How to get to know a girl: the place, appearance and behavior

Despite the fact that historically the right to approach and get acquainted belongs to the male sex, his representatives often wait for the first step from the girl. This comes from lack of experience, lack of self-confidence, ignorance of how to behave and what to say, to please. This task is not so difficult, but not as simple as it seems at first glance. Knowledge of the basic rules, the observance of simple recommendations will surely give you the opportunity to feel freer, and therefore, to find your only one. Psychologists believe that you can find a way to the heart of any girl.
Where can I meet?
The main question that confronts a man who wants to start a relationship with a girl is where to look for her. In fact, even though it can happen anywhere, choosing the right place means increasing the chances. We bring to your attention the most popular places where you can interest a girl who likes.
It is important to remember that unsuccessful attempts are normal, in no case should you be allowed to confuse yourself, you should never let your hands down.
On the street
You can start an acquaintance even on the street; a large percentage of relationships arise exactly this way. If you do not know where to start, just look at the surrounding girls. The main signal that showed you sympathy - an open, interested look. Even if you just looked into each other's eyes, but at the same time saw the location and friendliness on the face - this may be enough to try. Very many meetings did not take place, because the view was not considered a weighty argument. No need to get lost and pass by, if you notice the look of a girl who impressed you.
You will miss the chance and will reproach yourself for insecurity, and the worst thing that awaits you is mutual disinterest and a few minutes of wasted time. Meeting on the street is promising, because there are really a lot of options. However, this is difficult to do, because you need to overcome your shyness, behave confidently and do not hesitate.
It is very important to enter the conversation correctly, the first phrase often decides everything, so you should think about it. Said stupidity or vulgarity will instantly devalue all your chances. Try to start with the establishment of eye contact, after which the said phrase no longer shocks the stranger. Do not build long flowery phrases, simply say hello, to offer to meet. You need to communicate with a positive, friendly. You can start with a compliment only if you are confident and know how to do it, because the banality about beautiful eyes is unlikely to surprise anyone.
If your goal is a long acquaintance, then it should be demonstrated immediately. If the first phrase was received favorably and the offer to meet is not rejected, it is important to interest an unfamiliar girl. If the response is not clear, try joking or attracting attention with your achievements (but not in the form of boasting).Participation in interesting events, competitions, interesting work - everything will do. If the girl is still polite, but no more, you should refer to employment and ask for a phone number, offer to meet again.
In social networks
Shy man - a fairly common phenomenon. These people do not get to meet in person, but there is a solution - Internet resources. Social networks are the most popular places where you can find a girlfriend. However, do not think that it is enough to send one message to get acquainted. First of all, take care of your account, put a real photo on the avatar, where you are in a good perspective and decent form.
Pages with frank pictures are unlikely to interest an adequate girl. If you are in search, do not be lazy to fill out an account questionnaire in full and in detail. Be sure to show hobbies: sports, photography, books, travel. Another important point is literacy. If you are not sure of the spelling, you will have to use electronic assistants. Be sure to check the letters before sending. An illiterate text will cause nothing but irritation.
To interest the interlocutor, it is better to examine her account and understand what she is interested in - based on this, you should build the first message. It is good if you are in the same group or are subscribed to the same public.
In the club
This is a very popular place for dating, which nevertheless rarely leads to something serious, because the atmosphere in the nightclub is relaxed, frivolous. Of course, in any rule there are exceptions, but the girls themselves do not treat such acquaintances responsibly. Meet and have fun together one evening - this is the maximum that you can count on, getting to know each other in clubs. But as a practice, experience, overcoming embarrassment, this option fits almost perfectly, because the situation has to unconstrained communication.
On the beach
If you have everything in order with the appearance, figure, you feel quite confident in bathing shorts, then the beach is a good place to meet. Girls come there to relax, so do not hurry anywhere - you will have time to think through tactics, take a closer look. A great way is to engage your favorite girl in any kind of beach entertainment, games.
In the shop
Girls love shopping, so getting to know the store is one of the most promising. And there you can get acquainted not only with a spectacular customer, but also with your favorite seller. The latter is much easier to do, as the status of the girl will be forced to talk with you. Ask for help in choosing a shirt or jacket, a perfume for mom as a gift, handbags for your sister.
In public transport
It was once considered a bad form to meet people in transport, however, the situation when you are traveling quite long in front of each other in the metro and look at each other is a great chance to make a new acquaintance. There are almost the same rules as when meeting on the street: a look, the first phrase, interest.
In group classes
An excellent chance to get acquainted with regular classes in groups: for example, sports activities, fitness. You are already united by a common interest - a gym, horse riding, swimming. On the basis of this enthusiasm, you can get acquainted easily and naturally, and there is already a topic for conversation, so you definitely are spared from a painful search, what would interest a stranger.
At public events
Another great way to meet - a concert of your favorite group, a hockey match, a festive event. The atmosphere is relaxed, and the general topic for the conversation is ready - the singer, the music, the team play. Continue this acquaintance will be much easier than the street.
In the theater and at the exhibition
This way of dating is completely forgotten. If you haven't been to the theater for a long time, try it.You will be amazed at how many girls and women there are of all ages and statuses. There are very few men there, which means it will be very easy to file a coat, offer a program, discuss a performance in the intermission in the buffet.
The same applies to art and photo exhibitions. Girls go there, looking at art objects, so it is very easy to approach them and start a conversation about an interesting photo.
At school
In an educational institution (college, institute) to meet the easiest. Especially since you know many girls. This is the same as relationships at work, when people communicate in the same institution every day - making a long acquaintance in such conditions is easier. At the very least, you can come across the subject of your interest every day.
How to look?
Appearance is the first criterion by which we evaluate people. Subsequently it becomes not so important, but at the time of the first acquaintance it is necessary to make a positive impression on the chosen one. If you want to please, you will have to take care of yourself. Be sure to pay attention to your posture, keep straight. Provide care for your teeth and oral cavity, wash your head in time and visit a hairdresser in time. It is not necessary to dress up in an original way, but a tidy look is always a plus when meeting. If you are sloppy dressed, clothes are wrinkled, shoes are dirty - you are unlikely to succeed with the opposite sex.
Learn how to choose the right clothes - this is important not only for women. What shop to choose for this does not matter, but the size is very important. There is no ideal style for dating, however, there are directions that increase the chances of making a favorable impression. First of all, it is casual - free and versatile style. Classic is also good, but not always appropriate. A shirt, a cardigan, a coat, a blazer, chinos are a simple set of things that will make you look modern and dignified.
How to behave?
A humble guy is not enough just to approach the girl, it is important to behave correctly, unobtrusively. First of all, accept the idea that girls are not alien beings, they are the same people as men. Therefore, absolutely no need to jump above the head to please. Of course, there are differences in interests, but this is more of a plus than a minus. First of all, girls love compliments and attentive attitude. Appropriate behavior will be a huge plus. Sincere, a little embarrassed, a smile always works great.
Do not be afraid to appear old-fashioned, letting the girl forward, holding the door, offering to treat coffee - all this is still effective and comfortable. Masculinity and care are the main qualities that conquer women.
What to talk about?
The most difficult thing in acquaintance is that stage when it is necessary to build a dialogue, and practically nothing is known about the girl (it is especially difficult if you are embarrassed). The most effective way is to focus on the interlocutor and give her the opportunity to talk.
If you don't know what to talk about, then the method of active listening will help you out in any situation. You just need to ask more questions about the girl herself - everyone loves to talk about themselves. Ask such questions that your darling will answer nicely, then the acquaintance will certainly be successful.
You can start a dialogue with questions about age, name, occupation. In this case, be sure to introduce yourself and name your age and status. In a conversation, be sure to emphasize the peculiarity of your chosen one - it always causes a positive reaction.
Psychologist tips
Before you get acquainted, you should give the girl the opportunity to consider herself as it should be - hardly anyone will like it if they approach him from the back. A return glance and a smile are a signal to start communication. In addition, follow these tips from psychologists:
- start with a compliment;
- commenting is a great way to keep attention at the initial stage, so be observant: a movie poster is a reason to talk about it or go to the cinema together;
- refrain from templates, try to be non-standard;
- try not to delay the conversation, even if everything goes well - it is better to take a phone number, come to your senses and continue;
- try to get acquainted wherever possible - experience will add you confidence;
- unobtrusive perseverance is the path to success;
- do not portray who you are not: naturalness within the framework of decency is the best way to interest a girl for real, you will not be able to play all your life;
- it is important to have motivation, if you want to meet - you will be able to overcome shyness or fear.
In the next video you are waiting for the ten best phrases for dating a girlfriend.