Hair care

How to grow hair at home?

How to grow hair at home?

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  1. What contributes to rapid growth?
  2. How to make a stimulating massage?
  3. Special means
  4. Folk methods
  5. Recommendations

There is no fashion for long hair (as, however, does not happen for short). Both the first and the second case are classics, style, individual choice. Someone in his youth indulges in haircuts, and after 30, literally, they clutch their heads, regretting that they had cut for many years, and yet by nature they have beautiful, thick hair. And here begins the most interesting - an attempt to grow a braid to the waist.

I don’t want to wait for a long time, the most extreme means, like masks based on hot pepper and dozens of nicotinic acid ampoules, are used. Let us consider in the article whether this is correct, whether such a tactic gives a result, whether it makes sense at all to customize the growth of hair.

What contributes to rapid growth?

Going to "walk" on different sites, you stumble upon beautiful promises in large letters: "The same recipe for hair growth," "Means used by our great-grandmothers!" slogans not worth it.

To grow hair at home, you just need to start doing it: Strengthen hair care, stop tormenting them with thermal loading and do not get lost on haircuts. But behind these three simple rules - a sea of ​​small subparagraphs, about which dreaming about curls to the waist do not always reflect.

We offer hair care principles for rapid growth.

  • You can not solve the problem of slow growth only by external means. If you eat so-so, allow a lot of fast food and a downed schedule of meals, there is nothing to expect elegant hair. And if for the time being (childhood and adolescence) nutrition is not so clearly reflected in the condition of the hair, with age the contours of the problem become more and more obvious. By adjusting your diet, you help the body's tissues work with maximum efficiency. Nutrients come in the right combinations, hair bulbs get proper nourishment, hair grows, skin of the face improves, metabolism and so on.
  • Do not read information from dubious sources, which tells how to awaken dormant hair follicles. Dormant or dormant bulbs - a concept rather household than trichological. Nails, for example, are the same skin appendages as hair, but they are not sleeping. If a person has, in principle, a hair root, then he is definitely not sleeping. A trichologist can work with an intact root system, but note that, in the absence of any growth, a trichologist should do this. All other cases are individual features of hair growth. Curly may not grow so fast, but this is a deceptive perception and so on.
  • Take your features for granted. Hair problems, as experts say, are transmitted genetically, and the child is often inherited not from mom and dad, but from grandparents. Even aunts and uncles can pass not the most enviable gene. Genetics explains why some people start to go bald early, and someone in 55 can boast a thick head of hair without gray hair. Heredity, alas, does not respond to treatment. No remedies and no grandmother's recipes in the root to fix the situation will not work! Therefore, first accept your hair type, your thickness and growth rate, and dream of what is achievable.
  • Stop complaining about the height limit. There are certainly many readers among the readers who complain: “Hair to the shoulder blades grow, and then everything”.The limit of hair growth does not exist! But there are problems that do not allow you to grow long hair. For example, impaired hormones, insufficient blood supply to the scalp, certain toxic factors. Therefore, the "maximum length" is not in some genetic installation, but in other somatic pathologies that can be identified, treated, and come to good results in growth.
  • If problems are significant, go to a specialist. Perhaps you care not just length, but quality, density of hair. To solve these problems, there are trichologists. Trichological therapy has a great effect on hair growth, on thickness, on color and vitality.

And also the growth of long hair does not tolerate randomness in the approach itself. Trying out a lot of tools, masks, combs, recipes is a love of experimental activity and an obsession with an idea, rather than a cold-blooded, calculating and sensible approach.

And start with nutrition: 97% of hair is keratin protein. Therefore, your food should be a good quality protein product. And if your hair is dull, you probably do not have enough zinc.

How to make a stimulating massage?

Everyone probably knows that scalp massage can accelerate hair growth. It is foolish to deny it, you need to use such a simple, not requiring costs (unless - temporary) method.

Known dilemma: combing the hair for a long time or in a couple of movements, which helps, and that hurts the curls. Remember the historical films - there princesses and princesses servants combed before bedtime for a long time and thoroughly. And such a ritual, wandering from century to century, is not accidental. When combing, the activity of the sebaceous glands of the head is automatically optimized, so sebum diverges along the length of the hair, moisturizes it and gives protection against bacteria and microtraumas.

Because you need to comb twice a day. Approximately 30-40 fairly clever movements from the skin of the scalp to the tips of the hair.

And it was the first item. The second is the actual massage itself. It is pleasant to the scalp, if you do everything correctly. Massage the skin with clean, dry hands, trying to touch all areas. At this point, you improve the blood supply to the skin, improve the transport of nutrients to the hair follicles. 3-5 minutes of this massage is enough to start. You can do this before bedtime, accompanying the ritual with some parallel beneficial action. For example, even before the massage, put the aroma lamp in working condition. So, massage the scalp will cause the most pleasant associations, and you will quickly be able to make it a useful, sustainable habit.

In a week, hair will not grow by 20 cm, of course, even if you dedicate all your free time to massage. But such speeds are not needed. All progress in hair growth should be gradual. And the use of various expensive stimulants can not even be compared with the natural efforts to improve growth.

No chemical composition is absolutely harmless, but the correct massage can even pacify headaches, contribute to psychological relaxation (and this, in addition to the fact of improving hair growth).

Special means

If you focus on the use of special tools in order to quickly grow thick, long hair, first in the list will still be vitamins. And not synthetic (although they, too, should not be written off), namely, fortified food.

Here are the top 8 products for hair growth that can replace expensive stimulant products.

Sunflower seeds

This natural product is rich in zinc, which, as already mentioned, perfectly fights against dullness and brittle hair. In addition, there is vitamin B6 in the seeds, which is actually responsible for hair growth and shine.

The nuts

Choose your favorite - walnuts, hazelnuts, almonds, cashews. There are so many biotin in them that there is no reason to doubt their usefulness for hair. And there is a lot of vitamin E in them, the one that fights cell aging.

Bran Bread

Bran is an excellent source of fiber, which regulates the bowels, and (remember!) Reduces the level of "harmful" cholesterol in the blood. Bran Cellulose improves nutrient absorption. In principle, it helps to improve the body. For hair, however, bran is useful in that they contain many B vitamins (both biotin and panthenol are on this list).


There is as much protein in beef liver as in beef itself. And you already know that keratin is a protein, and keratin is the main one in the hair. The liver is rich in biotin, iron, vitamin A (14 times more in liver than in butter!) Try to buy non-frozen liver, simmer, and not fry.


Not only tasty and sweet fruit, but also a good product for the nervous system. In our case, it is also a natural stimulator of hair and nail growth, as well as a natural remedy for improving skin condition.


If a plant is rich in a whole list of representatives of the vitamin B group, it’s spinach. It has so much protein and iron that it is used for a long time as a mandatory item in the diet of people with anemia.


The content of vitamin C is won not by lemon, namely kiwi! Only one fruit per day, and the daily need for vitamin C is satisfied. Hair, muscles, teeth - everything needs sufficient intake of vitamin C, and preferably intake from products.

If you eat kiwi along with the peel, improve bowel motility.

Sea fish

Be sure to include this product in the menu, and do not limit yourself once a week if you want to naturally grow hair at home. Sea fish is rich in a valuable set of fat-soluble vitamins.

To make your hair grow well, eat fish dishes four times a week. And it is not necessary to go broke for salmon: hake, pollock, flounder and catfish do an excellent job with the same task.

We so insist on the importance of nutrition to strengthen hair and improve their growth, because it is the most natural, useful and competent way to meet the perfect curls. Buying expensive superfunctions in a pharmacy, the placebo effect often works: anointed, massaged, magic ointment penetrated the hair bulb, and the magic began ... No, the pattern of effects on the hair follicles is slightly different.

If you are healthy, if you fully and vitamins eat, if you are physically active, then with the blood supply, metabolism, regeneration processes you will be all right. And the hair will grow at an excellent pace, and most importantly, in good condition: lively, shiny, durable.

If you still monitor reviews on the forums for those who are growing spit, the leader of many popular ratings has become an effective tool - hair mask Compliment Naturalis 3 in 1 with pepper. The manufacturer declares it as a biocosmetic with natural extracts and oils. The mask works against hair loss, to strengthen, as well as to stimulate growth.

The smell of the mask is pleasant, after washing it on the hair, it does not linger. It is advised to apply one month once a week. On the hair to keep about 40 minutes (only on the roots), if it is very hot - remove earlier.

They promise a gain of one and a half to two centimeters per month. But you should not get carried away with such tools: they have such a side effect as withdrawal syndrome.

As soon as you, or rather, the skin of your head, got used to the tool, after the cancellation, terrible hair fall begins. Allergic reaction is also not excluded.

In general, women in the forums share their disappointments: expensive stimulants give a standard increase, and their beneficial effect is limited to the delicate aroma and effect of the mask. Disappointed with not cheap acquisitions, many turn to popular recipes.

Folk methods

Popular recipes are also well advertised: some promise a growth of 4 cm per month, and even a gain of 1 cm per 10 cm. Of course, sensible people ignore such advertising.But some ways should be considered on the subject of their usefulness.

Consider popular folk recipes.

Sea salt

It is slightly wetted, then rubbed into the scalp with a hand. This is a natural peeling, which really causes a rush of blood to the scalp. Salt also perfectly scrubs. It removes already dead skin particles, which, like a fence, grow on the way of nutrients and minerals. Scrub no more than once a week.

Burr oil

Everyone has heard of the miraculous power of burdock oil. It strengthens the roots, moisturizes the hair, helps growth. In fact, burdock oil can not significantly improve hair growth, but it can improve the general condition of curls. The main thing is systematic and correct technique of the procedure. Liberally moisten fingers in burdock oil, tilt your head and massage the skin with oil fingers for at least 7 minutes - this technique is most effective.


About this way they say "I want and prickly." It is impossible to call him harmless, although the strength of such a mask really does exist. Many women actively dilute the burning mustard powder so that the mixture literally burns the skin due to the increased blood flow to it.

The mask is valid, but not the safest - there is a high risk of drying out the skin, getting allergic problems. But if you are willing to take the risk, then dilute the mustard powder with warm water to a state of gruel. The mixture should be thick, if it flows down - disorder. Apply it to the hair roots, cover the hair with polyethylene, hold for 15 minutes, rinse.


Use women and this "tearful recipe." He is good for everyone, only one drawback - the smell. Hair perfectly absorbs not the most pleasant onion aromas. And in dry form, the hair does not smell, but if you slightly fall under the rain, the smell will become active. If you are ready to undergo this, chop one large onion into a mush, add a spoonful of liquid honey, and mix. On the roots of the hair, the mask lasts an hour, after which it is thoroughly washed off. And you need to wash off without shampoo.

Onion mask can be done twice a week.


If you are too lazy to bother with beer yeast, you can take the beer itself. A glass of beer is mixed with two chicken yolks (if the hair is dry) or proteins (if oily). The mixture is applied to the scalp, curls are processed along the entire length.

Compress is recommended to keep on hair for two hours under a warming cap.


Another leader of the popular vote! You will need fresh aloe juice, brandy and liquid honey. All ingredients are mixed in equal parts, and the yolk of the egg is added there. The mask is applied to wet hair along the entire length; a warming cap is necessarily used. You can wash off the mask in 2-3 hours.

Rye bread

About 200 grams of rye bread - more precisely, its crumb - pour half a cup of hot water. After the crumb is swollen and cold, add the yolk of one egg to the rye mush. Everything is well mixed, applied to the hair roots. Wrap the head with a film, twist a warm towel, and in this form you need to stay for half an hour. If the skin is oily, the mask can be strengthened with a pair of crushed garlic cloves.

The mask affects not only the growth of hair, but also their density.

This is definitely not all recipes. But such extreme, where used, for example, soap, try to use with caution. There is a risk to dry hair, not achieving the desired effect at all.

Do not alternate masks very actively. For hair and skin, such chaos can be stressful. Stick to some system, let your hair rest.


Hair care is often based on mistakes, and quite typical. Consider the most negative - how to do it.

  • Do not brush the curls from root to tip. This contributes to the stretching of the hair and tearing them out. Start at the ends and rise smoothly higher - that’s the right way.
  • Combing wet hair is a crime. So they are easily injured, become more brittle and foul.
  • Often washing your hair is also bad. By the way, the frequency of washing is associated with hair growth. It slows down if you put your head under the tap every day. If by the evening you see that the curls become greasy at the roots, you should take care of them with a dry shampoo. He manages to absorb excess fat, so that your hair again neat, without oily sheen.
  • Dry hair with a hair dryer every day - very bad. Exactly how to get involved in hair tongs, ironing. Such thermoagression affects negatively very quickly: the hair is strongly split, break off, fall out. Just think how much hair is lost during the straightening procedure. About any growth and can not speak! Even the means of thermal protection can not fully rehabilitate the procedure, although their use gives a certain softening effect.
  • Refuse split ends haircut - not the best solution. Of course, when you grow curls, every centimeter cut is a pity. But even without a haircut, the split ends of the growth progress cannot be seen.
  • Apply conditioner on the scalp is impossible. The task of the air conditioner is that it covers the hair with a very thin film, it does not allow moisture to evaporate. But if this useful film is on the scalp, inevitably clogged pores. And this does not help hair growth, on the contrary, it inhibits it. If you want to feed strands from the roots, use natural oils.
  • Do not dry your hair with a towel! Such aggressive drying is detrimental to their health. But even if you act carefully, it will not speed up the drying. However strange it may sound, instead of a towel, you can use a cotton T-shirt. Finally, simply without wiping your hair dry faster.
  • If you do not wash your comb, it also interferes with hair growth. The comb is a personal hygiene item. She also needs constant cleaning. Rinse it once a week under running hot water.
  • Do not get carried away with hairspray! It is not very useful for the respiratory system and the body as a whole. With frequent use of lacquer hair quickly dull, and they can not be called healthy.
  • Do not trust shampoos 2 in 1. Efficiency in such supposedly economical means is zero. The shampoo is designed to open the hair scales and remove all impurities from it. A balm (or conditioner) has a different function - it smoothes the hair, makes it soft. How one mixture can be so “smart” that it is programmed to first cope with one, and then with the other - no way! You sell expectations, not a unique product.
  • Do not rub the shampoo on your hair! So you make the scales rise, due to which they are injured. The same effect contributes to a mess of hair, after which they are difficult to comb. Before applying the shampoo, foam it up, apply it with smooth massage movements.
  • Comb not intended to injure the hair. If you have straight hair, a hairbrush called fish bone will be optimal. She is combing every strand. Curly hair fit only wooden combs with rare teeth. If the curls are thin and weak, you can take a round brush.

Well and, of course, it is worth to refuse regular backdrops. Create volume in more benign ways (styling, blow dryer).

Do not forget that it is necessary to sleep not with flowing hair, but collected in a braid or at least a tail. Long hair tangled in loose condition.

And in the winter, and in the summer heat curls need to be protected from negative external factors. Also, do not forget to protect your hair from negative thoughts - you do not have to stand at the mirror with a ruler every day, “release” the process, just do everything you need with the intended program. Successful growing!

To learn how to grow hair at home, see the following video.

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Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


