Hair products

Hair care products

Hair care products

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  1. History of the development of funds
  2. Classification of professional cosmetics
  3. Pharmacy drugs
  4. Company rating
  5. Folk recipes
  6. How to pick up?

Gorgeous hair is not a gift of nature, but the result of constant and proper care for them, since even the strongest naturally curls due to the negative impact of the environment and constant styling can lose their former luster, become dull and acquire a lifeless appearance. Proper hair care is 90% success. With the successful selection of products for the care of curls and their correct use, you can achieve an unimaginable effect, even if the hair is in very poor condition.

You can read in our article about what means exist, what should be guided in choosing them and how to use this or that type correctly.

History of the development of funds

At all times, women have sought to do everything possible so that their hair grows as quickly as possible, and also be stronger. Women living in Rome made a special decoction of walnut shells and rubbed it into the roots, while residents of ancient China and Japan made a special firming mask of flour and honey. French women used a decoction of nettle, Indonesian used a primitive conditioner from the ashes of rice straw, husk and water, and then moistened their curls with coconut oil.

This kind of means today can not surprise anyone, as to this day, traditional medicine is very relevant. However, in different periods there were also quite strange means for modern people. For example, in the period from the 18th to the beginning of the 19th century, rose oil mixed with the ashes of bees or animals was used to speed up hair growth, and they also soaked hides and dried frogs, lizards, and snakes.

As a shampoo, as a rule, soap was used, and for people of lower classes, kvass or sour milk. In the middle of the XIX century, vegetable oils and animal fats became popular among women. Wine was often used as a tonic. It was added to different oils, which were applied to the curls.

If even before the XIX century, the process of washing the head caused many problems and required certain skills, then after the invention of the world's first hair shampoo, this process became much simpler and easier. In the 21st century, a modern person can choose for himself not only shampoo, but also any other means aimed at restoring, strengthening and moisturizing the hair structure.

Classification of professional cosmetics

Modern manufacturers of professional cosmetics for hair care products offer a wide range of products. The advantage of professional-type drugs is that their composition contains only the highest quality ingredients. They allow you to achieve the fastest and most powerful effect.

This kind of cosmetics can be purchased exclusively in specialized stores, if you want to use it at home and not in the salon.

The entire line of professional cosmetics, which is aimed at hair care, can be divided into the following groups.

  1. Hygienic. Includes a variety of shampoos, balms and conditioners. With their help, it is possible to add curvature and volume to curls, as well as to make them easier and more natural.
  2. Therapeutic and prophylactic. Means to care for damaged hair. This group includes balms, masks, serums and sprays.
  3. Decorative and cosmetic. As a rule, includes indelible hair care products.They are used for fixing strands, laying, curling, as well as to change the color. This group includes all sorts of varnishes, paints, foams and mousses.

To understand what kind of cosmetic product you need, you need to get acquainted in more detail with the most common types, as well as with their purpose.

  1. Shampoo. Needed to clean the curls from various contaminants. It can be used in combination with other means. Available in liquid and dry forms. For the first option, it is necessary to flush the product with warm water pressure, the second type is applied to dry roots and is not washed off.
  2. Balm and conditioner. Their purpose is to feed and provide easier combing of the strands. They can be applied both along the entire length and only at the ends.
  3. Paint. A means by which you can change the color of hair. Paints are presented today in a huge assortment of colors. All these tools are based on chemical components, except for basma and henna.
  4. Masks. Their goal is to nourish the hair. As a rule, they are sold ready-made in specialized cosmetics stores.
  5. Spray. It can be used to prevent hair loss, to provide easier combing of the strands and thermal protection. The composition of the spray usually includes vitamins, oils and elastins.
  6. Serum. Its purpose is similar to spray. It can also give volume and help strengthen the hair structure after dyeing.
  7. Gel. Silicone-based product that allows you to facilitate and speed up the process of styling curls. The gel provides the strength of the strands, as well as maintains the hair color after dyeing.
  8. Mousse or foam. These cosmetics should be applied before laying. They help protect, restore and strengthen hair. Also serve as thermal protection if styling involves the use of curling or ironing.
  9. Tonic. Its purpose is to protect the strands from falling out. The composition of the tonic includes a set of healing herbs and decoctions.

All of the above categories can include products whose effectiveness lies not only in the standard set, such as strengthening, restoring and nourishing, but also in eliminating dandruff problems, preventing hair loss, stimulating growth, etc.

To date, you can easily choose a set of cosmetics that will be safe for people with high allergic reactions, and for children's hair.

Pharmacy drugs

Pharmaceutical preparations mean by themselves means which are intended for course administration. Their use should be carried out only on the recommendation of a physician, since the need for medical preparations is usually associated with some kind of disruption in the body.

Compared to professional cosmetics or popular recipes, Pharmaceutical preparations for hair restoration, as a rule, have a stronger effect on the body.

In order not to be mistaken with the choice, you first need to consult with the trichologist - a doctor who will tell you in detail about your problem and advise you on the right drug.

There are the following drugs for hair care.

  1. Vitamins Aevit. Form - capsules. Method of application - add to the mask and rubbing the composition into the scalp. The advantages of the drug: preventing hair loss, strengthening the hair follicles, accelerating growth, giving elasticity and shine to curls.
  2. Nicotinic acid (B3). Form - ampoules. Method of application - rubbing into the scalp. The drug helps to improve blood circulation and enhances hair growth.
  3. D-Panthenol. Form - capsules, gel or spray. Method of application - the gel is rubbed into the scalp, spray is applied along the entire length, the capsules can be rubbed into the skin and added to the composition of natural masks. The gel acts on the bulbs, the spray strengthens the hair structure and glues the scales, the capsules restore the structure of the curls.

Advantages of the drug: accelerating growth and preventing hair loss, adding shine to the strands.

There are situations when, due to slow blood circulation near the bulbs, the hair begins to grow more slowly, it becomes brittle and more fragile. There are a group of drugs that are aimed at strengthening the hair follicles and stimulating hair growth. These include the following remedies.

  1. Minoxidil. Form - solution. Method of application - rubbing into the scalp. Purpose - against baldness. The tool has a slow effect: the first results will be noticeable after three to seven months of use.
  2. Solcoseryl. Form - gel. Purpose - against baldness, to accelerate hair growth. Method of application - must be mixed with vitamins or add to the mask and rub into the scalp. The drug stimulates hair growth.
  3. Actovegin. Form - ampoules. Purpose - to prevent baldness. Method of application - rubbing into the scalp. Pros: acceleration of blood circulation, strengthening of the bulbs, stimulation of growth, slowing down and preventing hair loss.

Pharmacies can also find many biostimulating drugs that are designed to accelerate hair growth. These include the following medications.

  1. Esvitsin. Form - balm. Method of application - lubrication of the roots three times a week, as well as taking the drug in the morning on an empty stomach. The drug is used to treat baldness, get rid of dandruff, stimulates rapid hair growth.
  2. Rinfoltil. Form - shampoo, lotion, ampoules. Method of application - application to hair, rubbing into the scalp. Advantages: strengthening the hair structure, preventing hair loss, cleaning the skin and bulbs of toxins.
  3. Mumie. Form - pills. Method of application - rubbing into the hair roots. Pros: acceleration of blood circulation, stop hair loss, treatment of inflammatory processes, dandruff, strengthening the structure of the strands.

We suggest that you familiarize yourself with pharmaceutical preparations, which are aimed at restoring and restoring weakened hair. The following drugs are among the most popular remedies.

  1. Keratin. Form - spray, suspension. Method of application - added to the masks and applied over the entire length of the hair. The drug creates a protective layer around each hair and contributes to the restoration and adhesion of scales.
  2. Collagen. Form - masks. Method of application - applied over the entire length of the hair. Promotes bonding of exfoliated scales, moisturizes and nourishes the hair.
  3. Hyaluronic acid. Form - mask, powder, spray. Method of application - application to the entire length of the hair. Treats dandruff, smoothes curls, nourishes and moisturizes.

    To eliminate dandruff, modern medicine offers several effective drugs.

    1. Sulsena. Form - paste, shampoo. Method of application - rub into the scalp during washing (shampoo) or put dots all over the skin immediately after washing the head once a week (paste). The course is three months. It gives volume, shine, softness to curls, cures for dandruff, stimulates hair growth.
    2. Tar series. Form - shampoo, soap. Method of application - application to hair or rubbing into the scalp. Removes inflammatory processes, eliminates dandruff.

    Company rating

    Based on the reviews of professional stylists, you can select a series of the best cosmetics that are aimed at hair care. These include the following drugs.

    Repair shampoo

    Manufacturer - Mulsan cosmetic. Form - shampoo. The composition of all products of this company does not include chemical components, based on only natural materials. Shampoos do not contain sulphates and parabens.

    Almond extract stimulates hair growth as well as strengthens them and prevents damage. Birch buds extract prevents hair loss, and also gives natural shine to curls and makes them more elastic.

    Instant moisture

    Manufacturer - Paul Mitchell. A series of products: moisturizing shampoo and hair care balm. Price - from 2000 to 2500 rubles. The composition includes medicinal panthenol, aloe extract, jojoba oil.

    Drugs have high-speed effect. Moisturize and nourish the curls, give shine, eliminate fragility. Hair becomes obedient.


    Manufacturer - Ammino Keratin. Form - mask, cost - up to 900 rubles. The main components that are part of the mask: vitamin B5, keratin amino acids. The mask creates a protective layer for each hair, strengthens, glues the scales.

    B83 Restructuring Hair Mask

    Manufacturer - Dikson. Form - mask. Price - up to 900 rubles. May apply as a mask and conditioner. The main components that are included in the composition: argan oil and various antioxidants. Advantages: nutrition of hair, providing a protective layer for curls, restoration of weak and damaged hair.

    Professionnel Mythic Oil

    Manufacturer - L'Oreal. Form - butter. Cost - up to 500 rubles. The main components of the composition: avocado oil and grape seed.

    Pros: enveloping a protective layer of each hair, moisturizing the strands, enriching the core and the bulbs with useful vitamins and minerals, strengthening the structure, stimulating the bulbs, gluing scales.

    Bona cure moisture kick

    Manufacturer - Schwarzkopf. Series: shampoo, mask, spray balm. The cost is from 1500 to 2000 rubles. Included in the silicones contribute to the formation of a protective film around the hair shaft.

    Panthenol nourishes the curls. Hyaluronic acid restores hair and stimulates their growth. Hair becomes docile, soft and smooth.

    Nutritive masquintense

    Manufacturer - Kerastase. Form - mask. It has a quick effect. The price is about 1300 rubles.

    The main components of the composition: complex vitamins, glycerin, silicone, proteins and cationic polymers. Pros: elimination of the split ends, providing nutrition and reliable protection of each hair. Hair becomes soft and smooth.

    Professional Brilliance

    Manufacturer - Wella. Series: shampoo, mask, conditioner. Suitable for hair restoration after dyeing. Can be used for tight, normal and thin hair.

    The cost is about 1300-1400 rubles. Diamond pollen included in the set allows the hair to get a healthy shine. Means nourish and restore the hair structure after dyeing. Protect against environmental damage.

    Otium butterfly

    Manufacturer - Estel. Series: shampoo, balm, spray. High-speed effect. Drugs give volume and lightness, moisturize and nourish hair.

    Folk recipes

    Natural components are capable of no worse than pharmaceutical preparations or professional cosmetics to restore and strengthen the hair structure. Such compositions are suitable even for children. Before you get acquainted with the best caring masks against fragility, you need to know about some of the rules for their use.

    • For the preparation of masks it is necessary to take as a basis only natural ingredients.
    • Apply the prepared mixture should be immediately after its preparation. Storage of the composition is possible only if it is allowed in accordance with the recipe.
    • If the mask includes products, you need to take care that they are either home-made, or of very high quality.

    The most effective natural ingredients for the preparation of nutritious, moisturizing and regenerating agents at home are:

    • honey;
    • kefir;
    • decoctions;
    • oils (most often used burdock or castor);
    • chicken egg yolk;
    • cognac;
    • vinegar;
    • cream.

    There are many recipes for masks. Their main difference lies in the properties.

    • For example, nourishes and moisturizes hair. kefir mask. For its preparation it is necessary to mix 1 tbsp. l liquid honey, olive oil, as well as 100 mg of kefir. The composition is applied for 30-40 minutes. Hair must be insulated. Then you need to wash your hair with shampoo.
    • To restore the hair structure is suitable brandy mask. To cook it, you need to take 1 tbsp. lvegetable oil, honey, brandy and chicken egg yolk. Apply the composition to half an hour and keep under a warm cap. Wash off with shampoo.
    • Another fairly effective hair growth mask is white clay mixture. Mix 2 tbsp. l clay with water. Then add 2 tsp. cinnamon and a small pinch of red pepper. If desired, you can add essential oils. Mask is applied for 15-30 minutes.
    • An effective method of dealing with brittle hair offers japanese recipe mask. Soak 200 g of soybeans overnight. The next day, drain the water and mash the beans. Add camellia oil and fat sour cream. Apply the composition for 25 minutes. After that, the hair should be washed with shampoo and rinse with rice water.

    Despite the fact that in folk medicine, most of the tools are considered universal, it is still better to select components that are suitable specifically for your hair type.

    Another advantage of traditional medicine is that you yourself can select and combine ingredients.

    How to pick up?

    Due to the fact that manufacturers offer a huge number of products for the care of curls, everyone can face the problem of choice. It is recommended to acquire professional cosmetics even for those who, by nature, are healthy, shiny, strong and obedient.

    Unreliable manufacturers can endanger your health. The composition of low-quality drugs can include substances that, with constant contact with the hair, can cause serious harm not only to their structure, but also to the scalp.

    That is why in the case of the purchase of a particular drug for the first time, a small test for an allergic reaction should be carried out.

    Pay attention to the components that are undesirable in the compositions of hair care products because they are considered carcinogenic:

    • silicone;
    • paraben;
    • ammonium sulfate;
    • sodium lauryl sulfate.

    But the presence of the following list of components will be a good sign, since they all cause a positive effect after intensive use:

    • oils;
    • lecithins;
    • keratin;
    • proteins;
    • extracts;
    • natural wax.
    Hair Oils

    Another important point: you need to choose a hair care product only in accordance with their type. On the packaging of drugs you can often find several standard symbols:

    • for dry hair - thin;
    • for painted - color;
    • for thin - extra-body;
    • for curly - smooth.

    Do not forget that the season also plays a big role in choosing cosmetics for hair care.

    If in a hot period of time it is better to use products that help moisturize the hair structure, then in winter, nutritious preparations will do.

    An overview of budget hair care products see below.

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    Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


