Hair products

Estel Thermokeratin Toolkit Overview

Estel Thermokeratin Toolkit Overview

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  1. Advantages and disadvantages
  2. disadvantages
  3. It is included in the kit?
  4. Instructions for use
  5. Reviews

Do not be upset if your hair suddenly began to resemble a haystack. All the fault of frequent styling and painting. But without them, modern girls do not think of themselves. There is a way out - restoration of curls with thermokeratin from Estel. The results of its use cause continuous enthusiasm and a desire to repeat the procedure again and again. Hair returns shine, smoothness and healthy look. They become so obedient that you can afford to do without styling tools and get up in the morning later than usual.

Advantages and disadvantages

First of all, it is worth understanding what natural keratin is. This is the name of the protein involved in the formation of the structure of hair, nails and skin. Human hair is 80% made up of keratin, which is gradually destroyed with frequent staining with compounds with aggressive ingredients and chemical curls, when exposed to sunlight, under the influence of heat, sea and chlorinated water and other factors. To replenish stocks of keratin is simply necessary for healthy hair, as it is this substance is for them the main building material.

During classical keratinization, it is supposed to cover a strand with a special composition based on natural keratin. It partially gets inside, and a certain amount lingers on the surface of the hair, shrouding it with a thin layer of film.

To activate the composition and enhance the result of its use, it is necessary to warm the strands with a heat-shrink. The high temperature contributes to better digestibility of the applied keratin. It turns out that even the recovery procedure involves a harmful thermal effect.

Innovative thermokeratin, unlike conventional keratin, does not need to use the iron. Estel Thermokeratin is unique in its special composition. The interaction with thermal activator leads to the development of moderate heat, it also contributes to a significant improvement in the process of penetration into the structure of useful components. During this gentle treatment, the hair gets thermokeratin nutrition, saturated with keratin and amino acids. Their outer surface is restored, and the scales are smoothed. This is manifested by a visual shine and a magnificent view, smoothness and density.

Thermokeratization procedure is recommended in the following cases:

  • if hair is noticeably spoiled by regular thermal exposure;
  • if you need to straighten the hair structure with minimal consequences and maximum benefit;
  • if hair after frequent dyeing lacks luster and strength;
  • with split ends and overall fragility and tarnishing of the hair.

After the procedure with Estel products, the lost shine and the sleek condition return to the locks. This fixes the hair color, that is, it becomes brighter and more expressive. The impact appears immediately and has a cumulative effect. With each subsequent procedure, the hair will only become more luxurious.

Facts in favor of the procedure:

  • reduced electrification of hair;
  • fixed pigment stained strands;
  • strands are moistened and saturated with useful substances;
  • besides restoration, hair receive an excellent thermal protection;
  • hair structure straightens;
  • the tips of the hair are “soldered” and the hairstyle becomes presentable;
  • improves the overall condition and visual appearance of the hair;
  • The procedure is cheaper than salon keratinization.

Estel Thermokeratin is an effective tool during the professional level procedure for restoring and straightening the structure of damaged hair. It is possible to return the health and gloss to your locks without the help of salon masters. In a short period of time, dry and dull strands turn into shining hair with glossy shine and elasticity.

This treatment procedure can help restore even the most affected locks. Visually, the hair appears thicker, and all existing damaged areas are filled. This condition of the hair pleases its owner up to three months.

Another bonus of using thermokeratin is that hairstyle stops spontaneously change the styling in bad weather. Under the caring layer of keratin, they remain smooth in a humid environment and under UV exposure.

With each subsequent procedure, the Estel complex more and more clearly shows its positive effect on the strands. And with keratin, the color after painting is fixed for 2-4 months.


Yet some negative aspects of the procedure are also available:

  • not suitable for rare hair prone to fat - they shine faster and attract dust;
  • hair becomes heavier, and in rare cases, they begin to actively fall out;
  • Formaldehyde can cause allergies, as it is a carcinogenic substance;
  • contraindicated in the waiting period of the baby and GW;
  • some users did not get the expected immediate effect from the procedure.

It is included in the kit?

After keratinizing, the complex care helps to prolong the effect for a longer period. The kit includes several products for active influence on the hair: shampoo, regenerating mask, thermoactivator and keratin water.

The hair mask contains a restorative complex with the addition of keratin, which helps to enhance the process of hair regeneration at a deep level.

Thermoactivator contributes to heat transfer, without which the keratinizing procedure is impossible. The mission of the thermoactivator is to help deliver keratin to the inside of the hair, straighten rearing scales, connect stratified ends and adjust the nutrition process.

Keratin water is needed at the last stage to moisturize the curls, giving them strength and elasticity, fixing the hair color after dyeing, giving volume and protection from the detrimental influence of external factors.

About the complex Estel Thermokeratin do exceptionally good reviews. All praise the novelty for the excellent result after the application and note the improved quality of the strands. Especially noticeably, the series shows wonderful properties on colored locks or after a hard perm, turning dim and battered hair into a radiant and well-groomed mane.

In addition, the brand Estel has released a series of tinting masks "Color Injection". NEWTONE THERMOKERATIN HAUTE COUTURE, in addition to the thermoactivator, in addition to the shading effect, nourishes the hair with keratin, smoothes their structure. The product has an economical consumption, a convenient bottle design and a reasonable palette that allows you to choose the right shade for any hair color. A yellow-colored shading mask is purple in appearance, but it gives a wonderful effect of ash curls as a result.

Mask "Injection of color" is praised for the quality of the product, fully justifying in fact all the assurances of manufacturers.

Keratin shampoo

According to the manufacturer's promise, the shampoo promotes gentle cleansing of the strands and scalp. It fully nourishes weakened hair and restores them from the inside, filling, smoothing and compacting. The curl returns the former natural strength, density, well-groomed appearance.

The consistency of the shampoo is dense, which allows you to economically spend the tool. It is transparent in color, but it has a pearl shimmer. The smell is pleasant and tender. It is easily whipped into the foam, therefore, it removes all impurities from the hair and head without any problems.

Estelle shampoo is packaged in a cylindrical vial of dense plastic. The lid has a handy dispenser, which allows the portion to use the tool. After applying the shampoo there is an increase in the elasticity and shine of the hair.

Thermokeratin mask

Especially recommended for regular styling with hot appliances and frequent staining. A product that does not yet have a single negative review. Packed mask in a white tuba. Squeezed out dosed through a neat hole made in the lid.

The low-fat, dense consistence, is evenly distributed on all length of locks. It smells delicious - sweetish perfume. Perfectly smoothes the strands and at the same time does not deprive them of an attractive feminine volume. In addition to nutrition, it gives curls elasticity, does not pollute in appearance, does not make it heavier in sensations. Hair does not have to wash more often after applying the mask. Lack of funds for 10-20 times, depending on the length of hair. Reasonable price, volume sufficient for long use.

Thermal activator

Stimulates the release of heat from the scalp, which leads to the ingress of keratin in the depth of the hair. Professionally replaces warming caps (PVC hat, towel). In addition to the "greenhouse effect", the agent additionally feeds the locks with amino acids. Liquid consistency, with a barely perceptible, but pleasant aroma. Apply immediately after the mask with massaging movements. First distributed over the parting from the roots, and then - the entire length. Affordable cost with a pronounced result, comparable to the salon procedure.

Keratin water

Needed to consolidate the effects of the procedure. Water moisturizes and nourishes the strands, thickens them, smoothes and “seals” puffy tips, maintaining bright hair color. Serves as thermal protection and antistatic. Gives UV protection, does not require rinsing.

Instructions for use

The Estel complex with thermokeratin is a great way to conduct effective home care. It’s really easy to use at home. It is only important to strictly follow the instructions attached to the kit.

The stages of the procedure are as follows.

  1. Wash hair with Estel shampoo thorough cleaning. Strands comb through flat single-row comb.
  2. Apply to the strands keratin composition with a thermoactivator for 15 minutes.
  3. Treat the hair with a small amount (make according to the instructions) of keratin water.
  4. Dry your hair with a warm hair dryer.

The procedure with the effect of accumulation. The technology must be repeated a couple of weeks after the initial application. It is important to remember about the need to use the entire series of Estel brand tools, which favor fixing the result for a long time.


Effect after Estel Thermokeratin persists up to 4 weeks. The result depends on what condition the hair was originally in and what type it belongs to. To maintain their well-groomed appearance, it is recommended to repeat the procedure regularly. After it, shampoos with sulphates and parabens are not allowed, as they wash out natural protein. It is better to buy shampoo with keratin and make it a habit to use such a means to cleanse the hair.

This manufacturer produces such shampoos in large bottles. Funds from the Thermokeratin kit are used both comprehensively and separately. Some girls point out that even one mask can do magical reincarnations with hair.

And if you add keratin water to regular care, the strands will become even denser and more attractive in appearance. But the reaction, as well as feedback on the procedure, are different.

However, since the number of positive reviews prevails, You should definitely try to carry out the home procedure of thermokeratin care on your own hair.

Judging by the reviews, the result should be immediately. For most consumers, the hair immediately becomes much more obedient and more silky.Only a few indicate that it took two or three procedures in order to mark the desired transformation of the hair.

Regular use of the entire set helps to restore the natural structure of the hair and maintain the effect for a long time.

On the Estel Thermokeratin toolkit and features of the procedure, see the following video.

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Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


