at the hearing. Thanks to their analytical mindset, people born under this sign can summarize a huge amount of information, compress them into a couple of sentences, or even words, and give it out the way you would like. Aquarians are very prudent, pragmatic and do not allow feelings to prevail over them. Sometimes representatives of this sign are tough and unprincipled. Easily control the masses, forcing them to do what is profitable. Get rid of unnecessary relationships if they become unnecessary. Never and never forgive anyone for mistakes. Also do not trust anyone. All people seem to them suspicious and want only their money.


Since the birth of people born in the year of the Tigris, surround those who are trying to subjugate and force to do something. People seem to feel that the Tigers are much stronger in spirituality and they try to prevent them from developing as an individual. His environment suppresses his will and desires. Despite all this, the Tigers find the strength to stand up and overcome their hardships with their heads held high.Competition, like Aquarius, tolerates easily, almost without paying attention to it. Very sociable, open and kind.

Horoscope compatibility

You can speak of Aquarius-Tigris as a cold-blooded individualist who can support in difficult times, a tough strategist, a vulnerable and sensitive person, a pure idealist and a vicious sinner. All this perfectly describes the compatibility of the two horoscopes. The lines from Pasternak's poem describe them very clearly: “I want to get to the very essence in everything.” These people always want to know why it happened, how it could have been avoided and so on. It is important for them to know everything; without this knowledge, such women seem to themselves very weak, pitiful and insignificant.

The combination of these horoscopes is very controversial. For example, while Aquarius needs society, the Tiger, on the contrary, is always cold and hidden. But together, these two opposing characters complement each other with willpower, an original mindset, an excellent memory and rich imagination. It is thanks to their actions that such women fully begin to understand themselves, and freedom gives them to find true feelings, instead of falsehood, pretense and cold calculation.


This combination of a sign and a year does not allow a person to sit still. He is very active and simply does not tolerate doing nothing. He works clearly, without mistakes and quickly, for which he is valued as an employee. But while he himself seeks to lead. His cold mind, prudence and will power make it possible to achieve unprecedented heights. Aquarius-Tigers are very fond of competition. It makes their mind, wit and thrift work faster and better. And there is no doubt that it is this combination of the sign and the year that will be on top of the pedestal with the cup in hand.

Many try to make such women work, break, manipulate, but all this is in vain. Aquarius-Tigers can pretend to obey you, and themselves at this time build a plan for your "destruction". They are great speakers, so they have nothing to convince people to take their side. To achieve the goal, such a woman can sometimes step over herself and start playing “dirty”. Although Aquarius-Tigers and stingy with real emotions, they will give plenty to acquaintances or those who benefit from them, to enjoy their openness and trust. Rarely put the feelings of others above their own. If the ladies have something unprofitable, they can easily end any relationship with this or that person. The main motto of such women: "Doubt - prove it."

He gives them the opportunity to make fewer mistakes and reach their goal even faster.


If you want to know and understand real people with such a strange combination of zodiac sign and year of birth, then you can safely read the biography of Nell Gwyn. This woman was born and grew up in a poor family, she worked where she could, but by the age of 19 she had become a famous actress who amazed everyone with her wit. She did not give up, but went further and looked for all the ways to break out of her midst. You can also get acquainted with the character of the actress Cybill Shepherd. She went through many difficulties and yet managed to achieve her own life: well-being and prosperity.

Nell Gwyn
Cybill Shepherd

An example would be the Russian actress Lyubov Orlova. When she was little, her family had to count every penny. The girl could not finish her studies, she had few friends, but even in such a situation she did not give up. She found herself an influential patron, began to act in films, and her life slowly but surely began to improve.

All these women are different and were born in different countries and eras, but all of them are united by the sign of the zodiac, the sign of the year of birth, the desire for a better life and tremendous will power.

You will learn more about Aquarius women in the following video.

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