Hair products

Thermokeratin: what is it and how long does it hold?

Thermokeratin: what is it and how long does it hold?

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  1. What it is?
  2. Advantages and disadvantages
  3. Preparations
  4. How much is holding up?
  5. Care after the procedure
  6. Reviews

Every woman at any age cares about the condition of her hair. The impact of the environment, stress and other negative factors negatively affect the curls - they become thin, dry, brittle, split. In addition, the problem is aggravated by the popular styling products - hair dryer, curling iron, iron, hair curlers. Salon and home restorative procedures will help restore beauty and health to the curls. Treatment with thermokeratin continues to win love among women - consider it in more detail.

What it is?

Classic keratinization is the application of a special compound to the strands, based on natural keratin. This substance penetrates into the deep layers of the hair, leaving a significant part on its surface. The result is a special protective film with a slight sheen. To enhance the activation of substances included in the preparation, the hair is treated with a hot ironing tool before the procedure starts. high temperature has a positive effect on keratin absorption. Therefore, even with the treatment can not do without heat exposure. Unlike thermokeratin recovery, which does not require additional heating devices.

The reason is the unique composition. The substance combines with a special thermoactivator, as a result, the necessary heat is generated, due to which deep penetration and rapid absorption of useful elements takes place.

Thermokeratin recovery is a medical procedure that fills the entire lack of valuable components, saturating hairs with keratin, amino acids, vitamins. In addition, the damaged layer of the cuticle is restored on the outer surface of the curls, the scales are smoothed, and then a healthy shine and smoothness of the curls appear.

According to professional hairdressers, thermokeratin is suitable for:

  • straightening curly / curly strands;
  • restoration of damaged hair after frequent heat treatment, as well as dyeing, washing the coloring pigment;
  • returns shine and radiance;
  • getting rid of brittleness, dullness, split ends.

Women note that after the recovery procedure, the hair becomes soft to the touch, there is a beautiful sheen, especially in sunny weather. By the way, this way you can extend the effect of staining - the color remains saturated and uniform. Hot keratin treatment shows good results both in the salon and at home.

Modern professional hair kits allow you to conduct a safe, effective procedure at home - the main thing is to act according to the instructions for use.

The work of the masters in the salon includes several stages:

  • washing the scalp, hair with deep cleansing shampoo (it has a strong effect - removes sebum, dirt, cosmetics residues);
  • application of the drug;
  • wash with special keratin shampoo;
  • drying, styling.

Advantages and disadvantages

Keratin is essentially a protein of natural origin, which has a beneficial effect on the scalp - especially the hair structure. After the first session of the recovery procedure, women notice a positive effect. So, it is necessary to highlight the main advantages of hot keratin:

  • reduction of electrification, fluffiness;
  • fixation, preservation of color after different types of staining;
  • deep nourishment, moisturizing;
  • harmless straightening;
  • restoration of the structure of damaged hair due to abuse of hair dryer, curling iron, iron;
  • good thermal protection (especially in summer - with strong exposure to UV rays);
  • soldering split ends;
  • smoothing scales;
  • cumulative effect (saves the necessary supply of vitamins);
  • improving the appearance of curls;
  • safe conduct at home;
  • compared to classic keratin, the cost is much lower.

Unfortunately, this service can lead to negative consequences, so first you need to determine your hair type, consult with a specialist or a familiar wizard, and follow the recommendations outlined in the instructions for use of the purchased product (if you are going to carry out the procedure yourself).

    It is not enough lacks - from them are allocated:

    • the fat content of the roots increases - as a result, the hair becomes dirty quickly (with a fat type, the problem can only get worse);
    • the effect of the drug weights the curls - frequent loss occurs (with alopecia and other similar problems, the procedure is contraindicated);
    • The risk of an allergic reaction to the constituents - especially formaldehyde.


      Russian cosmetology company Estel is engaged in the production of professional hair care products. So, a special set of Estel Thermokeratin is the best in the Russian market. It offers a safe recovery procedure at home at a reasonable price. In addition, the drugs are absolutely harmless, so do not worry about "unpredictable results" or "spoiled curls."

      Thermokeratin complex from Estel includes 3 main components.

      • Keratin mask (300 ml) - provides reanimation of each hair from the inside, provides additional nutrition, saturation with useful substances.
      • Thermoactivator (200 ml) - forms the necessary amount of heat for enhanced protein action.
      • Keratin water (100 ml) - is the so-called fixer. Contributes to the preservation and accumulation of valuable elements.

      Hot keratin not only gives beauty and natural shine to hair, but also has a healing effect.

      Before using the restorative complex from Estelle at home, be sure to read the instructions included in the product box. Since the liquids in the bottles have a strong effect, it would not be superfluous to check the cosmetics for an allergic reaction.

      Step-by-step description of using Estel Thermokeratin at home.

      • First of all, it is necessary to clean the scalp and hair with a special keratin shampoo of the same brand, rinse with warm water.
      • Stepping back from the roots 1-2 cm, apply a mask (300 ml), lightly massaging the head. It is enough to hold about 10 minutes. The mask does not require rinsing.
      • On top of the applied composition, use a thermal activator (200 ml) for 1 minute.
      • Then both components are washed off with warm water. Experts recommend doing this manipulation 2-3 times, then you can feel some kind of film on the strands - this is normal.
      • Upon completion, keratin water (100 ml) is sprayed, which does not require rinsing.

      How much is holding up?

      The duration of the effect after the application of hot keratin brand Estel is about 4 weeks. The result depends not only on the type and condition of the locks, but also on the subsequent care. In addition, improper work can lead to bad consequences.

      Be sure to follow the recommendations of the instructions. It is also possible to use means on just painted hair.

      Care after the procedure

        Subsequent care is an important step in maintaining the effect of a salon or home restoration procedure. A common mistake is that some women continue to use shampoos / balms for daily washing, however, such products are able to wash out all the protein, as well as destroy the protective film on the surface of the strands. That is why it is important to use special products, which contain valuable protein.

        Professional masters advise to pay attention to shampoos without sulfates and parabens. The range of companies often has a line for care after thermokeratin treatment. By the way, shampoos are sold in large volumes, so they are slowly consumed.

        In addition to the basic means, the mask perfectly manifests itself in combination with keratin water - judging by the feedback from the girls, such a duet (2-3 times a week) creates real miracles with hair - it does not weigh down, makes it soft and silky.


        Reviews on the salon procedure, as well as a kit for thermokeratin recovery Estel Thermokeratin very diverse. Most women notice an amazing effect after the first session. So, before the procedure, the salon staff conducts a consultation, where the initial condition is determined, the type of hair. An important factor is the type of staining or other thermal manipulations. The higher the degree of damage to the strands - the more keratin services will be needed.

        Other clients complain of increased hair loss, oily roots. Similar results, according to hairdressers, are associated with an incorrectly designated type or initial state of the strands - suffering from seborrhea, alopecia, high fat content, this service is contraindicated. As for the home use of the complex, the girls observe very good results - the main thing is to strictly follow the instructions for use, as well as to develop further care in advance.

        Affordable price plus economical consumption (according to customers, one set can be enough for 10 procedures - depending on the length of the hair) make comprehensive professional care a real salvation for damaged hair, requiring additional nourishment, softness, shine, and most importantly - protection.

        See the following video for reviews of thermokeratin from Estel.

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        Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


