Hair straightening

Japanese hair straightening: what is it and how to do it?

Japanese hair straightening: what is it and how to do it?

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  1. Features
  2. Means and materials
  3. Technology

The dream of many girls is straight and smooth hair. With the help of the procedure of Japanese straightening curls, this desire can become a reality without harm to the hair. Since this procedure allows you to straighten hair for a long time and strengthen it from the inside.


Japanese keratin straightening is a relatively “young” procedure that has already gained popularity with girls from many countries.

The basis of this procedure are the means for straightening curls with cystamine, a special protein. It is thanks to him that the structure of the strands changes, straightens from the inside, and also closes the hair flakes. Thus, the hair becomes smooth and straight, not only externally but also internally, which allows you to maintain the effect of the procedure for a longer time.

Cystiamine, penetrating inside the curl, allows you to cope with such problems as split, curly and curly strands, as well as hard Asian or African American hair. This technique is suitable for colored, thin and brittle curls.

In addition, this procedure has other advantages:

  • Long-term result. After this procedure, the hair remains smooth for about a year, depending on the type of curls.
  • Perfect effect regardless of weather conditions. Smooth curls remain in the snow, rain, strong wind or sun.
  • Nourishing effect. Since the action of substances is aimed at changing the structure of the hair from the inside, the curls also receive nutrients at a deeper level. All this allows the hair to give shine, smoothness and healthy well-groomed appearance.
  • No special care after straightening.

This procedure has its drawbacks and contraindications:

  • A long period to stabilize the hair. It is forbidden to wash the head for up to 4 days. At the same time, any hairpins and hair ties should be excluded.
  • The high cost of both individual products for home use, and the price of services in the salons.
  • Correction is required as the locks grow.
  • It is impossible to curl the curls after this procedure, as they will still straighten.
  • Not suitable for melirovannyh and discolored strands, if they were made less than a month before the hair straightening.
  • Also, the process of Japanese straightening hairstyles is contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women.
  • Not suitable for persons with allergic reactions to the composition of drugs. Or for people who have small wounds, cuts on the scalp.

Means and materials

For the procedure of straightening curls using special tools, which are very different from similar preparations of other methods of straightening. First of all, they differ in composition. The Japanese method of straightening uses stronger keratin, which penetrates into the structure of the curl, changes it at the molecular level. Also used in the composition of the protein, which helps to restore the hair from the inside and is involved in their straightening. That is why this procedure allows not only to make the hair smooth, but also provides nourishing and regenerating effects on the curls.

In addition, the composition contains a lot of alkali, which makes them softer and removes static. However, it is worth noting that changing the structure of the hair at such a deep level makes them more vulnerable to the negative effects of the external environment. That is why it is so important to follow all the recommendations of a specialist after going through this procedure.

In addition to funds, an important role is played by the straightening iron. It should be with a temperature regulator, as each mode of curls uses its own mode. So, for bleached, weakened and damaged curls, a temperature of no more than 170 ° C is used. And for dyed, but thin curls, the temperature should not exceed 180 ° C. For normal hair of natural color or dyed, the temperature reaches 190 ° C. For hard and gray strands temperature is -200 ° C.

Failure to comply with the thermal mode can cause scalp burns and damage to the outer layer of the hair.

The whole procedure of straightening strands is divided into three stages, where a certain composition is used. For the first stage, a composition is used that opens the hair scales and forms a void inside it. In the second stage, the composition of amino acids and nutrients is used to fill the resulting void in the structure of the curl. At the final stage of the composition is used, which directly smoothes the strands, penetrating inside, and then close the scales.

The first composition is divided into two types depending on the type of hair. The first type (strong) is used for hard and gray hair. The second type (regylar) - for thin and weak hair. The means for the second and third stages are universal, suitable for all types. Each product can be purchased separately, which is a great convenience for specialists.


Hair straightening using Japanese technology includes several simple steps. Therefore, it can be carried out at home, but before using it is better to consult with a specialist. Since only a professional will be able to choose the necessary material and tools based on the type of hair and their condition.

The initial stage consists of washing the curls with a special shampoo that cleans the scalp and hair at a deeper level. The next step is the application of the preparation itself for straightening curls. It lasts from 40 minutes to one hour, depending on the type of hair and the manufacturer of the product. After that, the drug is washed off with ordinary water, and the strands are dried with a hairdryer.

At the third stage, the curls are straightened with the help of an ironing by gentle movements, not forgetting each strand. Curls are taken small, so that they all straighten evenly. This stage causes difficulty at home. Since it is necessary to straighten hair gently with the entire head. After straightening should apply the drug neutralizer. He keeps on the curls according to the instructions. After which they are washed again and put on a mask that reinforces the effect.

With proper hair care and the implementation of all recommendations, as well as the correction made on time, the effect of smooth strands can last up to a year.

According to reviews after this procedure, the curls become thicker, healthier and look more well-groomed.

Review of Japanese hair straightening at home in the video below.

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Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate.For health, always consult a specialist.


