Hair products

Means for hair growth Alerana: composition and use

Means for hair growth Alerana: composition and use

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  1. What does hair need?
  2. Features of the drug
  3. Varieties
  4. Reviews

In the old days they said: “Spit is a girlish beauty”, and this statement is absolutely true. Hair adorns the girls - well-groomed shiny curls indicate the health status of its owner, her ability to look after herself. Girls with beautiful hair know almost everything about modern hair care products and are able to use them successfully.

Those who can not boast of beautiful strands, with envy look at the more successful tribeswoman, and in vain.

It is worth taking some time to get acquainted with information about washing and nourishing compositions, to purchase them, and not to forget to let it go.

What does hair need?

A rare person can boast the natural properties of curls. The overwhelming majority of women to keep their hair in optimal condition constantly struggle with dryness and brittleness, with fat or dandruff, with loss or poor growth. Hair disease is influenced by both external factors and the physical and emotional state of a person. But do not put up with trouble. Enough to lament and pity yourself, it's time to act!

For the proper development of curls need:

  • nutrition - minerals and vitamins;
  • cleansing - regular removal of dirt;
  • breath - head massage and combing.

If for combing and massage are the simplest devices, then for the other two operations need special compositions. There are many tools that can drastically change the condition of the hair. Their correct and regular use will drastically change the appearance of curls. Hair needs care - cleanliness and “top dressing”.

Features of the drug

The growth of the strands is of great importance due to the fact that only the emergence of a new “growth” will replace the old, brittle and patched or dull sparse hairs. It is possible to hope that the sick curls will be fully restored, but fresh ones are still better.

After all, they will grow completely healthy, if the cause of their disease is correctly identified and eliminated.

Well proven tool for hair growth Alerana. In the pharmaceutical market of our country, the demand for Alerana is constantly growing. The brand represents a whole series of drugs:

  • shampoos (by hair type);
  • sprays;
  • vitamins;
  • serum.

All products are indicated for use by both men and women. Reviews show that regular use of Alerana products is very effective.

The popularity of the brand is due to intense exposure. The drugs themselves are made from natural substances. The lack of hormonal components in the composition of Alerana hair care products puts them one step higher than foreign ones for safe use. Imported drugs, as a rule, affect hair growth by affecting human hormones. Such an impact is detrimental to the body.

A hair growth stimulant Alerana does not harm human health.


Consider the main types of products Alerana.


Each type of shampoo brand Alerana created to solve certain problems. Do not forget that the shampoo first cleans the hair. The strengthening and restoration stated in the annotation are additional actions, therefore, to eliminate the problems that arise with hair, shampoos alone cannot cope. They act as an addition to the main therapeutic drug. The impact of the cleanser will become apparent with the right choice. Prior to use, determine the type of hair.

The phrase "For oily hair" defines the purpose of shampoo. It is immediately clear that it affects the work of the sebaceous glands. Curls are less fatty because of the appropriate composition, which includes plant extracts, including herbs, wormwood and sage. Present in shampoo and horse chestnut extract.

The combined action of the components strengthens the hair, increases their resistance to loss.

Dry hair is a means enriched with poppy oil. Unsaturated fatty acids and lecithin are abundant in this oil. Shampoo softens the skin, the structure of the hair is restored.

Dandruff shampoo, in addition to the main, solves a few more problems. The main active element of this tool is procapil. Thanks to the specified plant complex:

  • metabolic processes are faster;
  • increases the flow of food to the hair roots;
  • the growth of curls accelerates;
  • stops falling out.

A real salvation for weak hair will be Intensive Nutrition Shampoo. Is he:

  • stops the process of falling out;
  • stimulates new hair growth;
  • delivers nutrients to the roots;
  • heals the structure of the curls;
  • gives shine.

To increase the hair diameter, there is also a special preparation. It consists of activated proteins and peptide complex. With regular use of shampoo "Density and volume":

  • nutrition of the follicle is improved;
  • growth accelerates;
  • new curls become thicker and thicker;
  • improved texture.

For especially sensitive scalp, a moisturizing shampoo containing a plant-based growth stimulator has been developed. The tool treats the scalp with care, softens and nourishes it, eliminates itching and irritation. All listed types of cleansing agents are available in 250 ml plastic containers.

The sprays

Sprays brand Alerana - a remedy. Indicated for use in androgenetic alopecia in both sexes. Ingredients include minoxidil (2% or 5%), purified water, propylene glycol and ethyl alcohol.

Available in spray bottles of 60 ml. This volume is enough for a course of treatment. Course duration is one month. The remedy acts not on the hair, but on their roots. Treatment leads to:

  • normalization of the development of follicles;
  • stop hair loss;
  • intensive growth and increase its duration;
  • structure improvement.

The daily dose of the spray is limited to two applications of 1 ml each. For accurate determination of the volume provided dispenser. Seven taps correspond to 1 ml of fluid. Rinse the spray is not necessary.

Liquid is sprayed on the exposed area, starting from the center to the periphery. A less concentrated two percent drug is recommended for use. A stronger tool is used when there is no result or, if necessary, a quick restoration of vegetation.

The doctor will not prescribe a spray to patients younger than 18 and older than 65 years. The drug is contraindicated in people with hypersensitivity of the scalp to the components of the liquid. Do not apply a remedy:

  • on damaged skin;
  • during pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • with parallel use of other pharmaceuticals for hair and scalp.


Whey is made from several components of plant origin. Some of them can significantly affect the strengthening of the hair and prevent their loss, others improve the nutrition of the bulbs, restore damage and damage to the hair follicle. Still others are the strongest hair growth stimulants.

Available drug vials of 100 ml. The recommended minimum period of use is 4 months.. The maximum effect is observed with constant use. Serum should be applied to dry or wet skin in the parting between the strands, and rub with light massage movements. Changes become visible even before the end of the first four-month course. Gradually, the hair begins to thicken, to increase in length and volume. Natural shine appears, dryness and brittleness are eliminated.


Reviews of drugs Alerana varied. Not at all, they act the same. For example, the spray used by men in the same family gave different results. A forty-year-old man had baldness stopped, full-grown hairs appeared where there were small bald patches. The sixty-five year old pensioner had no progress. Shifts appeared much later, hairs grew weak, similar to down.

The effectiveness of the means is confirmed by women. Within a few days, hair began to grow, but not only on the head, but also above the upper lip.

It is noted that such side effects are indicated in the annotation to the spray.

Young mothers after childbirth often complain of hair loss. They are the ones who use Alerana pharmaceutical products to restore curls more often than others. In 90% of cases, the result is positive. After a course of use of the spray, hair regains its former elasticity, vibrant shine.

Users report side effects of the spray. At first, hair loss increases. The negative situation persists for several weeks - up to six. If you continue to use, the fallout stops, there are new healthy strands that grow very quickly.

Patients believe that Alerana is effective only with its constant use.

Alerana products are produced as professional drugs. It is undesirable to use them without the appointment of a specialist or without prior consultation. Self-treatment may not bring the desired result because of the wrong choice of drugs, as well as the wrong dosage and use.

Review shampoo "Aleran" against hair loss, see the following video.

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Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


