Hair products

All about keratin hair restoration

All about keratin hair restoration

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  1. What it is?
  2. pros
  3. Minuses
  4. Who is suitable?
  5. Kinds
  6. Tools and Instruments
  7. How do?
  8. Reviews

The daily aggressive effects of the environment, the lack of sunlight and vitamins, the frequent use of curling irons or the iron for straightening - all this affects the appearance of hair. Even the most luxurious hairstyle without proper care begins to dim and deteriorate. Every year there are more and more new ways to restore the original strength and health of hair. They may differ both in their price or mode of action and in the final result. Someone prefers to conduct sessions of recovery at home, and someone regularly visits the salon. Today, one of the most popular procedures that can be performed both by the master and independently is the keratin recovery.

What it is?

Keratin is a protein of natural origin, which is obtained from sheep or goat wool. In fact, it is a natural building material for the skin, nail plates and, of course, hair. By its structure, animal protein is as close as possible to the protein of a human hair, and therefore perfectly replaces it. By hydrolysis, keratin is split into component molecules and converted into a water-soluble substance, on the basis of which various shampoos, creams for wrapping or regenerating agents are made. In cosmetology and medicine, it is hydrolyzed keratin that is popular, since it contains high-grade peptides and amino acids. At the same time, the price for it is not as high as for other natural ingredients.

The principle of action of protein compounds is quite simple. When using the product, each hair receives a kind of coating that envelops it and makes it more dense. At the same time, the split molecules penetrate the hair structure and fill the existing voids. Due to this filling the hair looks thicker, while becoming softer. Often in advertisements of various shampoos and masks you can see women with luxurious long hair, shining in the light like silk fabric. A similar effect gives keratin recovery.

The use of pure protein hydrolyzate, and not shampoos and masks containing it in its composition, is considered the most effective. Such procedures allow you to cope with brittleness and loss of color, to make unruly and fluffy hair straight and smooth.

You should not confuse the processes of keratin recovery and straightening. Experts say that these are two different procedures, so they are not at risk of losing mischievous curls to their happy owners.


The procedure for keratin hair treatment can be done in almost every hairdresser, not to mention the professional salons. Such wide popularity is due to the large number of advantages from the use of special formulations.

  • Easy styling. The hairs covered with the protein coat become smoother, the comb more easily slides between the strands and is not tangled in the nodules. If before the procedure it was necessary to put the curls every time after washing, then after it it is enough to dry the hair with a hair dryer. There is no need to additionally pull them with an iron, straightening the waves and reducing the fluffiness, the laminated strands will immediately fall into the desired position and straighten under their weight.
  • Protection. The outer film, which covered the hair after applying the composition, protects it from the effects of aggressive environment.In addition, keratin provides additional strengthening of the hair structure. Makes it less brittle, while maintaining flexibility and softness.
  • Saturation. Hair restoration using animal protein feeds the hair tissue with amino acids that they lack. This allows you to achieve not only external changes in the image, but also to make your hair stronger and healthier, capable of resisting the debilitating factors and effects after the composition ends.
  • Color preservation. The main problem of dyed hair is not even that they dry out and become thinner, but that even expensive professional dye is not able to retain its color on the hair for a long time. Keratin remedies help extend this period by increasing it from several weeks to several months. It is not necessary to use paints, which include strong chemicals. Even natural henna or basma will last longer if you visit a salon a few days after dyeing or use a home set for keratin recovery.
  • Few contraindications. It is very difficult to meet a person who would have an individual intolerance to keratin. With proper use of such compounds, the risk of harming their own health is negligible and almost tends to zero. In this case, special attention should be paid to the associated components that are part of the keratin solution. It is they who can make a strong irritant to the scalp in case of careless application.
  • The ease of the procedure. Nutrition and hair restoration with protein make not only professional beauty salon workers. Suitable tools can be easily purchased at a regular pharmacy or specialty store. Most often in the package you can find instructions for use, which must be followed. The whole process will take at least 3-4 hours, but even a teenager is able to spend it.
  • Long effect Even one keratin recovery procedure is enough for the result to please the client for several months. In this case, the composition itself does not contain a large number of aggressive chemicals and does not change the structure of the hair itself, but only envelops and fills it. Of course, over time, accidentally wash off such a shell is becoming easier. However, if you follow several rules for hair care after applying keratin remedies, the result can be saved for up to six months.
  • Hides split ends. The film, which covers the hair after the procedure, glues the split and split ends of the hair. Haircut will always look fresh and well maintained.


Unfortunately, like any cosmetological procedure, keratin recovery has its drawbacks. And in some cases, especially if the instructions are not followed and the funds are chosen incorrectly, the consequences can be catastrophic.

  • High cost. The price of the keratin restoration salon procedure starts from several thousand rubles and ends at several tens of thousands. It all depends on the reputation of the salon, the effectiveness of the product and its brand, the concentration of hydrolyzed protein and many other factors. A special set of products for carrying out the procedure at home, of course, is much cheaper. However, its effectiveness may be several times lower than professional hair cosmetics.
  • Aftercare. In order not to damage the keratin film and not to wash it off, it is necessary to purchase far from budget care products and to observe certain rules of behavior. We will have to introduce new habits into our daily schedule and strictly follow them. After the procedure, it is worth while to abandon the tight hairpins and elastics, do not stack the hair with hot tongs or curling iron.
  • Loss of basal volume. Of course, it is harmless neither to the hair nor to the scalp.However, the image as a whole will look somewhat different. You will have to think more about the hairstyles and hair styling, as well as change the tight cap to a free shawl or hood, in order not to press the hair on the crown even stronger. In addition, a thin film of protein on the hair is more dirty than the usual hair, so you will have to wash your hair at least 3-4 times a week.
  • Hair loss. Unfortunately, not always hair follicles are able to withstand even the usual weight of the hair. And keratin recovery makes every hair much harder, so they start to fall out even stronger.

Before resorting to the protein lamination procedure, it is necessary to solve the initial problem with hair loss and return the strength to the hair follicles.

Who is suitable?

Most often, the procedure of keratin hair restoration is recommended in cases where it is necessary to improve their internal state and at the same time improve the appearance. The indications for the overlay of protein hydrolyzate are:

  • brittle, dry hair;
  • lost elasticity;
  • weakened by frequent staining or perm;
  • UV dried;
  • damaged by frequent contact with chlorinated or sea water.

In addition, salons offer to perform such a service and as a prevention of the above problems. For example, some time before the planned vacation or before registering for classes in the pool.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the contraindications that dermatologists warn. You should not purchase this service in the following cases:

  • when hair falls out;
  • when there are problems with the health of the scalp;
  • in case of asthma;
  • with frequent allergic reactions to various cosmetic ingredients;
  • in the presence of cancer;
  • during pregnancy or while nursing a baby;
  • girls under the age of 14.

If there are serious problems with the skin and hair follicles, you must first eliminate the cause of the disease, after which you can restore and strengthen the hair.


There are only two types of professional care for weakened hair.

  • Brazilian keratin recovery. Its main difference is a higher concentration of formaldehyde, which allows to obtain an effect that lasts much longer. However, this procedure is much cheaper.
  • American Hair restoration by American technology has a milder effect on tissue, but it has a less lasting effect. In addition, this procedure has a very high price, since the cost of natural components is much higher.

The danger of a large amount of formaldehyde is that these toxic substances can disrupt the structure of the hair and poison the tissues.

At the same time, in small (no more than 2%) concentrations, they open the hair pores and allow nutrients to penetrate deep into them. The initial effect from both the Brazilian method and the American one looks exactly the same.

Tools and Instruments

The only thing that is required in order to get a keratin restoration from a professional is to pay for the service and come to the salon. Those who decided to carry out the procedure on their own will have to purchase everything they need in advance. First of all, you will need to decide on the tool itself.

Those who want to experience the effect of using hydrolyzed protein for the first time can try various keratin-containing hair masks for a start. They restore damaged and exfoliated strands, give elasticity and shine. Of course, their action is difficult to compare with these professional tools, but even such a gentle tool will give a general idea of ​​the end result of the procedure. One of the most popular masks, which can be easily purchased at cosmetic stores or ordered online, is “kera Restore treatment” from Indola. Its price fluctuates around 500 rubles.

More resembling salon hair care products is liquid keratin. Such a tool will help restore even lifeless and bleached curls that resemble straw or puppet strands. At the same time such a tool straightens and pulls curls, making them smooth and shiny. A good example of such a tool is keratin “Gold” from Cocochoco. The price of one bottle of such keratin water will be about 1,500 rubles.

There are complete kits for self-treatment of hair. They include not only a jar with protein hydrolyzate, but also a special thermoactivator, as well as a mask and shampoo for hair. An example of such a kit is Estel Keratin from Estel. The price of a set depends on the point of sale and ranges from 1,000 to 2,000 rubles.

In addition to the tools for the home procedure, you will also need a small amount of tools:

  • rubber medical gloves;
  • gauze face mask;
  • application brush;
  • comb with frequent teeth;
  • hair dryer;
  • hair straightener.

This set is quite enough to apply the product to the hair.

How do?

Despite the fact that the procedure for keratin recovery is considered to be professional, there is nothing too complicated about it. The main thing - to choose the right tool and follow simple instructions. Step by step the whole process is as follows.

  • Rinse the hair with a special shampoo to remove not only the usual dust and styling residues, but also to degrease the hair, open its scales and steam. It is better to repeat the procedure twice to achieve the best effect.
  • Dry your hair naturally or with a cool, weak stream of air from a hair dryer.
  • Split the hair into thin strands using a frequent comb.
  • Apply to the hair keratin remedy, retreating from the roots of not less than 1-2 centimeters. At this stage, special care will be required, since it is necessary to process each tiny strand well with the same amount of product. It is important not to make a mistake with this amount. A lack of keratin will make the procedure ineffective, and the excess will make the hair too greasy and shiny.
  • Dry hair with hair dryer as usual.
  • Again, go through the hair with a fine comb and divide them into strands.
  • Straighten each strand of ceramic iron, passing through it at least 10-12 times. This stage will also require attention and ability to handle the iron, as any room that has arisen in the process will remain on the hair for a long time.

In order to preserve the effect of the keratin treatment as long as possible, it is necessary to follow simple rules.

You can wash your hair only with shampoos that do not contain sulfates and sodium chloride. It is best to purchase a whole range of products with a low content of the same protein.

It is also worth more careful with the procedure of washing hair. Do not strongly pull and wind curls. No need to rub them between the palms and on the head. Movement should be, though massage, but very light and neat.

Finally, it is necessary to protect treated hair from frequent contact with water. When it rains and sleet you need to cover your head with a hood or a free cap. When swimming in the sea or pool, you must wear a special swimming cap or try not to wet your head.


Most shoppers of various keratin products or salon hair restoration services leave admiring and warm reviews on forums and websites. They note that the curls become more obedient, filled with strength and health. Some people report faster hair growth compared to the normal state. Many plan to introduce a similar procedure in their schedule and maintain the effect constantly.

Among the negative reviews most often there are disappointed customers of home-use products. Some of them could not carry out the procedure correctly, others were victims of fraudsters and bought a fake instead of expensive means. However, most often negative reviews are associated with a high price for a similar service or product.

The opinion of experts is also divided. Some argue that the procedure is useful and shown to many women. Others believe that such a procedure is harmful and gives only an external effect. In this case, both those and others caution that if the wrong selection of tools and applied in violation of technology there is a risk of facing the problem of increased hair loss.

Both those and others advise before going to the salon or buying an expensive product to consult with a dermatologist specializing in the problems of the scalp and the hair itself - a trichologist.

About keratin hair restoration described in the next video.

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Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


